Paseos - Odawara

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Paseos

住所 :

72-1 Nakazone, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0866, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 250-0866
Webサイト :

72-1 Nakazone, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0866, Japan
せきたまりこ on Google

I went to the store closing, so I couldn't buy what I wanted.
うめ on Google

There are bargains and standard items that are not found in rival stores, so you can't remove them from the patrol.
Аюми on Google

普段のエクササイズに使えるスポーツウェアが充実しています。 レディースが中心ですが、メンズの色々な服もあります。 ちなみに店の近くの交差点は危険な感じがするので、車で行くたびに注意して進入しています。
We have a wide range of sportswear that can be used for everyday exercise. Mostly ladies, but there are also various men's clothing. By the way, the intersection near the store feels dangerous, so be careful every time you drive.
高橋裕幸 on Google

富水駅東口から徒歩8分県道717号線上り(中曽根交差点)近く タオルとマスクをまとめ買いしました。 プレゼント用に包装して下さいと定員に言うと箱を使わないで真空パックにして包装してあまり綺麗では無い
8 minutes on foot from Tomizu Station East Exit Near prefectural road Route 717 (Nakasone intersection) I bought a towel and mask all together. It's not so beautiful when you say to the capacity that you should wrap it for a gift, instead of using a box, it is vacuum packed
北条うぢやす on Google

It's easy to see, the customer's popularity is not so low, the customers of S in the neighborhood felt sticky, you can shop comfortably
ヤシの木りんご on Google

It's next to Zen Clinic, so I often go to the waiting time. There is also a create inside, which is convenient.
高瀬杏子 on Google

インナーを買ったとき、透けるとちょっと困りますよね。他のもので隠せれば別に気になりませんけど。 いろんなお店に行きましたけど、レジ袋を二重にして透け防止してくれたのは、ここの店員の方が初めてです! 最高の気遣いに、お得に買い物できた以上の嬉しさがありました! 他店の店員さんもぜひやってほしい!
When you buy an inner, it's a bit of a problem if it's transparent. It doesn't matter if you can hide it with something else. I went to various stores, but the clerk here is the first to double the plastic shopping bag to prevent see-through! The best care was that I was more than happy to be able to shop at a great price! I want the clerk of other stores to do it too!
Hadano香草 on Google

2021.04.28(水) 広い店内で婦人、子供、紳士のカジュアルから下着まで幅広く販売されていて買い物がしやすいです。 同じ建物内にクリエイトの併設されていて幅広く利用することが出来てとても便利です。
2021.04.28 (Wednesday) The large store sells a wide range of items from casual women's, children's and gentlemen's underwear, making it easy to shop. It is very convenient because it has a create in the same building and can be used widely.

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