Ramen Kouya - Aomori

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen Kouya

住所 :

3 Chome-4-12 Midori, Aomori, 030-0845, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877797
Postal code : 030-0845
Webサイト : https://www.facebook.com/soshiebina/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

3 Chome-4-12 Midori, Aomori, 030-0845, Japan
しめさば on Google

潰れたパチンコ屋の敷地内から移転してから始めて訪問しました。 食券での注文で、接客はいい方です。 無料でメンマが食べれました。 駐車場は近くに何台か停めれる場所がありますが、その時はジャスコに停めました。 ヤバイラーメンが美味しかったですが、一緒に行った嫁には味が濃すぎるという意見でした。 基本的に味が濃く、濃すぎる場合に薄めるようの出汁汁?が置いてあります。 個人的な意見としては、リピートまでは至らないかなというところです。 行って不快になるような点はなく、ファンも多いようなので、行ったことない方は一度試してみてはどうでしょうか。
I visited for the first time after moving from the premises of a crushed pachinko parlor. The customer service is good when ordering with a meal ticket. I was able to eat Menma for free. There are several parking lots nearby, but at that time I parked at Jusco. The yabai ramen was delicious, but the opinion was that the taste was too strong for the bride I went with. Basically, the taste is strong, and if it's too strong, it's a soup stock to dilute? Is placed. My personal opinion is that it won't be a repeat. There is nothing that makes you uncomfortable when you go, and it seems that there are many fans, so if you haven't been there, why not give it a try?
らんらん on Google

I ate dried sardines ramen! It's stable, but it was quite salty. I diluted it with split soup and ate it. There was also a free Menma. In terms of quantity, it was a little short, so I'll eat a large serving next time!
KG on Google

青森濃厚煮干しラーメン巡り7店舗目。 煮干しラーメンの清湯ですが、あるブログより一押しだったので伺いました。 で、ブログでお勧めのヤバいラーメンを注文。 ただ何度スープを啜ってみても「アレッ?椎茸?」みたいな味に大根おろしの風味で煮干感は感じませんでした。 濃厚煮干しを連食していたためなのか?
Aomori rich niboshi ramen tour 7th store. It's a boiled and dried ramen, but I asked it because it was recommended by a blog. So, I ordered the recommended ramen on my blog. However, no matter how many times I sipped the soup, I couldn't feel the sardines with the taste like "Are? Shiitake mushrooms?" With the flavor of grated radish. Is it because I was eating a lot of dried sardines?
S龍 on Google

もう安定のうまさ!青森市来たなら是非食べなさい! 味は濃いめです。薄める出汁あり^_^ おいしいメンマ食べ放題
It ’s already stable! If you come to Aomori City, please eat it! The taste is strong. There is soup stock to dilute ^ _ ^ All-you-can-eat delicious Menma
鈴木刀 on Google

煮干しラーメン!頂きました!トッピングは煮卵とネギ!流石に当方には少しスープはしょっぱい?かも知れません 店舗脇に駐車場もあります 入店後は券売機でメインとトッピングを選択できます 是非券売機の前で悩まず、皆さんの評価やコメントを参考に真っ直ぐお買い求めください!
Niboshi ramen! We received! The toppings are boiled eggs and green onions! Is the soup a little salty for me? There may be a parking lot beside the store. After entering the store, you can choose the main and toppings at the ticket vending machine. Don't worry in front of the ticket vending machine, please buy straight with reference to your evaluations and comments!
posh 0206 on Google

駐車場を降りた瞬間から漂う煮干しのいい匂い。 お店に入る前からテンション上がります! 広い店内で家族連れ多数。カウンター席も多いので回転率は速いです。 煮干しラーメン(中)に背脂トッピング、カレー丼もオーダー。 お店で自負するくらいスープしょっぱいです。 割りスープ必要です。 麺とスープが絡み合い、チャーシューもとろけて最高に美味しいラーメン。ずっと食べていたいと思わせる一杯です。 カレー丼もスパイスが効いてこれで250円は安いと思います。 人気店なのがわかりました。
The nice smell of dried sardines that drifts from the moment you get off the parking lot. The tension rises even before you enter the store! Many families in the large store. There are many counter seats, so the turnover rate is fast. We also ordered sardine ramen (medium), backfat topping, and curry bowl. The soup is so salty that you can be proud of it at the restaurant. I need split soup. Noodles and soup are entwined, and the char siu melts and is the most delicious ramen. It's a cup that makes you want to eat forever. The curry bowl is also spicy and I think 250 yen is cheap. I found it to be a popular store.
荒波海波 on Google

朝風呂で日頃の疲れを銭湯で癒し、昼時なのでかねてから友人からも行ってみて言われてので開店と同時に本日来訪。 煮干しチャーシュ麺990円とチャーシュ丼 注文。メンマ食べ放題。店内掲示POPを 見ながらへぇ~??⤴️思いながら3分ほどで着丼。煮干し・椎茸・昆布・塩水で水出ししての掲示板みながら味わい。ん~これまた 私的にそんなに他店と比べても塩味がきつく 感じなかった。朝イチだから煮詰まってなく フレッシュなのかな?と、感じた一杯。 肉もホロホロ満足??✨ご馳走さまでした。
I used a public bath to heal my daily fatigue in the morning bath, and since it was lunchtime, my friend told me to go there, so I visited today at the same time as the store opened. Niboshi char siu noodles 990 yen and char siu bowl Orde. All-you-can-eat Menma. In-store bulletin board POP While watching it ~ ??⤴️ Donburi in about 3 minutes while thinking. Taste while watching the bulletin board with dried sardines, shiitake mushrooms, kelp, and salt water. Hmm, this is also Personally, the saltiness is so strong compared to other stores I didn't feel it. Because it ’s the morning, it ’s not boiled down. Is it fresh? I felt a cup. Meat is also satisfying ??✨ Thank you for your treat.
青森麺- Aomori Ramen - on Google

昔からの安定した美味さではありますが、最近周りのお店が力をつけてきているからか、比べると物足りなさを感じます。 煮卵もチャーシューもいまひとつ。また食べたい!には一歩届かず。
It's a stable taste from the old days, but I feel it's unsatisfactory compared to it, probably because the shops around me have been strengthening it recently. Boiled eggs and char siu are not good enough. I want to eat again! I couldn't reach one step.

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