しんあいペイント - Odawara

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact しんあいペイント

住所 :

Horinouchi, Odawara, 〒250-0853 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 250-0853
Webサイト : https://www.nurishin.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Horinouchi, Odawara, 〒250-0853 Kanagawa,Japan
山本克裕 on Google

It was a very beautiful job. We had you work with peace of mind from scaffold setting to brush painting.
戌社長鵜一 on Google

Thanks to thorough groundwork and waterproofing before painting, we can continue to live with peace of mind.
山下三郎 on Google

勉強熱心でお客様目線な社長です! 安心してお任せ出来ますよ〜!
He is a president who is enthusiastic about studying and looking at customers! You can leave it to us with confidence!
相馬純 on Google

The attitude of the president pursuing technological capabilities was impressive. If you are considering painting in Odawara, please feel free to contact us! !!
シミズユウイチロウ on Google

片山社長は、国内でも数少ない最難関資格のISO標準(ノルウェー王国・国際免許)表面処理検査員の認定を取得しています。お取引先の施工業者様ですが、社長さんの誠実で勉強熱心な性格と仕事に対する姿勢がとても素晴らしいと思います。 また現場でも会社でもスタッフの方々が元気な挨拶をしてくれます。とても気持ちが良いです。丁寧な施工に繋がります。 私が仕事を依頼するなら、やはり丁寧で誠実な良い会社に依頼したいと思います。おススメの施工業者様です。
President Katayama has obtained the ISO standard (Kingdom of Norway / International Driving Permit) surface treatment inspector certification, which is one of the few most difficult qualifications in Japan. I am a contractor of a business partner, but I think that the president's sincere and enthusiastic personality and attitude toward work are very wonderful. In addition, the staff will give a lively greeting at the site and at the company. It feels very good. It leads to careful construction. If I ask for a job, I would like to ask a good company that is polite and sincere. It is a recommended contractor.
m h on Google

This is the person who requested the repainting of the house three years ago. It's been a long time since the new construction, and I was having trouble with leaks, but I found Mr. Katayama's company on the Internet and requested it from the leak construction. The first impression was that I felt that the response was wonderful even though I was young. I was able to fix it partially, but it seemed that other places wouldn't work anymore, so I had to have it completely repaired. I'm glad you asked for the inspection as well. I should have reviewed it earlier and opened it. Thank you for your continued support.
山本諭 on Google

この度は屋外塗装でお世話になりありがとうございました。職人さんの丁寧なお仕事と、とてもきれいな仕上がりに満足してます。途中の経過も分かりやすく説明して下さって安心して作業をお任せすることができました。 次もまたお願いしたくなるような熱心な社長をはじめ職人さんでした。本当に家族みんなが満足してます。有り難うございました。
Thank you for taking care of the outdoor painting. I am satisfied with the polite work of the craftsmen and the very beautiful finish. I was able to leave the work to me with confidence because he explained the progress in an easy-to-understand manner. Next time, he was an enthusiastic president and other craftsmen who would like to ask again. The whole family is really happy. Thank you.
lily S on Google

この度は大変お世話になりました。 想像以上の素晴らしい仕上がりに、家族一同感動しております。ご近所さんからもたくさんのお褒めの言葉を頂きました。新築のように生まれ変わった我が家を大切にしていきたいと思います。 片山さんをはじめ、スタッフの皆様には感謝してもしきれません。 誠実な対応、近隣のお宅への配慮、丁寧な仕事、お人柄、どれをとっても非の打ち所がありません。信頼のおける眞愛さんに出会えて本当に良かったです。 初めての外壁塗装でしたので、分からないことばかりでした。親切に様々なことを教えていただき、非常に勉強になりました。施工中の約1ヶ月半は一生忘れることのできない、充実した楽しい時間でした。 どうもありがとうございました!今後とも宜しくお願い致します(^^)
Thank you very much for your help this time. The whole family is impressed by the wonderful finish beyond imagination. We received many compliments from our neighbors. I would like to cherish my home, which has been reborn like a new building. I cannot thank Mr. Katayama and all the staff. Sincere response, consideration for neighboring homes, polite work, personality, all are impeccable. It was really nice to meet a reliable Makoto-san. It was my first time painting the exterior wall, so I didn't know much about it. It was a great learning experience for me to kindly teach me various things. About a month and a half during the construction was a fulfilling and enjoyable time that I will never forget. Thank you very much! Thank you for your continued support (^^)

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