3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact PANYA ASHIYA 丸亀店

住所 :

Iinocho Nishibun, Marugame, 〒763-0086 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Webサイト :
街 : Kagawa

Iinocho Nishibun, Marugame, 〒763-0086 Kagawa,Japan
uno pump on Google

イーストの匂いがキツすぎてとても食べられたものではありませんでした。 この味で店舗を増やされたと思わないので、何かのミス(発酵不足や材料の計量ミス等?)があったのでは無いかと思います。 ただ、オープンして間もないこの時期に、このような商品を出すのは致命的なのかなと。 正直言ってリピートは無いでしょう。。。
The smell of yeast was too tight to eat very much. I don't think the store has been increased with this taste, so I think there may have been some mistakes (insufficient fermentation, wrong measurement of ingredients, etc.). However, is it crucial to launch such a product at this time just after opening? To be honest, there will be no repeat. . .
レオバルピピ on Google

プレミアムを1本購入。普段食パンを絶対に生で食べない私でもペロリとおかわりしてまう美味しさ。 2日目以降の食べ方もあるとのこと。 電話対応もよく、また買いにいきます。
Purchase one premium. Even if I never eat raw bread, I'm going to replace it with perry. There is also a way to eat after the second day. Phone correspondence is good and goes to buy again.
旨いもの俺にまかせ on Google

I bought two kinds of bread and tried it, but the flavor was not enough. If you can bring out the original flavor of wheat and finish it after the butter flavor and umami, it will be a product that suits the price.
a c on Google

店員さんの爪が長くてゴテゴテ。髪も丸出しで、帽子等の頭髪カバーなし。食品店として私は生理的に無理でした。 味は値段相当、好みによりますが美味しい。でもこれなら高級路線じゃなくても近隣パン店のお高めライン食パンを選びます。
The clerk's nails are long and rugged. The hair is also bare, and there is no hair cover such as a hat. As a food store, I was physiologically impossible. The taste is equivalent to the price, and it depends on your taste, but it is delicious. But in this case, even if it is not a luxury line, I will choose a high-end line bread from a nearby bakery store.
月モモ on Google

パンの耳まで柔らかくて、そのまま食べても美味しいです 1.5斤  ¥ 810- お一人様 2つまで購入出来ます 『オープンしたところなので今はです』
Even the bread ears are soft and delicious 1.5 loaf ¥ 810- You can purchase up to two per person "It's just opened, so now"
陳腐男(陳腐男のチープ飯) on Google

詳しくはブログ陳腐男のチープ飯にてご紹介しています! 芦屋マダムが愛するふわふわの高級生食パンのお店でした(*´꒳`*)
For more details, see the blog "Kyodo Man's Cheap Rice"! It was a fluffy luxury raw bread shop loved by Ashiya Madam (*´꒳`*)
sagara naoko on Google

The fluffy bread is delicious even when eaten or toasted as it is.絶 It is a wonderful dish with sweetness after eating. Unfortunately, the size is 1.5 loaves. I would be happy if it was a little bigger, but I recommend it because it is really delicious.
悠悠 on Google

I haven't eaten it, but the person who bought the bread and gave it as a gift contacted me that it was delicious even though it was midnight. Does it mean that the price is just the price?

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