パソコン修理+サポートのPCレスキュー - Kawasaki

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パソコン修理+サポートのPCレスキュー

住所 :

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 216-0033
Webサイト : http://www.micro-cyber.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Miyazaki, Miyamae Ward, Kawasaki, 〒216-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
Ya Mi on Google

星5では足りないくらい素晴らしかったです。 電話した時間が閉店間際の18時半、お邪魔したのが19時近くだったのにも関わらず、即日で修理してくださいました。 目の前で分解・解説・修理までこなす姿は、まさに"職人"です。 遠方に住んでいても、交通費と時間を割いてでもお願いする価値は大いにあります。 電話のときはぶっきらぼうな印象が少しありましたが、対面ではとてもフランクな方でした。 知識は大変豊富で、もはや異次元レベル。 修理が一通り終わったのは21時近くで、深い時間までお付き合いしてくださいました。 時折くだけた話もできたのでいい雰囲気の中、時間が過ぎていくばかりでした。 また何かあったら絶対にここにお願いするつもりです。 ありがとうございました!
It was so wonderful that 5 stars wasn't enough. The time I called was 18:30, just before the store closed, and even though I was in the way near 19:00, he repaired it on the same day. The figure that handles disassembly, commentary, and repair in front of you is truly a "craftsman." Whether you live far away or spend some time and money on transportation, it's well worth the request. When I was on the phone, I had a slight impression of being blunt, but when I met him, he was a very frank person. Knowledge is very abundant, and it is no longer a different dimension. The repairs were completed around 21:00, and he stayed with me until a deep time. I was able to talk only occasionally, so the time just passed in a nice atmosphere. If anything happens again, I will definitely ask here. Thank you very much!
a a on Google

古いパソコンが起動しなくなり困り果ててた所、ご縁いただいたPCレスキュー屋さんです。自己紹介の欄で技術力の高さを書かれていて、まさに大当たりでした。 数時間以上にわたって目の前で作業してくださってありがとうございます。丁寧に細かく原因箇所の説明もいただいて、大変助かりました。また何かありましたらぜひ利用したいです。
This is a PC rescue shop that I was associated with when my old computer stopped working and I was in trouble. In the self-introduction column, the high level of technical ability was written, and it was a big hit. Thank you for working in front of me for over a few hours. It was very helpful to have a detailed explanation of the cause. If there is anything else, I definitely want to use it.
Ma on Google

ノートパソコンの調子が悪いな……と思いつつ使い続け、ある時ついに電源を入れてもディスプレイがつかない、電源もすぐ落ちてしまう、という状況に陥り、ネットで調べていたところたどり着いた修理屋さんです。 パソコンはど素人の私ですが、目の前で説明しながら解体してくださって、とても親切で安心しました。 壊れたらメーカーか販売店に修理をお願いするしかないと思っていましたが、こちらは電話後、持ち込みその場で見て頂け、費用も安く済んだので、時間も費用も節約でき、本当に良かったと思います。 パソコンについてもいろいろ教えてくださいました。 また何かあれば是非お願いしたいと思います。
I continued to use my laptop thinking that it wasn't working well ... and at one point I fell into a situation where the display didn't turn on even when I turned it on, and the power turned off immediately, so I searched online and found a repair shop. Mr. is. Although I am an amateur, I was very kind and relieved that the computer was disassembled while explaining it in front of me. I thought that if it broke, I had to ask the manufacturer or the dealer to repair it, but after calling, I could bring it in and see it on the spot, and the cost was low, so I was really happy that I could save time and money. think. He also taught me a lot about personal computers. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
Determination on Google

PCのHDDが故障し、かなりダメなパターンだったのでダメ元で依頼しましたが、無事にデータを取り出すことができました(※写真1)。 目の前で作業を見ていましたが(※写真2)、信じ難いほどの抜きん出た技術者です。 丁寧に問題解決の手順と、根拠に基づいた明確な説明をしてくださり、話も分かりやすかったです。 料金も明らかにリーズナブルでした。断言できます。 信頼性が高く、ここまでの優秀で優良なパソコン修理業者を他で探す事は恐らく不可能ですので、是が非でもおすすめします。
HDD of the PC broke down, it was a pretty useless pattern so we requested it at the original bad, but I was able to retrieve the data safely (* Photo 1). I was watching the work in front of you (* Photo 2), but it is a truly outstanding engineer. We carefully gave a clear explanation based on the problem-solving procedure and grounds, and the story was easy to understand. The price was reasonably reasonable. You can declare it. Highly reliable, it is probably impossible to search for an excellent and good PC repair agent so far, so we recommend that you do not do it.
Carl ryutarou on Google

z420ありがとうございました? メモリを64gbにしてグラボもゲーム用にして使っています。 丁寧に説明していただけたので難なく増設できました。
z420 Thank you ? I set the memory to 64gb and use Gravo for games. I was able to add it without difficulty because I was able to explain it carefully.
tadahiro katsumoto on Google

かなり割安に感じた。作業内容は他の方も書いておられる通り安心感のあるものでした。最初はデータ復旧のみお願いしようかと思っていましたが、PCの修復もお願いしました。結果、購入時よりも快適な状態になりました。 次回も是非利用させていただきたいと思います。
I felt it was quite cheap. The work content was reassuring as others wrote. At first, I was thinking of asking only for data recovery, but I also asked for PC repair. As a result, it is more comfortable than when it was purchased. I would like to use it again next time.
sugar satou on Google

I was in trouble because the OS didn't start up, but not only did he get rid of it during the day, but I also received a mouse and headphones as a bonus. Furthermore, it was very helpful to keep the wages unchanged, to migrate data, improve operability, and set up pc and Microsoft. I was able to spend the waiting time without difficulty because he taught me various things when repairing. This was my first time to use it, but I would like to take care of it when it breaks down next time.
ケンボー on Google

立ち上がらなくなり、持ち込んだら一目見て修理開始。即日修理で安価に新品時より高スペックにして下さる。パソコンに無知だから危うく新品にする所だった。値段以上の様々なサービスをして下さる。 チェーン店のパソコン修理屋より早く・安価で値段以上のサービス。行って良かった。修理中の会話も知識の豊富さが凄いです。
I couldn't stand up, and when I brought it in, I started repairing it at a glance. It will be repaired on the same day at a low price and will have higher specifications than when it was new. I was ignorant of my computer, so I was about to make a new one. They offer various services that are more than the price. Service that is faster, cheaper, and more expensive than a PC repair shop at a chain store. It was good to go. The conversation during repairs is also very knowledgeable.

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