PSマリノ イオンモール岡崎店 - Okazaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PSマリノ イオンモール岡崎店

住所 :

Tosakicho, Okazaki, 〒444-0840 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 444-0840
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Tosakicho, Okazaki, 〒444-0840 Aichi,Japan
hiroyasu hori on Google

平日なのでゆっくり食べれました。 チーズリゾットはとても美味しかった。 コロナ対策も頑張ってる方だと思います。
It was a weekday so I could eat slowly. The cheese risotto was very delicious. I think that he is also working hard on corona measures.
たかちゃん on Google

ランチで1790円税込だと2000円近いのはあまりたくさん食べられなかったし高いかなって思ってしまいましたが 美味しくていろいろ食べられるのはいいですね
I wondered if it was expensive because I couldn't eat much if it was 1790 yen including tax for lunch and it was close to 2000 yen. It ’s delicious and it ’s nice to be able to eat a lot.
桑鶴紀雄 on Google

I made a reservation according to the opening time, so it was said that I was able to enter the store smoothly. Since I entered first, I could get what I liked, but the next time I went to get it, there were a lot of people and there was no pasta. I attached a fruit buffet and a handmade dolce buffet. All-you-can-eat seasonal fruits and delicious dolce, both delicious and very satisfying. It was good to be able to eat melon at the end.
mimi 愛西 (mimi) on Google

孫と私の誕生会でした ミカンで出来た気熊やバナナのイルカが可愛い❗️ 手のこんだプレートをありがとう
It was my grandson and my birthday party Cute bears and banana dolphins made of oranges ❗️ Thank you for the elaborate plate
Tomo S on Google

日曜日の昼間にフルーツビュッフェ2629円+フリードリンク286円を頂きました。結論から言うと料理、サービスから考えると料金が高過ぎますね。3割安くていいくらいだと思います。 席に案内されてまず気になったのが、テーブルクロスが汚いことです。ガラスが載っているので簡単に交換できないんでしょうが、管理できないならクロスをなくしたほうがよっぽどマシです。机のガラス面はキレイにアルコールで拭かれているのうでした。 料理のパスタはペペロンチーノや具材があまりないトマト、クリーム系で原価安いものばかりです。 フルーツビュッフェと大々的に宣伝している割には、一般的なビュッフェと比べて少し種類多いくらい。味もいたって普通でした。 サラダのレタスは葉をちぎってそのまま提供されており、食べづらい、小さくしてほしい。 私にとっては気遣い足りない残念なお店でした。
I received a fruit buffet of 2629 yen + a free drink of 286 yen during the daytime on Sunday. From the conclusion, the price is too high considering the food and service. I think it's about 30% cheaper. The first thing I noticed when I was guided to my seat was that the tablecloth was dirty. It's hard to replace it because it has glass on it, but if you can't manage it, it's better to eliminate the cloth. The glass surface of the desk seemed to be cleanly wiped with alcohol. The pasta dishes are peperoncino, tomatoes with few ingredients, and cream-based pasta, which are cheap. Although it is widely advertised as a fruit buffet, there are a few more types than a general buffet. The taste was also normal. The lettuce in the salad is served as it is with the leaves torn off, which makes it difficult to eat and I want you to make it smaller. It was a disappointing shop for me.
Tetsuhiro Hatano on Google

また「マリノ」に行っちゃいました(^-^)/ 岡崎イオンモールにもあったんですね~。長久手イオンモールに続いての訪問♪ こちらのお店は愛知県内最東部の「マリノ」さんです。我が家にとっては有難い立地(^^) 店名は「PSマリノ」。同チェーンに多くある「ピッツェリアマリノ」とは少しメニュータイプが異なります。 こちらの「PSマリノ」さんはパスタを含めてオール食べ放題バイキング! パスタも食べ放題だと、トマトソース、クリームソース、オイルベース、何でも選べて嬉しいですね~ ついつい欲張って取りすぎちゃいます(^^; フレッシュフルーツブッフェも人気♪ たくさんフルーツを食べる目的でも利用できそうですね。 何度来ても楽しいお店。最近「マリノ率」高いです(^-^)/
I went to "Marino" again (^-^) / It was also at Okazaki AEON MALL. Visit following Nagakute AEON MALL ♪ This shop is "Marino" in the eastern part of Aichi prefecture. Thank you for my home (^^) The store name is "PS Marino". The menu type is slightly different from the "Pizzeria Marino" that is often found in the same chain. This "PS Marino" is an all-you-can-eat buffet including pasta! If you can eat all-you-can-eat pasta, you can choose tomato sauce, cream sauce, oil base, whatever. I just greedily take too much (^^; Fresh fruit buffet is also popular ♪ It seems that it can also be used for the purpose of eating a lot of fruits. A shop that is fun no matter how many times you come. Recently, the "Marino rate" is high (^-^) /
Bilsã do Prado on Google

Joan Miura on Google

Yummy pizza especially mhargerita

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