快活CLUB 青森観光通り店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 快活CLUB 青森観光通り店

住所 :

Uramachi, 〒030-0842 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Webサイト : https://www.kaikatsu.jp/shop/detail/20111.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Aomori

Uramachi, 〒030-0842 Aomori,Japan
mstk A on Google

青森県唯一の快活クラブです。 こちらの店舗は、全国の快活クラブの中でも珍しいと思われる、ブース席は全て個室鍵付きタイプです。 しかも、料金は他店の通常のブース席と同じ価格なのでお得感があります。 また、シャワー、朝食サービスもあるので、青森県内で泊まるならオススメの店舗です。 1つ難点を挙げるとしたら、個室内での店内のドリンクやソフトクリーム等の飲食ができない点です。持参した飲み物や飲食物は良いようです。
Aomori Prefecture's only lively club. This store is thought to be rare among cheerful clubs nationwide, and all booth seats are private room type. Moreover, the price is the same as the normal booth seats at other stores, so you can get a good deal. Also, there is a shower and breakfast service, so it is recommended if you stay in Aomori Prefecture. One difficulty is that you can't eat or drink in-store drinks or soft ice cream. The drinks and food you brought seem to be good.
Y W on Google

That's great. I can not beat the competition so far, Necafe of the level. There is a free shower, laundry, and the room is larger than a regular Necafe by the automatic lock of a door like an apartment. Outlet, USB power supply, all-you-can-eat morning. Yes 5 stars.
Kohei “Caffee” Sasaki on Google

マンガの品揃えは普通か。個室が完全個室でセキュリティもしっかりしている。ただ、警察の指導があったとはいえ、ドリンクバーやソフトクリームを部屋へ持っていけないのは不便に感じるところ(店内で買ったお菓子や持ち込み品を除く)。 追記:フルフラットシートやマッサージシート等が新設されたので不便な部分は解消されました。
Is the assortment of manga normal? The private room is completely private and the security is solid. However, despite the police guidance, it is inconvenient not to bring a drink bar or soft serve ice cream to the room (except for sweets and items brought in at the store). Postscript: Inconvenient parts have been eliminated because full flat sheets and massage sheets have been newly installed.
冴島 on Google

The iTunes version was old and unusable, and the PCs are only available with low-spec PCs. I would like you to improve it a little more.
Isono鮪朗 on Google

Newly opened in 2019.7 months. There is a soundproof private room, but let's think that it has only the effect of silence. The next snoring and alarm sounds perfectly. Free breakfast? ? What is bread! And fries! ! It seems like that! ! ! . Thank you very much (laughs)
ロックオンストラトス on Google

全国の快活クラブに行ってます。無料シャワーもこまめに掃除しているし店員さんは一生懸命だと思います。 しかし、オープン席は無法地帯で、漫画喫茶のマナーを知らない人が多く、席で携帯で話したり、大声で会話するグループがいたり、、、 青森に漫画喫茶が少ないので、改善されるには時間がかかるでしょうね。
I go to lively clubs nationwide. Free showers are often cleaned and I think the clerk is working hard. However, the open seats are lawless and there are many people who do not know the manners of manga cafes. Since Aomori has few manga cafes, it will take some time to improve.
なおさん on Google

サイクリングがてら朝の無料朝食と無料シャワーを目掛けて行ったりしています。 シャワー上がりのジュースやソフトクリームは格別です! カフェブースならかなりリーズナブルな価格で利用できるので重宝してます。 何度か来ていますが、ここでマンガは読んだことないかもしれません笑
After cycling, I go for a free breakfast and a free shower in the morning. Juice and soft serve ice cream after the shower are exceptional! The cafe booth is useful because it can be used at a fairly reasonable price. I've been there several times, but I may not have read manga here lol
Hiro (ひろひろ) on Google

The parking lot behind the store is small, so I had a hard time getting in and out of a slightly larger car. The reception is on the 2nd floor, and I think the inside of the store is a standard size, but at first glance I searched for a seat somewhere.

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