Rakunan High School - Kyoto

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Contact Rakunan High School

住所 :

559 Tojicho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8478, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 601-8478
Webサイト : https://www.rakunan-h.ed.jp/

559 Tojicho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8478, Japan
チョコえび on Google

正直言って滑り止めで十分な学校。 在学中です。 高校から洛南という形です。 ここでは高校から入る方に向けて… 真面目な子には適切な勉強環境だと思います。 放課後の自習教室貸し出し。先生を呼び出せば気軽に質問に答えてくれ教えていただける。 図書室の質がほかの高校と違う等ですかね。 ただ勉強に不真面目な子に惑わされるような、雰囲気が学校全体にあると正直感じています。 携帯が禁止ですが、大半は持ってきていますし 授業中に触る輩もチラホラ…本当に呆れます。 またチャイムがなっているにもかかわらず席に戻らない輩もおるので心底呆れることもありますが… マナーについて書かれていますが、マナーなどとうの昔に学んでいるだろうという見解を持つ学校ですので、それは生徒一個人の人間性が なっていないだけだと思います。マナーを高校で教えろっていう方がどうかしていると思いますが… 行事が多いのでクラスのみんなでワイワイするにはいい学校ですが、第1志望で受ける必要性は無いと1年経ったこの節目で思いました。 まぁ私も本校を滑り止め受験だったので、昔から思っていたのですが一年経験してみて更に実感したという感じです。 今年入学される方には真面目にコツコツと勉学に励んでほしいと思います。来年受験の方は滑り止めをオススメします。
To be honest, enough school with anti-slip. I am in college. It is in the form of high school to Luknan. For those entering from high school here ... I think that it is an appropriate study environment for serious children. Self-study classroom after school is loaned out. If you call the teacher, feel free to answer the question and let me know. Is the quality of the library different from other high schools? I just feel honest that there is atmosphere in the whole school that seems to be deceived by students who are not serious in their studies. Mobile is prohibited, but I brought most of them Those who touched during the lesson are also chillahora ... I am amazed. There are also some people who do not return to their seats despite the chime being settled, but sometimes they get frustrated at heart ... It is written about manners, but because it is a school with the view that you will learn a long time ago such as manners, it is because the human nature of each student is I think that it is not only. I think that someone who is teaching manners at high school is crazy ... It is a nice school to waiwai with everyone in the class because there are many events, but at this milestone one year passed since I did not need to take on the first aspiration. Well I also thought that I was a slip pretest for the school, so I thought from long ago, but I feel that I experienced it more than a year ago. I would like people who entrance this year to seriously study diligently and study. Those who take the exam next year will recommend slip prevention.
富士原一颯 on Google

ここで 洛南のことを批判してる奴等、 実際に洛南通ったことあるわけ? あと、 マナーとか言ってるけど正味いって マナーが悪いのは一部の人間だけだし 苦情が入ったら、毎朝朝のホームルームで絶対言ってるから こういうことで 色々言うのはおかしいと思う 過去の意思は未来へ受け継がれ、また元の姿へ舞い戻る
here Those who criticize Rakunan, Have you actually been to Rakunan? after, I say manners, but it's net Only some people have bad manners If I get a complaint, I'll definitely say it in my homeroom every morning With this kind of thing I think it's strange to say a lot The intentions of the past are passed on to the future and return to their original form.
永田拓真 on Google

校長先生がやさしい 制服は普通 でも行内が汚い
The principal is kind Uniforms are normal But the inside of the line is dirty
素直な心謙虚な心 on Google

一部の生徒ですが、賢いだけで公共の場でのマナーが悪い。 勉強だけじゃなくて、常識的なことを教えてあげてほしいです。 賢い学校に入って保護者もうかれているのか知らんけど。
Some students have bad manners in public just because they are smart. I want you to teach me not only study but also common sense. I don't know if I'm in a smart school and have parents.
kawada kouichi on Google

学費や立地、合格実績など、洛南高校のHPに記載されている内容は既知とした前提で、関係者としての立場からこの高校の"実情"をお伝えしよう。 ①(アカデミックな教科の)教師について 教師レベルは進学校だけあって、かなり高い位相でまとまとまっている。各々の教科を熟知した教師陣が並び立ち、受験的知識・テクニックだけでなく、分野そのものに対しての深い知慮を有している方がほとんどである。(※) また、教育的倫理観や責任感も持ち合わせている方も多く、生徒からの質問があれば仕事を放り出しても時間を割き、不安定な生徒のケアも熱心に行うなど、彼らは理想的な教師像への到達を既に達成している。恐らく、生徒からの信頼という点では、この学校に勝る学校はないだろう。 そういうわけで、生徒だけでなく保護者の方々にも参考になるような立派な人格の方々であるから、教師陣の点については申し分がないと言えるであろう。 (※)……しかし、いくら優秀な教師陣といえど、大学(准)教授レベルのエキスパートではないから、志高く、大学の分野すら卓越したいと願う生徒群にはやや物足りないかもしれない。 ②学風及び学校内システムについて これについては些かの問題があることは否めない。 この原因は、洛南上層部のオールド・ファッションドの教育理念と考えている。即ち、洛南高校の変革(※)を紡いでこられた世代の方々の多くで上層部が構成されているから、言葉を選ばずに言うと学校運営の根底に蔓延る理念が、古くさいのである。 例えば、電子機器を用いた教育改革が他の進学校とは大幅に遅れをとったり、授業方針や学習指導も旧来のような教科書に基づいた板書型、重箱の隅をつつくような暗記物に長時間かける詰め込み型などをよしとしているようなきらいがある。 ただ、先述した優秀な現場の教師陣の中に、こういった風潮を是正しようという動きがあり、今後解消や改善が見込まれてはいる。 また、洛南高校は東寺の内部に立地する仏教高校であり、週に一度の"宗教"の授業や、月に一度"御影供"といった儀式、幾つかの学年で行われる高野山合宿など仏教に関する行事も度々あるが、いずれも宗教色自体はさほど強くなく、思考を矯正させられるものではない。(実際、在校生にキリスト教や反仏教の人物もいるが、それが咎められたことはない) だが、身装については、ご存知の通り仏教校らしい厳格な規則があり、この点は中々厳しいので、留意しておきたい。 (※)……昭和三十年代から始まった洛南高校の進学校化とそれに伴う厳しい教育理念"と捉え頂ければ問題ない ③生徒について さて、単刀直入に言うと、「男はバカ、女は賢い」 おっとと、男性諸君はそう顔をしかめないで頂きたい。これはちゃんと私が経験してきたことなんだからサァ。 洛南に入学する際の偏差値はご存知の通り男女に差があり、女子は全国最難関の受け入れとなっているが、男子の方は「灘」に比べると些か見劣りする大変どうしようもない集団になっている。(冗談である。実際男女ともに優秀である) 男女共に「努力型」の人間が多く、性格は"表面上"真面目な方が多い。 どういうことかと言うと、頭が良い人が多いためか各々が人生哲学を所持しており、普通に接する分には真面目に見えるが、ある程度付き合ううちに中身はドロッドロに濃厚でユニークであることが判明する。勉強に熱心な生徒や遊びに熱心な生徒、無関心を決め込む変わり者など個性溢れる人材が溢れ、アカデミックな勉学面以外の面の人生勉強についても大層有意義な期間となること間違いなしである。 洛南高校はスポーツ大会や文化祭体育祭、遠足、合宿などの行事が多いが、それに対しても熱量を注ぐ方が多数で、彼らは往々にして行事に取り組んだことを高校時代最高の想い出として胸に留めている。このように、青春らしい生活も歩めるのが特徴的なのかもしれない。 また上記のようなことに熱量を注げない方も当然いる(私自身もそうだった)。しかし、そういう人間にも寛容であり、そういう人間はそういう人間として生きていくことができる。いじめなどは全くない。いじめのない理由は、恐らく難関高だからであろう。高い水準を乗り越えた者が集まるので、自己に自信があり、そして周りを"共闘した人達"として同時にリスペクトできているのではないだろうか。 さて、学生時代を経て手に入れた文脈というのはそののちの人生に大きく影響を与える。そして洛南高校で獲得できる文脈の質は凄く良い。一本一本に輝きと重みがあり、それらで紡がれ悠然とした文脈は艶やかでなめらかである。 「悩める諸君よ、人生の美しさを感じたくはないか?」 Yesと返ってきたら、心からこの学校に入学することを勧める。 長くなったが、この辺で終わりとする。それにしても汚ない文章だなあ。見辛くて申しわけない。
Let's tell you the "actual situation" of this high school from the standpoint of the people concerned, assuming that the contents described on the Rakunan High School website, such as school fees, location, and passing record, are known. ① About teachers (in academic subjects) The teacher level is only advanced school, and it is organized in a fairly high phase. Most of the teachers who are familiar with each subject are lined up and have deep knowledge of the field itself as well as the knowledge and techniques for entrance examinations. (*) In addition, many of them have educational ethics and a sense of responsibility, and if there is a question from a student, they will take time even if they leave the job, and they will enthusiastically care for unstable students, so they are ideal teachers. You have already achieved the arrival of the statue. Perhaps no school is better than this one in terms of student trust. For that reason, it can be said that the teachers are perfect because they have a good personality that can be used as a reference not only for students but also for parents. (*) …… However, no matter how good the teachers are, they are not experts at the university (associate) professor level, so it may be a little unsatisfactory for a group of students who are highly motivated and want to excel even in the field of university. ② About school style and school system It is undeniable that there is a slight problem with this. The cause of this is believed to be the educational philosophy of old fashioned in the upper Rakunan High School. In other words, since the upper management is made up of many of the generations who have spun the transformation (*) of Rakunan High School, the idea that pervades the foundation of school management is old, if you say it in any language. .. For example, educational reforms using electronic devices are far behind other advanced schools, and lesson policies and learning guidance are written on board based on traditional textbooks, and memorization that pokes the corners of heavy boxes for a long time. I don't like the stuffing type that I hang on. However, among the excellent teachers in the field mentioned above, there is a movement to correct this trend, and it is expected to be resolved or improved in the future. Rakunan High School is a Buddhist high school located inside Toji Temple, and is related to Buddhism such as weekly "religion" classes, monthly "Mikage offering" rituals, and Koyasan training camps held in several grades. There are many events, but none of them have a strong religious character and cannot correct their thoughts. (In fact, some current students are Christian or anti-Buddhist, but they have never been blamed.) However, as you know, there are strict rules regarding clothing, which are typical of Buddhist schools, and this point is quite strict, so please keep in mind. (*) …… There is no problem if you can think of it as "the advancement of Rakunan High School that began in the 1955's and the strict educational philosophy that accompanies it." ③ About students Well, to put it straightforwardly, "a man is stupid, a woman is wise." Oops, I hope men don't frown. This is something I've experienced properly. As you know, there is a difference between men and women in the deviation value when entering Rakunan, and girls are accepted as the most difficult in the whole country, but boys are slightly inferior to "Nada". There is no group. (It's a joke. In fact, both men and women are excellent.) Many men and women are "effort-oriented" people, and many are "superficially" serious in character. What this means is that many people are smart, and each of them has a philosophy of life, and although they look serious when they come into contact with them normally, the contents are rich and unique to Drodro. Prove. There are a lot of unique human resources such as students who are enthusiastic about studying, students who are enthusiastic about playing, and strangers who decide indifference, and there is no doubt that it will be a very meaningful period for life study other than academic study. Rakunan High School has many events such as sports festivals, school festivals, sports festivals, excursions, training camps, etc., but many people also devote their energy to them, and they often remember that they worked on the events as the best memory of their high school days. I keep it in my chest. In this way, it may be characteristic that you can live a youthful life. Of course, there are also people who can't devote their energy to the above (as was myself). However, he is tolerant of such human beings, and such human beings can live as such human beings. There is no bullying at all. The reason for not being bullied is probably because of the high difficulty. Since people who have overcome high standards gather, I think they are confident in themselves and can respect others as "people who fought together" at the same time. By the way, the context that I got through my school days has a great influence on my life after that. And the quality of the context that can be obtained at Rakunan High School is very good. Each one has brilliance and weight, and the laid-back context spun by them is glossy and smooth. "Worry, don't you want to feel the beauty of life?" If you get a yes, I sincerely recommend you to enroll in this school. It's been long, but it ends here. Even so, it's a dirty sentence. I'm sorry it's hard to see.
sa se on Google

One-third of the in-house students from the attached junior high school will be doctors, and one-third will be political, economic, or academic "elite."
濵村 on Google

A prestigious private high school in Kyoto. It is adjacent to Toji Temple, which is famous for its five-storied pagoda in the Shingon sect.
Ya Ar on Google

いつも通勤時に見かけますが、他の学校に比べると通学時の様子は良い方だと思いますよ。 様々な方が批判的な意見を投稿されていますが、私は中高生には楽しく過ごして欲しいと思いました。最近ではスマホも許可されたようで親御様も安心して通学させることができ良いと思いました。
I always see it when I commute to work, but I think it looks better when I commute to school than other schools. Various people have posted critical opinions, but I wanted junior and senior high school students to have a good time. Recently, it seems that smartphones have been approved, and I think it's good that parents can go to school with peace of mind.

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