Ponporo - Aomori

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ponporo

住所 :

3 Chome-1-4 Midori, Aomori, 030-0845, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 030-0845
Webサイト : http://ponporo.seesaa.net/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–5PM
Sunday 11AM–5PM
Monday 11AM–5PM
Tuesday 11AM–5PM
Wednesday 11AM–5PM
Thursday 11AM–5PM
Friday Closed

3 Chome-1-4 Midori, Aomori, 030-0845, Japan
日本猫 on Google

I heard that the human staff was saying, "At least again, it's awkward" when a little nerdy customer came. The customers had good manners just looking at the cat. . .
はふはふわんもふみけにゃん on Google

道路挟んで北斗燃料さんの向かいに移動しました。 サンロードそばの青銀からまっすぐ進むとあります。車で行く時はお寿司屋の駐車場を利用。残念ながら自動販売機は無くなりました。ステックタイプのインスタントのセルフサービスにかわりました。 時間帯によって猫の動きが変わりますが、生き物なので猫と積極的に遊びたい方はマメに通って猫に顔と匂いを覚えてもらうのがいいですね。 猫に少しならおやつをあげても良いので持ち込んでみてはどうでしょうか。 5月中旬辺りに仔猫が来るので大人猫よりヤンチャで遊びがいがあるかも。
I moved across the road from Hokuto Fuel. Go straight from the bronze near Sun Road. When you go by car, use the parking lot at the sushi restaurant. Unfortunately the vending machine is gone. Replaced stick-type instant self-service. The movement of the cat changes depending on the time of day, but it is a living thing, so if you want to play with the cat actively, it is better to go through the beans and let the cat remember the face and smell. You can give the cat a little snack, so why not bring it with you? A kitten will come around mid-May, so it may be more fun to play with a yancha than an adult cat.
くろしろ on Google

ネコ好きだからわざわざお金払って行くのに肝心のネコたちは上にある台のところから降りてきやしない( ;∀;) バカバカしい。二度と行くか、??? 捕捉 とうとう、お店はつぶれましたね。貸し店舗になっていました。 ネコが降りてこないもん。眺めているだけなら楽しくもないし。
Cats who like cats don't come down from the platform above to pay the money (; ∀;) ridiculous. I'll never go again, ??? capture At last, the store is closed. It was a rental store. The cat doesn't come down. It's not fun just looking.
ふーた on Google

お客無視の最低な店でした。 ドリンクが紙コップの自販機のみなのはまだしも、家族経営なのかレジの女性と猫を構っている中年女性がプライベートな話をしてるだけ。 こちらから猫について質問してみたりと、初めての猫カフェだったのに気を使いまくりで疲れました。 もう行くことは無いです。
It was the lowest store neglected by customers. The drink is only a paper cup vending machine, but it's only family-run or middle-aged women who care for a cashier and a cat who are talking privately. When I asked a question about cats from here, I was tired of using it and thinking that it was the first cat cafe. I will never go there.
ぴ“岡村”て on Google

Cats are very cute, but the attitude of the clerks is not very good. The shop clerk monopolized the cat and went after seeing a word of mouth like that, but I was convinced that it was (laugh) The customer talked loudly without any care, the cat was monopolized, this was playing with the cat Staring silently, it was quite uncomfortable. The friend said that the moment he entered the entrance, he looked inside and thought he was doing a religion seminar.
ソリスト人生の on Google

キャスト猫はホステスでないので、猫から愛想を振り撒きません。 馴れた知人の家猫ではないのを前提に行きましょう。 気まぐれな猫の興味を如何に引き付け、楽しく遊ばせられるかが肝。 基本保護猫が主なので、自宅にお迎えしたい猫がいればスタッフに相談しましょう。 初見で抱く、撫でるは困難なので、回数を重ねることが肝要。 先ずは、子猫達と多種用意された「猫じゃらし」で沢山遊びましょう。
Cast cats aren't hostesses, so they don't sprinkle amiability on them. Let's assume that you are not a familiar acquaintance's domestic cat. The key is how to attract the interest of capricious cats and make them enjoyable to play. Basically protected cats are the main, so if you have a cat you want to pick up at home, talk to the staff. It is difficult to hold and stroke at first sight, so it is important to repeat the number of times. First of all, let's play a lot with the kittens in the "Cat Jarashi" prepared in various ways.
on Google

常連です。 「猫カフェぽんぽろ」は子猫~2歳以下の若い猫が多いです。 そのため、抱っこや撫でられるのが苦手で、よく動き回る猫が多いのも特徴ですね。 無理に捕まえようとせず、おもちゃでよく動き回れるように遊んであげると喜んでくれるでしょう! ちなみにこちらはお客さんとの交流よりも「猫の自由」を尊重していますね。 シャイな猫はキャットウォークの上でじっとして降りてこないこともありますし、ケージの中で寝ていることもあります。 そんな時は猫に触らせないように徹底されていますので、とにかく猫と遊びたい!触りたい!という人には向いていません。 お金を払ったのに猫が来ないという方のコメントを多く見かけました。 初めて見る人たちに警戒心をすぐとかというのは猫たちに取ってかなりのストレスだと思います。 わたしも初めは同じことを思っていた側ですが、何回もいくにつれて猫たちに顔を覚えてもらいそばによってくるようになりました。 お金払ってるのにと、 怒る前に見知らぬ人に手を伸ばされて大きな声を出されてびっくりしている猫たちの気持ちも考えてください。 店の人の態度が悪いというコメントもありましたね それは、たびたび猫にしつこくしているお客様がいたのと、おもちゃを持って追いかけ回す子供たちが何度もいたからです。 あくまでも保護をして里親を探す過程としてお店を経営なさっています。 そこをご理解の上、お店に来ていただけると幸いです。
I'm a regular. "Cat Cafe Ponporo" has many kittens to young cats under 2 years old. Therefore, I am not good at hugging and stroking, and it is also a feature that many cats move around often. Don't try to catch it, but play with toys so that you can move around a lot and you'll be happy! By the way, this respects "cat freedom" rather than interaction with customers. Shy cats may not come down on the catwalk, or they may sleep in cages. In such a case, we are careful not to let the cat touch it, so I just want to play with the cat! I want to touch! It is not suitable for those who say. I saw many comments from people who paid for it but didn't get a cat. I think it's a lot of stress for cats to be alert to those who see it for the first time. At first, I was thinking about the same thing, but as I went on, I got the cats to remember their faces and came by soba. Even though I'm paying Think about the feelings of cats who are surprised when they reach out to a stranger and make a loud voice before they get angry. There was also a comment that the store people had a bad attitude. That's because there were customers who were often obsessed with cats, and there were many children who chased around with toys. We run the store as a process of protecting and finding foster parents. We would appreciate it if you could come to the store after understanding that.
こぐまちゃん on Google

時間潰しに初めていきました。 お金の割にドリンクは市販のスティックのみ。 店員さんが猫と戯れてるのを見てる感じ。 高い勉強代でした。 もう行きません
I went to kill time for the first time. Drinks are only commercially available sticks for the money. It's like watching a clerk play with a cat. It was a high study fee. I won't go anymore

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