patisserie VERT CLAIR(ヴェールクレール)

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact patisserie VERT CLAIR(ヴェールクレール)

住所 :

Toyoda, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8027 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト :
街 : Shizuoka

Toyoda, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8027 Shizuoka,Japan
うどん on Google

Each one is carefully made and the taste is delicious. I wonder if I'm focusing on cream. It's about 500 yen. The cake was beautiful and tasted good, but I was scared of the unfriendly clerk, so it's ☆ 4.
summer 02 on Google

久しぶりに美味しいケーキ屋さん見つけました。また行きたいお店です。 キャラメルノアとアリバ、スゴく美味しかったです。
I found a delicious cake shop for the first time in a long time. This is the shop I want to visit again. Caramel Noah and Ariba were amazingly delicious.
t gucci on Google

狭いながらも空いててゆっくりケーキを食べれました。 ケーキの種類が多くて500円以下でセットドリンクは300円でコスパ的に悪くないと思います。 モンブランを頼む人が多くて、甘さの中に栗の渋みがあり、おいしかったです。
Although it was small, it was free and I could eat cake slowly. There are many kinds of cakes and it is less than 500 yen, and the set drink is 300 yen. There were many people who asked for Mont Blanc, and there was a chestnut astringency in the sweetness and it was delicious.
とまひと on Google

静岡市ではキルフェボンしか利用した事がなく、新規開拓でこちらのお店を訪れました。ケーキは400円のものが多く、時期的なのか、チョコ系が多かったです。 いつも2、3個食べれるのですが、こちらのは重くて1個もキツく、見た目だけかとガッカリしました。 でも飲み物を変えれば?と思い、いつも何でも緑茶なのですが、コーヒーにしたら、めちゃ美味しかったです。 こちらのケーキのお供はブラックコーヒーをお勧めします!
I have only used Qu'il faitbon in Shizuoka City, so I visited this shop for new development. Most of the cakes were 400 yen, and most of them were chocolate-based, probably because of the season. I can always eat a few, but this one is heavy and hard, and I was disappointed that it only looked. But what if I change the drink? I always thought that everything was green tea, but when I made coffee, it was really delicious. Black coffee is recommended to accompany this cake!
Ker Joe on Google

静岡市の友人の誕生日の時に、Googleマップで見つけたこのお店に行ってみました。 皆様の評価も高く、知らない土地だけどここならば… と思い来てみましたが、接客も店内の明るい雰囲気、 ケーキの飾り付け、全ていいお店だと思いました。 ケーキだけでなくジャムやチョコレートなども 販売されており、買うものに迷う。 実際食べてみたら美味しかった! いいお店だと思います!
I went to this shop I found on Google Maps on my friend's birthday in Shizuoka. It ’s highly appreciated by everyone and it ’s a land I do n’t know. I thought, but the customer service is also a bright atmosphere in the store, I thought it was a good shop with cake decorating. Not only cake but also jam and chocolate We are sold and are at a loss for what to buy. I actually tried it and it was delicious! I think it's a good shop!
nt rg on Google

まず、ケーキが一つ間違っていた。 似た名前のケーキがあったようで、こちらは指を差しながらケーキの名前を言ったが、名前をメモに取り、その後ショーケースから取る時にお間違えになったようだ。当然箱詰めしたあとにこちらでよろしいですか、的に確認をしてもらったと思うが、初めて来た店でパッと見では気づかなかった。この点についてはこちら側にも非はあると思う。 家に帰ってきて、あれ1番楽しみにしてたやつがない…とかなりテンションが下がりました。お値段もそこまで安くはないので、これくらいのお味なら多少上乗せしてホテルのケーキを食べます。
First, one cake was wrong. There seemed to be a cake with a similar name, and he said the name of the cake while pointing his finger, but it seems that he made a mistake when he took a note of the name and then took it from the showcase. Of course, after packing it in a box, I think I was asked to confirm it here, but I didn't notice it at first glance at the store I visited for the first time. I think there is something wrong with this point. When I came home, I wasn't the one I was looking forward to the most ... and I was really nervous. The price is not so cheap, so if it tastes like this, I will add a little and eat the hotel cake.
mini Panda on Google

I think cakes, macaroons, baked goods, etc. are all delicious, but personally, chocolate with red pepper is exquisitely delicious. It was my first time to receive it in return for White Day, but I couldn't forget the taste and bought it myself. It is irresistible for pepper lovers.
Noriyuki Matsuda on Google


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