PC Classroom Aviva Ikebukuro School - Toshima City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PC Classroom Aviva Ikebukuro School

住所 :

西池袋パークフロントビル 6階 3 Chome-1-13 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 171-0021
Webサイト : http://www.aviva.co.jp/search/ikebukuro.html

西池袋パークフロントビル 6階 3 Chome-1-13 Nishiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0021, Japan
杉本あきひこ on Google

皆さんとても親切です。授業でわからないことには最後まで丁寧に教えてくれます。 また、月に一度カウンセリングがあり、進捗状況を確認しながら、無駄のない計画も一緒に考えてくれるため安心して毎月授業を受けられます。 パソコン初心者の方でも簡単に上達できるようになりますよ。
Everyone is very kind. If you don't understand something in class, it will teach you carefully until the end. In addition, there is counseling once a month, and you can take classes every month with peace of mind because you can check the progress and come up with a lean plan together. Even beginners of personal computers will be able to improve easily.
Anko music on Google

I was planning to take MOS in a short period of time, but it was easy to talk to, and I was very glad that he kindly and politely told me what I didn't understand and what I wanted to check.
Taishi Appy on Google

当初はパソコンスキルだけアップすればよいと考えていました。しかし、アビバは期待をはるかに上回ってきました。 個々の心理タイプ、能力に応じた的確な指導に加え、一人一人に寄り添いながら親身になって一緒にプランや目標等を考えてくださります。 PCにとどまらず、日常会話や相談事でも何でも聞いてくださります。 試験に合格して資格を取った際には、自分のことのように喜んでくださりました。とてもうれしく、通って本当に良かったと思いました。 スタッフは誰一人として見捨てないと思います。そんな姿に感銘を受け、パソコン以外で生き方なども勉強になっています。 また、教室内はとてもきれいで清潔感があり、社員はしっかりと教育されているなぁという印象を抱きます。挨拶や何気ない一言などが僕にとってはとても心地よいです。 ここではいろいろなことが学べる場所だと思います。パソコンを人生を豊かにするためのツールとするためにも、是非一度足を踏み入れてみてはどうでしょうか。必ず結果はついてきます。
Initially, I thought it would be better to improve only computer skills. But Aviva has far exceeded expectations. In addition to providing accurate guidance according to each individual's psychological type and ability, he/she will work closely with each other to think about plans, goals, etc. together. Not only on PC but also on daily conversation and consultation. When I passed the exam and got a qualification, I was as happy as I was. I was very happy and thought that it was really good to pass. I think no one of the staff will abandon them. I was impressed by such a figure, and I am learning how to live without using a computer. Also, the classroom is very clean and clean, and I have the impression that employees are well educated. Greetings and casual words are very comfortable for me. I think this is a place where you can learn various things. Why don't you step into a PC to make it a tool for enriching your life? Be sure to come with the results.
春菜西尾 on Google

皆さんとても丁寧に教えてくださいます。 パソコン初心者の方でも使いこなせるようになります。 是非一度体験だけでも来てみてください。
Please tell me very politely. Even beginners of personal computers will be able to use it. Please come and experience it once.
希望太郎 on Google

I was self-taught on a computer and it didn't improve at all, so I decided to go to a computer class somewhere, and as a result of several cases, I asked Aviva, but it was very difficult. I understand that the enthusiasm for personal computers is declining. However, the expectations of the teachers are not perfect, and I am tired of my daily efforts and am stuck. I want to do as good as I can.
川久保博史(KAWAKUBO Hiroshi) on Google

You can learn in a very easy-to-understand manner with careful guidance from the beginning. I am studying Illustrator and Photoshop, but thanks to you, I was able to pass the Certify Photoshop Skills Certification Standard Exam in one go.
nonako catwalk on Google

最初に学校を検索する時に仕事場の近くがよかったので池袋で検索し何件かヒットした中で聞いたことのある学校だったのでとりあえず話を聞く軽い感じで行ってみました。 試験合格までの流れはこんな感じでした! ・個人の希望を聞いてもらうカウンセリング ・希望に沿った授業カリキュラムの提案 ・授業料の相談 ・授業中の親切なサポート ・授業内容の起動修正 ・講師の方々の年齢層が幅広く色んな世代の方も受けやすい環境である ・講師の方がとても親切でフレンドリーで親しみやすい ・少人数なので勉強しやすい環境 ・教室が明るく綺麗で気持ちが良い ・教材がテキスト、動画とあり復習、予習ができ時間短縮できる ・進行状況中に起動修正の提案あり ・現状の弱点など目標に向けてのアドバイス ・パソコンの購入サポート ・目標クリアするための前向きな言葉がけでプラス思考に変えられる 全部を説明するとかなりの文字数になるのであえて箇条書きにしました。 私はメールの送受信ができる程度でした。 就活にパソコンのスキルは必須なので通うことにしました。 初心者あるあるで何がわからないのかわからないレベルの私でしたがそんな私に講師の皆さんは本当に親身に寄り添ってくれたので無事試験にも合格できました! わからないことを流せない性格でかなりの質問魔の私にもとても丁寧に対応してくれて本当に感謝しています。 一番のお薦めポイントは常に前向きな言葉をかけてくれてくれるので試験に受かりそうではなく不安な気持ちもプラス思考に変換できた点です。 認めてくれることが少しでもあり実際に言葉にしてもらうと頑張れると思うのです。それを後押ししてくれるような接し方は自分の今後の人生にも見習いたいと感じました。 ☆4つなのはあえて言うなら料金がもう少しリーズナブルだとよかったという点のみです。 骨折、病気での重なる手術で個人的に出費が重なっていたのでそう感じただけなので授業内容に対しては適切な価格設定だと感じます。 もっとリーズナブルな学校もありましたが特にほぼ初心者の方には本当にお薦めしたいです。 授業が終了する時はもうしばらく来れなくなると思うと少し寂しかったです。 次の新しい授業をまた受けたいと思っています。 もしどの学校か悩んでいる方がいたらとりあえず話を聞くだけでも行って講師の方々、雰囲気などみるだけでもお薦めです!(^_-)-☆
When I first searched for a school, it was nice to be near my workplace, so I searched in Ikebukuro and found that it was a school I had heard from several hits, so I went with a light feeling to listen to the story for the time being. The process of passing the exam was like this! ・ Counseling to hear individual wishes ・ Proposal of a lesson curriculum that meets your wishes ・ Consultation of tuition fees ・ Kind support during class ・ Correction of start-up of lesson contents ・ It is an environment that is easy for teachers of all ages to receive. ・ The instructor is very kind, friendly and friendly ・ Environment that is easy to study because of the small number of people ・ The classroom is bright, clean and comfortable ・ There are textbooks and videos as teaching materials, so you can review and prepare for lessons and save time. ・ Proposal for startup correction during progress ・ Advice for goals such as current weaknesses ・ PC purchase support ・ You can change to positive thinking with positive words to clear your goals. If you explain everything, it will be a considerable number of characters, so I made it a bullet point. I was only able to send and receive emails. I decided to go because computer skills are essential for job hunting. I was a beginner and I didn't know what I was doing, but the instructors were so close to me that I was able to pass the exam safely! I have a personality that I can't tell what I don't understand, and I'm really grateful to me for responding very politely to me as a demon. The most recommended point is that he always speaks positive words, so I was not likely to pass the exam and I was able to convert my anxiety into positive thinking. There is a little bit of recognition, and I think I can do my best if I actually put it into words. I felt that I would like to emulate the way of dealing that supports it in my future life. ☆ The only four points are that I should have said that the price was a little more reasonable. I personally had to spend a lot of money on multiple surgeries due to fractures and illnesses, so I just felt that way, so I feel that the price is appropriate for the lesson content. There were more reasonable schools, but I really recommend it to most beginners. I was a little lonely when I thought I wouldn't be able to come for a while when the class was over. I would like to take the next new class again. If you are worried about which school you are in, it is recommended to just listen to the story and see the instructors and atmosphere! (^ _-)-☆
K on Google

以前別のパソコン教室に通い続かず挫折したのですが、資格とPCを扱う自信がほしいなと、続くかなと思いつつちょっとお試しの気持ちで通い始めました。 先生方との距離が近く、私を含め一人ひとりに授業や面談で向き合い、忙しい中でも隔てなく明るく話してくださる優しい方が多い。 校舎に通う方も皆さん熱心に向上していこうとしている方ばかりです。 最初に身をゆだねて始めてみて、挫折の心配なくそれからずっとお世話になっています。自分の頑張ろうとする気持ちも必要ですが、モチベーションが下がることなく不安がなくなるほどのサポートをしてくださっている方々がいるのは確かです。だから資格もたくさん取り就職など今後に繋げられました。 迷うなら飛び込むべき。環境と人がいいから頑張れる。欠点ってあるのかなと。ありがとうございます。
I was frustrated because I couldn't continue to attend another computer class before, but I wanted to have the qualifications and confidence to handle the computer, so I started attending with a little trial feeling, thinking that I would continue. There are many kind people who are close to the teachers, face each other including myself in classes and interviews, and talk brightly without any gaps even when they are busy. All the people who go to the school building are enthusiastically trying to improve. I've been indebted to myself first, and I've been indebted since then without worrying about frustration. It is necessary to have the desire to do your best, but it is certain that there are people who support me so much that my motivation does not drop and my anxiety disappears. That's why I got a lot of qualifications and got a job in the future. If you get lost, you should jump in. I can do my best because the environment and people are good. I wonder if there are any drawbacks. thank you.

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