本屋 Plateau Books

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本屋 Plateau Books

住所 :

Hakusan, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0001 Tokyo,Japan

Webサイト : https://plateau-books.com/
街 : Tokyo

Hakusan, Bunkyo City, 〒112-0001 Tokyo,Japan
mana cat on Google

店内で注文したコーヒーを楽しみながら、店内の本を試し読みできます。 面白かったらその場でご購入も可能。 コーヒーも豆から挽いて本格的で、ケニアの酸味の少ない飲みやすいコーヒーがチョイスされているなど、かなりこだわっています。 本も様々なジャンルが販売されており、非常にセンスの良いものが多くて、見ていて飽きません。 自分にぴったりの本が見付かるかも!? 基本的に金土日の営業なので、日曜日にくると「金曜日まで待ち遠しいので購入して帰ります!」とガンガン購入されているお客さんが多くて、確かにゴールデンウィーク中だし、読書が捗りそうですね。 私も、コーヒーとは別に試し読みしてお気に入りになった書籍を購入しました。
You can try out the book in the shop while enjoying the coffee you ordered in the shop. If it is interesting, you can purchase it on the spot. The coffee is also full-fledged from beans, so it's quite astounding that Kenya's low-acid, easy-to-drink coffee is a choice. Books are also sold in various genres, there are many things that are very good sense, do not get tired of looking. You may find a book that suits you! ? Basically, it is a business on Fridays and Sundays, so when it comes on Sunday, there are many customers who are purchasing cancer because they can not wait until Friday and return! This is indeed during Golden Week, and reading is likely to progress. I also tried reading separately from coffee and purchased a favorite book.
-- on Google

A fashionable book cafe that suddenly appears in a multi-tenant building in Hakusan. Good selection of books such as travel, miscellaneous goods, and architecture. There were few choices for baked goods, probably because of the time. You can spend a quiet time. The rough layout that overlooks suits the atmosphere of the building.
mary requiem on Google

果実店canvasさんの内装を手がけた東京建築PLUSさんが運営する建築事務所兼本屋兼カフェスペース 当然このお店の内装も手がけ、古いオフィスビルの鉄筋コンクリートの風合いを活かした無機質な空間に木の温もりをプラスする最近の流行りのスタイル 新刊の選書中心の本屋はこの手の本屋では品揃えが豊富でディスプレイも見やすくおしゃれ 巨大なテーブルに8席程ですが椅子に座りながら読書したり、飲み物と長野県から送られる焼き菓子を楽しめます 本屋に溶け込むようにさり気なくギャラリーコーナーもあって色んなニーズに対応 カフェ担当されてた女性が物腰柔らかく優しい接客なのも好印象 流通の関係で期待してたスコーンを今回たべられなかったので、次回こそはいただきたいです
An architectural office, bookstore and cafe space operated by Tokyo Tatemono PLUS, who worked on the interior of the fruit store canvas. Of course, the interior of this shop is also handled, and the trend of the recent fashion is to add warmth of wood to an inorganic space that makes use of the reinforced concrete texture of an old office building. The bookstore that mainly focuses on newly selected books is a bookstore of this kind, with a wide selection of items and a display that is easy to read and stylish About 8 seats on a huge table, you can read while sitting on a chair, enjoy drinks and baked goods sent from Nagano Prefecture There is also a gallery corner casually as if it fits into a bookstore and responds to various needs It is also a good impression that the woman in charge of the cafe is a soft and gentle customer service I couldn't eat the scones I was expecting due to distribution this time, so I would like to have it next time
namfon on Google

I like the feeling that the entrance is confusing and hideaway. There are lots of interesting books and it's fun! The quiet and calm atmosphere is good. The coffee was also delicious.
Yoshihiro Mita on Google

カフェのような本屋、本屋のようなカフェ 気分でどちらも楽しめる場所です。 厳選された本は、日常の景色を拡張してくれるキッカケを与えてくれます。近くにある小石川植物園とセットで訪れると尚、素敵な一日になるのではないでょうか。
Bookstore like a cafe, cafe like a bookstore It's a place where you can enjoy both depending on your mood. The carefully selected books give a lucrative effect that expands the scenery of everyday life. If you visit the nearby Koishikawa Botanical Garden as a set, it will be a wonderful day.
Editor-in-chief of CLIP'CLIP on Google

コーヒーを飲みながら、店内にある新刊から中古までの本を自由に読むことができます。 おいしそうな焼き菓子もあるから、小腹がすいても大丈夫!! 静かで居心地のよいブックカフェを探しているなら、ここは自身をもっておすすめできます。
You can freely read books from new books to used books in the store while drinking coffee. There are some baked sweets that look delicious, so it's okay if you're hungry! !! If you're looking for a quiet and cozy book cafe, this is the place to go.
T K on Google

■総評 大変居心地の良いブックカフェでした 2021年7月日曜利用 アイスコーヒー500円を注文 クッキーが付いてくるのが嬉しいですね。 本もセンスの良いものが揃っています 長居してしまいました 読書
■ Overview It was a very cozy book cafe Used on Sunday, July 2021 Order iced coffee 500 yen I'm glad that the cookies are included. Books are also available with good taste I have stayed for a long time reading
* nine on Google

建築・設計事務所の運営する週末本屋。ちょうどいい居心地の本屋&カフェ。コロナの影響で短時間しか滞在できないのが残念。 白山駅A1出口より3分程度。いい感じの裏道にあります。 日曜日12:30頃訪問。先客1組。10席しかない模様。蔓延防止が解除された今でも、カフェ利用は1時間とのこと。 健康茶のバラ甜茶にクッキー付きで500円。バラ甜茶はご案内どおり癖はそこまでなく、甘かったです。クレジットカードやPayPayなども使えます。 大きい窓に白いカーテンがかかっており、植物と本のある素敵空間。そんなに広くはないですが、ちょうどいい大きさ。選書もいい感じです◎食、小説、建築、地球問題やジェンダーについてなどなど、色々ありました。音楽の音量や周りのザワザワ感も気になりません。wifiや電源はなし。 兼業ということもあって、営業日と時間が少ないですね。混雑はしてませんでした。本を少し読んで、パラパラめくって買おうか悩んでたらあっという間に1時間。泣く泣く帰宅。 1時間制限と考えるとドリンク高めなので、1時間制限が解除されたらまた来たいです。
A weekend bookstore run by an architectural firm. A bookstore and cafe with just the right amount of comfort. It is a pity that I can only stay for a short time due to the influence of Corona. About 3 minutes from Hakusan Station Exit A1. It's on a nice back road. Visited around 12:30 on Sunday. One pair of first customers. It seems that there are only 10 seats. Even now that the spread prevention has been lifted, the cafe can only be used for an hour. Healthy tea rose tea with cookies for 500 yen. As you were informed, the rose tea had no habit and was sweet. You can also use credit cards and PayPay. A nice space with plants and books, with white curtains on the large windows. It's not that big, but it's just the right size. The selection of books is also good ◎ There were various things such as food, novels, architecture, global issues and gender. I don't care about the volume of the music or the feeling of rustling around me. No wifi or power supply. There are few business days and hours because it is a side job. It wasn't crowded. After reading a little book and wondering if I should buy it, it's an hour in no time. I'm crying and crying home. Drinks are expensive considering the one-hour limit, so I would like to come again when the one-hour limit is lifted.

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