Poem - Kobe

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Poem

住所 :

POEM BLD. 2 Chome-4-19 Shinoharahonmachi, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0067, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 657-0067

POEM BLD. 2 Chome-4-19 Shinoharahonmachi, Nada Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 657-0067, Japan
E KATAYAMA on Google

六甲の中ではコスパ1番のパン屋さんだと思います。 パン生地もふんわり、パイ生地はさっくり。 黒豆やあんなどの具材は100円台では考えられないぎっしり中身入っています。 美味しいので、お土産にも買います。 隣のブースにケーキや焼き菓子も販売しています。こちらもあっさり系のケーキでお土産に喜ばれます
I think it is the best bakery in Rokko. The bread dough is soft and the pie dough is refreshing. Ingredients such as black beans and bean paste are packed tightly, which is unthinkable in the 100 yen range. It's delicious, so I buy it as a souvenir. Cakes and baked goods are also sold at the next booth. This is also a light cake that will make you happy as a souvenir.
Mこうべ on Google

I went there almost at the same time as the store opened, but it was a bit disappointing because it didn't feel like it was freshly baked.
進撃リリ on Google

近所なのでよく買いに言っております。味はそこそこ美味しいですが、小ぶりなサイズなのにお高めです。 1番気になるのはコロナ渦なのにむき出しのパンが陳列され続けている事です。 個包装も勿論されてませんしパーテーションもありません。子供がマスクなしで至近距離で咳やくしゃみをし、飛沫がパンにかかってるので対策をして欲しいところです。他のパン屋さんは個包装にしたり、ミスドもショーケースにしてりしてます。購入後袋に入れて下さるので感染対策のため最初から袋に入れておいて欲しい。
I often buy it because it is a neighborhood. The taste is reasonably good, but it's expensive despite its small size. The most worrisome thing is that the bare bread continues to be displayed even though it is a corona vortex. Of course, it is not individually wrapped and there is no partition. My child coughs and sneezes at close range without a mask, and the droplets are on the bread, so I would like you to take measures. Other bakeries use individual wrapping and Mister Donut as a showcase. It will be put in a bag after purchase, so please put it in a bag from the beginning to prevent infection.
ちゅんちゅんまきな on Google

主に販売しているのはケーキとパン。焼き菓子とソフトクリームもあります。 変わった商品もあり、個人的には何度も通いたいお店です。 ごまたまパンとスイートバターロールを購入しました。 ・ごまたまパン…もっちり生地に胡麻アンと白玉が入ってます ・スイートバターロール…さつまいもペーストとバターが挟まれてます。少し温めると罪深い味になります
We mainly sell cakes and bread. There are also baked goods and soft serve ice cream. There are some unusual products, and I personally want to go there many times. I happened to buy bread and sweet butter rolls. ・ Gomatama bread ... Sesame seeds and shiratama are included in the dough. ・ Sweet butter roll: Sweet potato paste and butter are sandwiched between them. If you warm it up a little, it will taste sinful.
愛犬ネコ on Google

Cream buns are my favorite, but I think the price and taste have changed due to the soaring prices of raw materials and the corona damage. It's a difficult world, but I want you to do your best!
Victorine聖佳 on Google

学生時代から利用させていただいています。父はこちらのお店のお菓子が気に入り、 機会ある度によくお土産を 買って来てくれていました。 私もよく学生時代から利用させて いただいていました。 神戸を離れてからなかなか立ち寄る 機会が減ってしまいましたが、 今回は食パンを購入しました。 友達のひとりはこちらのパンが 1番のお気に入りで、以前から よく勧めてくれていました。 いただいてみると パン生地の硬さ加減がちょうどよく 風味もgood!です。 夫も気に入って「美味しい〜」と 言いながら一気に食しておりました。
I have been using it since I was a student. My dad loves the sweets in this shop I often buy souvenirs whenever I have a chance He bought it for me. I often use it since I was a student I had it. It's hard to stop by after leaving Kobe Opportunities have decreased, I bought bread this time. One of my friends has this bread It ’s my number one favorite, and I ’ve always been He often recommended me. When you try The hardness of the bread dough is just right The flavor is also good! My husband also liked it and said "It's delicious" I was eating at once while saying.
Keith Alverson on Google

Japanese style bakery. Soft white breads plain or with sweet and savory fillings. No seating (except small table for two out front).
James Coleman (japaneur) on Google

This is a great little bakery. I think this location makes the bread and pastries for a little satellite location next to the Hankyu Rokko train station. They are always closed on Tuesdays.

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