Ramen restaurant - Yamanashi

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen restaurant

住所 :

379-4 Mitomishimoogihara, Yamanashi, 404-0203, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 404-0203

379-4 Mitomishimoogihara, Yamanashi, 404-0203, Japan
ヒデユキ on Google

The roast pork was delicious. I wonder if the taste is a little strong ?
藤永和彦 on Google

I always passed by at a good speed ?? This time I stopped by properly. As usual, it was crowded and it was difficult to enter on some days, but it seems that the first entry ? was introduced to the old-fashioned ramen shop-like style, local TV ? rather than the cleanliness with the counter and seats in the back and tatami mats in the back. .. I had a bike ramen ?? 1000 yen + medium, and the horse meat was delicious. The noodles were Sano-style and the soup was quite sweet. So I'm sorry, but I added a lot of pepper. Half fried rice with additional birds. The fried rice was so delicious that I will eat it separately next time. By the way, miso taste, I eat well with ?? Kurumaya, so those who like strong taste are not enough,
yotchi i on Google

登山の帰りに来訪です。 自分は炙りチャーシュー(醤油とんこつ)、妻はネギ塩を頂きました。 最初にスープを頂くと同時に、口いっぱいに広がる香ばしい香りと食味。以降は夢中で食べ続け、幸せな気分で完食。 うわさ通り、とても美味しく頂きました。また機会があれば再訪したいと思います。
I'm visiting on the way back from the mountain climbing. I got roasted char siu (soy sauce tonkotsu) and my wife got green onion salt. At the same time as having the soup first, the fragrant aroma and taste that fills your mouth. After that, I continued to eat crazy and finished eating with a happy mood. As rumored, it was very delicious. I would like to visit again if I have the opportunity.
Uまこぼん on Google

Bike ramen with horse meat and bike ?? I was full with a little sweet soup that I couldn't taste anywhere else. The clerk was very friendly ?
hiro 23 on Google

以前 山梨で"巨峰の丘マラソン"に参加した時、泊まった宿の近くにある「中村屋」さんていう中華屋さんです。 中華屋にしては珍しい店名ですが、店主さんが中村さんなのかな? それはおいといて… 笑 写真見ておわかりになるかと思いますが、昼間でもちょっと寂しい周辺が、夜になるとさらに度を増す感じです…ここの灯りがオアシスに見えます✨ 場所や味などの評価云々は食べログでも見ていただくとして、メニューの写真を是非。チャーハンと半チャーハン…この値段の差に違和感を感じるのは自分だけでしょうか(^_^;) 当時行った仲間に『誰か頼んでみてくれ??』ってお願いしましたが、YESの返事をもらえず いまだに謎のままです… 今もこのメニューがあるのか定かではありませんが、どなたか謎を解明してくださる奇特な方いましたら 朗報お待ちしてます✨
When I participated in the "Kyoho Hill Marathon" in Yamanashi before, it was a Chinese restaurant called "Nakamuraya" near the inn where I stayed. It's a rare store name for a Chinese restaurant, but I wonder if the owner is Mr. Nakamura ? It's ok ... lol As you can see from the photo, the surrounding area is a little lonely even in the daytime, but it feels more intense at night ... The lights here look like an oasis. Please take a look at the menu photos, as you can see the evaluation of the place and taste in the tabelog. Fried rice and han charhan ... Is it the only one who feels uncomfortable with this price difference? It's still a mystery ... I'm not sure if this menu is still available, but if anyone has a strange person who can solve the mystery, I'll be waiting for good news ✨
wish2986 on Google

雁坂道の途中にあるラーメン屋さんです(*´∀`)♪ どのラーメンもスープは3種類 選べます。 味噌▪醤油▪醤油トンコツ マスターはイイ男 息子さん?は優しいタイプのイケメンです♪ 美味しいですね!! 時間もたいして 待ちません。 山奥なので 新緑をみたり 紅葉をみたり 他にも楽しめそうです。
It's a ramen shop in the middle of the goose slope (* ´∀`) ♪ You can choose 3 types of soup for each ramen. Miso ▪ Soy sauce ▪ Soy sauce tonkotsu Master is a good man Son? Is a gentle type of handsome guy ♪ delicious! !! I don't wait too long. It's deep in the mountains, so you can enjoy seeing the fresh greenery and the autumn leaves.
きうぴい on Google

チャーシュー麺の味噌(中盛り)をいただきました。 麺の太さや硬さ、スープの味、どれをとっても全体のバランスが良く、自分の好きなタイプのラーメンでした。 チャーシューは、豚さんのバラ肉のチャーシューで、柔らかくて量も申し分なし。 美味しうございました。 星5つにしなかったのは、食べてる途中で、下ろしニンニクをどうしても入れたくなったため。 今度来るときは、下ろしニンニクを持参して、星5つにさせていただきます。
I had miso (medium serving) of char siu noodles. The thickness and hardness of the noodles and the taste of the soup were all well-balanced, and it was my favorite type of ramen. The char siu is pork rib char siu, which is soft and the amount is perfect. It was delicious. I didn't give it 5 stars because I really wanted to add grated garlic while I was eating. When I come next time, I will bring the grated garlic and give it 5 stars.
Marco Verza on Google

Excellent Biker Ramen with Horse meat

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