Patisserie Puzzle - Toyota

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Patisserie Puzzle

住所 :

7 Chome-1-7 Asahimachi, Toyota, Aichi 471-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 471-0031
Webサイト :

7 Chome-1-7 Asahimachi, Toyota, Aichi 471-0031, Japan
雄介 on Google

イラストデコレーションのクォリティが高いです 子供の誕生日ケーキはいつもここで頼んでいます
The quality of illustration decoration is high I always ask here for my child's birthday cake
cot ton on Google

I went there for the first time after being told that my seniors at work are my favorites. It was a little difficult to enter the parking lot. The cake was less sweet and delicious, but I wish there were more types.
あか on Google

朝10時の開店で行きましたが、ショートケーキとモンブランとガトーショコラ?しかなかったです。。他の種類は今から出ますか?と聞いたら、11時とか12時ごろですとバッサリ言われてしまいました( ; ; )もう行くことはないと思います。
I went there at 10am, but shortcake, Mont Blanc and Gateau chocolate? There was only. .. Will other types come out now? When I heard that, I was told that it was around 11 or 12 o'clock (;;) I don't think I'll go anymore.
みみも on Google

保冷剤をいれてくれないお店です。 家までどのくらいかときかれたから40分くらいと答えた。 ほかのケーキ屋さんならそれに見合った保冷剤いれてくれるけど なぜ時間をきいたのかも謎 いれてないならいれないで教えてくれればこちらも対策とれるのに 梱包も雑で仕切りにいれた厚紙はケーキに突き刺さっていた。 チョコレートのケーキだから溶けていた とけていたので正しい味の判断はできないけど 別に特別美味しいわけでもなかったので二度と行かない
It is a shop that does not add ice packs. I answered that it was about 40 minutes because I was able to get home. Other cake shops will put in the appropriate ice pack, It's also a mystery why I took the time If you don't put it in, don't put it in The packing was also rough and the cardboard in the partition was stuck in the cake. It was a chocolate cake so it melted I can't judge the correct taste because it was melted It wasn't particularly delicious, so I won't go there again
hikobosi光雄 on Google

『パティスリー パズル』店名だけ見るとどんなお店か分からないけど、見た通りのお店でケーキ?さんです?? 店内には飲食スペースが有ったが、緊急事態宣言が発出後イートインスペースは閉鎖されてました? 緊急事態宣言が解除され、コロナ感染者が減少に成れば、イートインスペースの再開も有ると思います? 初めての来店でのケーキ?の購入、一口食べて感じたのは、甘さ控えめの大人が気にいる様な味でした? 私も大変気にいりました?
"Patisserie Puzzle" You can't tell what kind of store it is by looking at the store name, but it's a cake ?-san at the store you saw ?? There was a space for eating and drinking in the store, but the eat-in space was closed after the state of emergency was issued ? If the state of emergency is lifted and the number of people infected with corona is reduced, I think there will be a resumption of eat-in space ? When I first visited the store, I bought a cake ?, and when I ate a bite, I felt that it tasted like an adult with a modest sweetness ? I also liked it very much ?
N A on Google

キャラクターケーキのクオリティがとにかくすごいです、、毎年子供がすごく喜ぶので引っ越して遠くなってしまいましたが今年もこちらにお世話になる予定です(*^^*) 生クリームの甘さが大人が食べやすい甘さですのでおすすめです♪
The quality of the character cake is amazing. Recommended because the sweetness of the cream is sweet for adults to eat ♪
Misokusikatu Nt on Google

上手な似顔絵ケーキを、作っていただきました。子供達大喜び。 こうしてケーキ好きに、なりますね。(笑)ごちそうさまでした。
I had you make a good caricature cake. Children are overjoyed. In this way, you will love cakes. (Laughs) Thank you for your feast.
sabo bosa on Google

【再口コミ】お値段はちょっとお高めですが、スポンジのキメが細かく、生クリームは甘さ控えめで自分好みです。 食前・食間・食後のどのタイミングでも食べられるケーキだと思います。
[Re-word of mouth] The price is a little high, but the texture of the sponge is fine, and the fresh cream is modest in sweetness and I like it. I think it's a cake that can be eaten before, between, and after meals.

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