relaxation BEAUTIUM

5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact relaxation BEAUTIUM

住所 :

Hachiman, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0871 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Miyagi

Hachiman, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒980-0871 Miyagi,Japan
みほ on Google

The skin was removed and smoothed.
m_ m on Google

My head is clean and my whole body is really easy! !
kimi k on Google

いつもヘッドマッサージとカッピングの施術を受けています。 毎回丁寧に施術していただいています。 とてもスッキリするのでおススメです◡̈
I always receive head massage and cupping. We have you treat carefully every time. It is recommended because it is very refreshing.
加藤瑞穂(みーちゃん) on Google

Head massage and eye strain are very effective! The field of view is refreshing! ! If you have trouble with eyestrain, stiffness in your head, or stiff shoulders, please take a look. Recommended ^ _ ^
M T on Google

いつも楽しみにヘッドとカッピングでメンテナンスをしています?ヘッドに関してはゴッドハンドで視界がクリアになり視野も広がりお目々もパッチリ?フェイスラインもスッキリでテンションが上がります? カッピングは、身体がポカポカ温まり睡魔に襲われます?翌日には、身体が軽く楽々になっていてデトックスには最高です✨ 本当に心と身体は繋がっているんだと実感できます? サロンのオーナーさんも素敵でパワーを感じる方なので元気が出ますよ❤️
I always look forward to the maintenance with head and cupping. ? With the god hand, the field of view is clear and the field of view is widened. Cupping warms your body warm and is attacked by a sleeper ? The next day, your body is light and easy, and it is the best for detox ✨ You can really feel that your mind and body are connected ? The owner of the salon is also nice and feels power, so you can feel good ❤️
ray you on Google

定期的に身体のメンテナンスをしていただいてます。施術後は本当に身体が軽く、スッキリします! 子連れでもいつも快く迎え入れてくださり、安全に配慮しながら施術してくださいます。 また、オーナーさんのお人柄もとても素敵で、心も身体も元気になれます。
We have you maintain your body regularly. After treatment, it is really light and refreshing! We will always welcome you even if you have a child, and treat you with safety in mind. In addition, the owner's personality is very nice, and the body and mind are energetic.

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