ペット保険の「PS保険」- ペットメディカルサポート株式会社

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ペット保険の「PS保険」- ペットメディカルサポート株式会社

住所 :

Akasaka, Minato City, 〒107-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Webサイト : https://pshoken.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–7PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–7PM
Thursday 9:30AM–7PM
Friday 9:30AM–7PM
街 : Tokyo

Akasaka, Minato City, 〒107-0052 Tokyo,Japan
うまうまお on Google

補償範囲と価格のバランスが取れたいい保険だと思います。 年齢による値上がり幅も高くないのでこれから先も安心ができます。 ただ、同じ病気での請求に回数制限があることだけが残念ですが、そこを含めてもいい保険だと思います。
I think it is a good insurance with a good balance between coverage and price. Since the price increase with age is not high, you can rest assured in the future. It's a pity that there is a limit to the number of claims for the same illness, but I think it's a good insurance to include that.
平野康二 on Google

I was worried because it wasn't settled at the counter, but the payment was made immediately within a few days after I made the request. Monthly insurance premiums are also cheap and helpful. You need to be careful if you have a chronic illness because you can go to the hospital up to 20 times for the same injury or illness. It seems that the insurance does not cover illness, so I thought it would be better to cover it even 20 times, so I chose this insurance.
まつかず on Google

ネットからの申込なので手続きが楽だった。(人によっては対面の方がいいとかあるかもしれないけど…) 他の動物保険にはない100%補償プランもあるので、こっちとしても種類が選べて嬉しいと思う。(100%補償にしても他の保険より安かった) まだ加入したばかりなので実際に動物病院で使ったことはないので星4。実際に使って良ければ星5になるかも。 やっぱり保険料が比較的安めの設定なのがありがたい。なるべく病院に行かなくてもいいように飼い主として健康管理はするけど、予期せぬ出来事もあるから、いざという時のために加入するペット保険としてPS保険はいいと思う。
The application was easy because it was an online application. (Some people may prefer to meet each other ...) There is also a 100% compensation plan that other animal insurance does not have, so I'm glad that you can choose the type. (100% compensation was cheaper than other insurances) Since I have just joined, I have never used it at an animal hospital. It may become star 5 if you actually use it. I am thankful that the insurance premiums are relatively cheap. Although health management is carried out mainly as an owner so that it is not necessary to go to the hospital as much as possible, there are also unexpected events, so I think PS insurance is a good pet insurance to join in case of emergency.
竜星(うずたま) on Google

月々3,000円で7割戻ってくるプランに加入してます。 先日、初めて保険金の申請をしたのですが 申請書類が届いてから、返送→振り込みまで 迅速な対応で、とても助かりました! なにより振り込みが完了したとの 書類が送られてきて、その中には 愛犬の体調を気遣うメッセージが 添えられていて、とても感激しました☆ ありがとうございます!
I subscribe to a plan that returns 70% for 3,000 yen monthly. The other day, I applied for insurance for the first time. After the application documents arrive, return → transfer The quick response was very helpful! Above all, the transfer was completed Documents were sent, and some of them A message that cares about your dog's physical condition It was attached and I was very impressed ☆ Thank you!
ka sa on Google

電話対応も問題ありませんでしたし、肝心の入金も申請してから約2週間で振り込まれました。 他の方も記載してますが、振込完了通知には症状を心配する手書きのメッセージもあり驚きました。 他の保険会社との価格比較をし、また保険更新いたします。
There was no problem with telephone correspondence, and the payment was made about two weeks after I applied for the essential deposit. Others have also mentioned it, but I was surprised that there was a handwritten message in the transfer completion notification that worried about the symptoms. We will compare prices with other insurance companies and renew insurance.
ななし on Google

以下、カスタマーサポートで説明を受けた内容を記載します。 「過去に怪我や病気がなくても、保険金の支払いにはすべて審査があり、支払われる保証はありません。」 契約者は必ずお金を支払う義務がありますが 保険会社側に支払い義務はないとのこと。 保険金支払いの審査基準を聞きましたが、開示してませんと言われました。 「保険請求は出来ます。しかし、保険金が支払われるか支払われないかは別の話」だそうです。 いいことばかりが大きくパンフレットにかかれているので騙されるところでした。 パンフレットに書かれている、パテラや歯科治療、ヘルニア、ガンも保証されないことがあります。(加入前に健康体であってもだそうです) また、こちらの保険は 年間通院20万と記載されてますが 正しくは年間ではなく、一疾病につき20万20日までしか支払われません。 ですので、契約期間をまたいでも、金額や日数がリセットされることはありませんのでお気をつけください。 例えばガン治療も、通院20日越えたら、契約更新して年度が変わっても、それ以上支払われません。
The following is the content explained by customer support. "Even if you haven't been injured or ill in the past, all insurance payments are reviewed and there is no guarantee that they will be paid." The contractor is obliged to pay the money The insurance company is not obliged to pay. I heard about the insurance payment screening criteria, but was told that I did not disclose it. "You can claim insurance, but it's a different story whether the insurance is paid or not." I was fooled because all the good things were written in the pamphlet. Patera, dental care, hernias and cancers mentioned in the pamphlets may not be guaranteed. (It seems that even if you are healthy before joining) Also, this insurance is Although it is stated that the annual hospital visit is 200,000 To be correct, you are only paid up to 200,20 days per illness, not annually. Therefore, please be aware that the amount and number of days will not be reset even if you cross the contract period. For example, for cancer treatment, if you go to the hospital for more than 20 days, you will not be paid any more even if you renew your contract and change the year.
y-r. t on Google

保険金の請求について確認したいことがありお電話しました。 ため息をし声からも伝わってくるくらい対応がひどかったです。いろいろ聞きたかったですが終始めんどくさそうなお声だったのですぐに終わらせました。他社から保険を切り替えたばかりですが、元の保険のほうに加入し直すことを検討しています。 他の方もおっしゃっているように電話対応が良い人と悪い人がいるようですね。非常にがっかりです。
I called because I wanted to confirm the insurance claim. The response was so terrible that I could sigh and hear from my voice. I wanted to hear a lot of things, but the voice seemed to be awkward at the beginning, so I ended it immediately. I have just switched insurance from another company, but I am considering re-subscribing to the original insurance. As other people have said, it seems that some people have good telephone support and some have bad telephone support. I am very disappointed.
m taka on Google

プランも金額も満足です! 先日保険金送金完了の手紙が届きました。 中には心温まるメッセージも添えられていて、小さな気遣いが出来る素敵な人が働いているんだなと思いました☺️
I am satisfied with the plan and the amount of money! The other day, I received a letter that the insurance remittance was completed. A heartwarming message was also attached inside, and I thought that a nice person who can take care of small things is working ☺️

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