R voice ミュージックスクール

5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact R voice ミュージックスクール

住所 :

Oji, Kita City, 〒114-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト : https://r-voice.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Oji, Kita City, 〒114-0002 Tokyo,Japan

I was not good at producing mixed voices, but with the guidance of the teacher, not only mixed voices but also chest voices and head voices have improved! Thank you!
sumie on Google

From those who want to learn vocals from vocalization in earnest to those who want to sing comfortably as a hobby, it is a classroom where you can take a wide range of lessons according to the needs of students ♪ The process of becoming able to sing songs that you can not sing well is surely valuable I think it will be a good memory.
AKIKO on Google

こちらの教室でアコースティックギターを習い始めて1年半になります。毎回レッスンを楽しみにしています。はじめは娘の付き添いのような感じで一緒にレッスンを受けていて、今は一人で受講しています。 40代後半でギターを始めたので指はむくみ、こわばってしまっていてなかなか上達しないのですが、先生は私のペースを見てレッスンを進めてくださいます。自分の好きな曲でレッスンを受けられるので、今まで聞いてきたいろいろな曲を少しずつ弾けるようになりそれが楽しいです。 レッスンの最後に先生の見本の演奏をスマホの動画で撮らせてくれるので、それをみて復習することができます。クラシックのピアノの教室などではあり得ない方法で初め驚きました。 自粛期間中はzoomを使ったオンラインで受講しました。その時は主にコードの理論を習いこれは教わっておいてよかったと思っています。 音楽を自分で演奏して楽しむことを手助けしてくれる教室です。
It's been a year and a half since I started learning acoustic guitar in this classroom. I look forward to every lesson. At first, I was taking lessons together like a daughter's companion, and now I am taking lessons alone. I started playing the guitar in my late 40s, so my fingers are swollen and stiff, so I can't improve easily, but the teacher will keep an eye on my pace and proceed with the lessons. You can take lessons with your favorite songs, so you can play the various songs you've heard little by little, which is fun. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to take a video of the teacher's sample performance on your smartphone so that you can review it. I was surprised at first in a way that was not possible in a classical piano classroom. During the self-restraint period, I took classes online using zoom. At that time, I mainly learned the theory of chords, and I'm glad I learned this. It is a classroom that helps you to play and enjoy music yourself.
33 GREED on Google

歌を歌うことは元から好きでしたがカラオケで騒ぐ程度。 もっとちゃんと習いたいと思い、近所だったということもあり何となく受けてみました。 実際に受けてみると体の使い方だったり、自分の今までの癖が良くわかり歌の難しさを実感。。 レッスンの内容は基本的な発声から始まり、歌ってみたい曲を決めてフレーズごとに練習します。 上記は私の例で生徒さんの目標に合わせて先生がアレンジしてくれます。 世間で言うボイトレは勝手に硬い印象がありましたが、 先生も非常に親しみやすく、つい世間話に花が咲いてしまうことも笑 自粛で色々大変な時期ですが、新しく何かを始めたい方にはオススメかなと思います。 感染対策もしっかりしているので、大声出してストレス発散にもなりますよ!◎
I've always liked singing songs, but I only make noise at karaoke. I wanted to learn more properly, and because I was in the neighborhood, I somehow accepted it. When I actually received it, I realized how difficult it was to sing because I could understand how to use my body and my habits. .. The content of the lesson starts with basic vocalization, decides the song you want to sing, and practices each phrase. The above is my example and the teacher will arrange it according to the students' goals. I had the impression that the vocal pedagogy is hard on its own, The teacher is also very friendly, and it's also possible that flowers will bloom in small talk. It's a difficult time to refrain from doing things, but I think it's recommended for those who want to start something new. Infection countermeasures are also solid, so you can shout out and release stress! ◎
Yoshinobu Tanaka on Google

もっと高い声を出したい、上手く歌いたい!という思いから、レッスンに通うようになり、3年程経ちます。 毎回のレッスンは、その時の生徒の悩み・コンディションに合わせて下さっていると、感じています。 苦手にしているところはなかなか1回で改善できないこともありますが、レッスン毎に少しずつでも上達していく、自分の歌声が変わることを実感できたときは、何よりも嬉しいです! 先生もとても優しいので、毎回のレッスンが楽しみです! 気になる方は体験レッスンを受けられると、 雰囲気が掴めて良いかと思います!
I want to make a higher voice, I want to sing well! It's been about 3 years since I started taking lessons. I feel that each lesson is tailored to the student's worries and conditions at that time. Sometimes I can't improve what I'm not good at once, but I'm glad when I can feel that my singing voice changes as I improve little by little with each lesson! The teacher is also very kind, so I'm looking forward to every lesson! If you are interested, if you can take a trial lesson, I think it's okay to get a feel for it!
いづみ on Google

月6回前後で通ってますが、めちゃくちゃ楽しいです!(うまくなりたくて、当初申し込んだ4回では足りなくて増やしちゃいました) うまく声が出ないときは、わかりやすく指導してくださるので、できてない自分とできる自分がしっかりわかるので、通うのが楽しみになりました。 社会人になると、自分の成長をこんなに実感できる機会はまずないので、こういった教室に出会えて童心に返って楽しんでます♪ 練習曲は先生から提案してもらった曲の中から選んだり、自分で決めたりしてます。 そろそろ次にいきたいなー、というころに見事心を読まれたかのように、先生が次の曲にいこうか、と提案してくれます⭐︎ カラオケ行って思いっっっきり声出して、気持ちよく歌うのが、コロナ明け後の楽しみです!
I go there about 6 times a month, but it's really fun! (I wanted to get better, so I increased the number of times I originally applied for because it wasn't enough) When I can't make a good voice, he gives me guidance in an easy-to-understand manner, so I can clearly understand what I can't do and what I can do, so I'm looking forward to going there. When I become a member of society, I rarely have the opportunity to experience my own growth, so I enjoy meeting these classrooms and returning to my childhood. I choose the practice songs from the songs suggested by the teacher, or decide for myself. The teacher suggests that I should go to the next song, as if I had read my heart when I wanted to go to the next song ⭐︎ After the corona, I'm looking forward to going to karaoke, singing out loud and singing comfortably!

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