Pizza Hut - Hirosaki

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pizza Hut

住所 :

3 Chome-1-9 Takada, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8084, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 036-8084
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
Description : Family-friendly chain known for its made-to-order pizzas.

3 Chome-1-9 Takada, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8084, Japan
もとグルメ on Google

This is a pizza delivery/takeout specialty store. The price has been getting cheaper recently.
板垣秀秋 on Google

Is it frustrating to have a part-time job that you go to regularly but are not used to?
Popping on Google

仙台で食べた時は美味しかったのですが、ここのピザ?は美味しくなかった…? 作り方は同じなんでしょうか…?
It was delicious when I ate it in Sendai, but the pizza here ? wasn't delicious ... ? Is it the same way to make it ... ?
ちーちゃん先生 on Google

It's convenient to order online (^^) d The female clerk who brought it is also cheerful and cheerful (^^) d
路地裏の濃い人 on Google

接客態度が最悪? レジ前に立って待ってたのに目が合っても無視なスタッフ、レジ打ちさえまともにできないスタッフ、見かねてやれやれとばかりに出て来るスタッフ、久々に怒鳴ってやろうかと思った。 この店は正直店頭販売はやらない方がいいと思う。 この会社はどこの店もこうなんだろうなぁ?
Worst customer service ? The staff who stood in front of the cash register and waited, but ignored the eyes, the staff who couldn't even hit the cash register, the staff who came out just to see it, I thought I'd yell at them for the first time in a while. To be honest, I think it's best not to sell this store over-the-counter. I wonder if this company is like this in every store ?
れのん on Google

持ち帰り50%offにつられ、初めてアプリで注文し、初めてピザハットに買いに行きました。 年の離れた妹とワクワクしながらピザを取りに行きました。 そしたら店員は若い初心者?らしき人ばかりでレジの対応もイマイチで、ちゃんと出来るのかと不安に思いながら会計をしました。 案の定(?)会計のときにミスがあり、別の同じ苗字の方の伝票で1度支払いをさせられました。こちらが支払い終わってからではありますが気づけたから良かったものの、クレジットカードでの支払いだったので現金での返金作業とは違い難しかったのかもしれませんが、返金作業もしっかりと出来ているのかよくわからないような状況で、此方としては合っているのか間違っているのか返金に関してのレシートも何もかもないのでわからず腑に落ちない気持ちではありましたがピザを楽しみにしていた妹もいたので取り敢えず正しい支払いをもう一度して、終わりました。 そして、少し話は変わりますがピザを楽しみにしていた妹ではありましたが、ピザハットの作業していた方々が手袋もせず、素手でピザをベタベタと触り、そしてその手でストップウォッチのようなものや、その他のものを触り、触った後に手も洗わずにまた生地を触っているのをみて、幼いながらも「汚い、今コロナも流行ってるのに。手袋しなきゃいけないんだよ、あのピザ菌だらけだ」と言ってとても嫌がっていました。私は支払いについての疑問を解消する為にそちらは見ていなかったのですが妹に言われてみてみると確かにそうでした。衛生的にどうかと思いました…。 商品を受け取って帰ってからも、ピザの良い匂いはしているものの買いに行った時のワクワク感等プラスの感情はもうなく、不快感、嫌悪感等負の感情だけが残りました。 そして、次の日。 やはり返金作業は出来ていなかった様で、支払ったぶんを現金で返金したいと電話がありました。その時も頼りない(多分新人さんかと思います)方からのお電話で要件も分かりにくく、ろくに謝罪の言葉もなく、腹はたちましたがお金は受け取らないといけないので仕方なく受け取りに行きました。返金はてっきり新人さんではないもう少ししっかりとした対応ができる方が対応して下さる物だと思い、その時にしっかりとお話をしたら良いと思っていたらその対応も新人さんで….。返金のときにレシートも何も無いものですから何を間違えて、いくら返金されるのが正しいのかもハッキリとせず、対応も謝罪の言葉はなく只只お金を用意され、渡され、最後も謝罪の言葉はなく「ありがとうございました」でした。 受け取りに来てくれてのありがとうですか、?商品を買ってくれてありがとうですか、? 何に対してのありがとうですか、? そして謝罪は何処へ行ったのですか? 謝罪もない、お詫びの品もない、確認できるレシートもない。 無いものだらけで怒りを通り越し呆れました。 真逆ピザハットさんのような大手のお店でこの様な対応をされるとは思ってもいませんでした。 とても不快でした、 私と妹がピザと共にあの日持ち帰ったものは、不快感、嫌悪感、苛立ち、良くないことに対する疑問など全てピザを頼んだ時には想像もしていなかった抱きたくもない感情です。 皆さんはその様にならない事を祈り、そして、ピザハットさんの対応が適切(?)、お客側が不快感などを抱かないように向上して頂けることを期待します。
With 50% off takeaway, I ordered with the app for the first time and went to Pizza Hut for the first time. I went to get pizza with excitement with my younger sister who was a year away. Then, the clerk was only a young beginner ?, and the cashier was not good at handling it, so I was worried that I could do it properly. Sure enough (?) I made a mistake during accounting and was forced to pay once with another slip with the same surname. Although it was good because I noticed that this was after the payment was completed, it may have been difficult to refund with cash because it was a payment with a credit card, but I wonder if the refund work is done well. In a situation where I don't know, I didn't know if it was right or wrong for me because I didn't have any receipts regarding refunds, so I didn't feel like it, but my sister was looking forward to pizza, so I paid correctly for the time being. I did it again and it was over. And, to change the story a little, my sister was looking forward to pizza, but the people who worked on Pizza Hut touched the pizza with bare hands without gloves, and with that hand it was like a stopwatch. And when I touched something else and saw that I was touching the dough again without washing my hands after touching it, even though I was young, "Dirty, corona is also popular now. I have to wear gloves, that pizza It's full of fungi, "and I hated it very much. I didn't look there to answer my doubts about payments, but when my sister told me it was. I wondered if it was hygienic ... Even after I received the product, I smelled good pizza, but there were no more positive feelings such as excitement when I went to buy it, and only negative feelings such as discomfort and disgust remained. And the next day. After all it seems that the refund work was not done, and there was a phone call that I wanted to refund the amount I paid in cash. Even at that time, the requirements were difficult to understand by phone from an unreliable person (probably a newcomer), there was no apology, and I was angry, but I had to receive the money, so I had no choice but to pick it up. .. I think that refunds are not for newcomers, but for those who can respond a little more firmly, and if I think that I should talk firmly at that time, the correspondence is also for newcomers. Since there is no receipt at the time of refund, it is not clear what was wrong and how much the refund is correct, there is no word of apology for the response, just money is prepared, handed over, and the last apology There was no word and it was "Thank you." Thank you for coming to pick it up? Thank you for buying the item? What are you thankful for? And where did the apology go? There is no apology, no apology, no confirmation receipt. I was amazed by the anger that was full of nothing. I didn't expect that a major store like Pizza Hut would do this. It was very unpleasant, What I and my sister brought back with pizza that day were all the unpleasant feelings, disgust, irritation, and doubts about bad things that I had never imagined when I asked for pizza. I pray that this will not happen, and I hope that Pizza Hut's response will be appropriate (?) And that the customer will not feel any discomfort.
tomato on Google

期間限定のお持ち帰りピザ全品50%OFFに惹かれ、休日の夜にテイクアウトさせていただきました。 今回対応してくださった女性スタッフの方は、お隣のケンタッキーと同様にとても雰囲気が良かったのが印象的です。あまりにも好印象でしたので、お会計の際におすすめしてもらったオリジナルの辛味ソース(グリーンチリソース)も追加購入してしまいました。 どのピザもとっても美味しくいただきました、ごちそうさまでした。
I was attracted to 50% off all takeaway pizzas for a limited time and took out on a holiday night. It is impressive that the female staff who responded this time had a very nice atmosphere like Kentucky next door. I was so impressed that I bought an additional original spicy sauce (green chili sauce) that was recommended at the time of checkout. Every pizza was delicious, it was a feast.
ひそらさん on Google

I want you to put the menu not only in front of the cash register but also in the seats. Some guys aren't on the leaflets ... it was a little inconvenient.

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