PURE MIND - Kasukabe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

420-1 Shimoyanagi, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0122, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888788
Postal code : 344-0122
Webサイト : http://www.puremind.info/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM

420-1 Shimoyanagi, Kasukabe, Saitama 344-0122, Japan
千夏 on Google

Immediately after I started going to Pure Mind, my mom's friends got beautiful skin! Or did you change your cosmetics? I came to be praised. Recently, I'm glad that people who meet for the first time often say that their skin is young. I haven't been confident in my skin for a long time, but I'm finally starting to feel a little confident and okay.
katagiriina on Google

地域密着型のシミ・しわ専門サロンです。イオンモール内なのでついでに買い物をして帰ることができて有難いですね。立地が良くて助かります。 肝心のシミ抜き効果も私には十分効いています。後は顔に集中したお店な為、普通のマッサージも力加減などが心地良いです。
A community-based salon specializing in spots and wrinkles. It's inside AEON MALL, so I'm grateful to be able to go shopping and go home. The location is good and it helps. The essential stain removal effect is also effective enough for me. After that, it's a shop that concentrates on the face, so it's comfortable to use regular massage.
Shiori Taniguchi on Google

ついでで行ける場所にこういったお店が入っているとありがたいですね~。 何の用事でもいいのでイオンモールに行く用事さえあればついでで通えますし、逆についでで買い物して帰ることもできますから。 エステは毎回安定して気持ちいいです。
I would be grateful if there was such a shop in a place where I could go by the way. It doesn't matter what you do, so if you have a business to go to AEON MALL, you can go there, and on the contrary, you can go shopping and go home. The beauty treatment salon is stable and comfortable every time.
吉川共恵 on Google

ついでで寄れる気軽さとリラックス効果が魅力だと感じました。私の場合ですと、買い物ついでという出かける理由が生まれているのもありがたいです。多分、買い物する場所とこういうお店が別々の場所だったら行くの面倒で止めてたと思うので...。 それほど長くないコース時間というのも個人的に気に入っています。いくら気持ちよくても長すぎると帰りたくなってしまうので...。
I felt that the ease and relaxation effect of being able to stop by was attractive. In my case, I'm grateful that there is a reason to go out for shopping. Probably, if the place to shop and such a shop were different places, I think I would have stopped because it was troublesome to go. I personally like the course time, which is not so long. No matter how comfortable it is, if it's too long, you'll want to go home.
Katsuyuki Maeda on Google

しみのコースを選びました。 本格的なシミケアの前に行われるクレンジングと洗顔がとても丁寧で高印象。 他人にしてもらっているのに一切の不快感が無く、そのまま寝てしまえるくらい気持ちいい洗顔でした。 目を閉じているのでシミケアの時どういう事をされているかは謎のままですが、シミ自体は間違いなく薄くなりました。行ってよかったと思います。
I chose the stain course. The cleansing and face-washing performed before full-scale stain care is very polite and gives a high impression. There was no discomfort even though I had someone else do it, and it was a pleasant face wash that I could just sleep. Since my eyes are closed, what I'm doing during spot care remains a mystery, but the spots themselves have definitely become thinner. I'm glad I went.
ダイゾー on Google

毎度気持ちよく利用させていただいております。接客面、お店の雰囲気、シミ取りの効果、どれを取っても一流です。 変に気を使う必要も無いお店の雰囲気は特にオススメできるポイントです。心までリラックスできます。
I use it comfortably every time. The customer service, the atmosphere of the shop, and the effect of removing stains are all top notch. The atmosphere of the shop, where you don't have to worry about anything strange, is a particularly recommended point. You can relax to your heart's content.
内田晴彦 on Google

1ヶ月集中プログラムで、シミ取りケアに取り組みました。 目元の1番目立つシミが、化粧をしなくても目立たなくなり顔全体のくすみが取れました。 これは正直お値段以上・期待以上の効果です。
We worked on stain removal care in a one-month intensive program. The most noticeable spots around the eyes became less noticeable without makeup, and the dullness of the entire face was removed. To be honest, this is more than the price and more than expected.
オカダアスカ on Google

年齢が肌に出てきたな~と薄々感じ始めている今日この頃・・・やるなら早めにと思って遂にこの手のお店に行き始めた者です。 今のところ気持ちいいフェイスマッサージを受けている感覚です。この気持ちよさに加えて肌老化防止効果が少しでもあるなら・・・ココに通おうかな、という気持ちです。 年齢層的にも行きやすいですし。
Nowadays, I'm starting to feel that my age has come to my skin. I thought it would be early if I did it, and finally started going to this kind of shop. So far, I feel like I'm receiving a pleasant face massage. In addition to this comfort, if there is even a little skin aging prevention effect ... I feel like going here. It's easy to go in terms of age group.

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