Panda Pharmacy - Narashino

2.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Panda Pharmacy

住所 :

1 Chome-15-2 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87778
Postal code : 275-0016
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM

1 Chome-15-2 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
R H on Google

Kota Furukawa on Google

It is opposite Aeon Tsudanuma.
ha ha on Google

1歳児娘が高熱を出したため隣の小児科を受診。 その後処方箋を貰うためにこちらに行きました。 女性スタッフの対応は特に気に触ることもなく、丁寧に薬の説明などして頂きました。 ただ、皆さんの言う通り中年のおじさんに問題があると思います。 仕切りスペースで待っている間、冷えピタを販売している棚を見つけたのでそれを購入しようと棚の前で選んでいたら中年のおじさんに" 座ってお待ち下さい "と言われました。 この世間の状況でわざわざ仕切りスペースもある中、無意味に立って歩き回るとでも??? それに娘は抱っこ紐だったので歩いておらず、ちょっと考えれば親の私が何を考えてそこに立っているか分かるはず。 そもそもそんなこと言うなら販売用の棚なんか置くなよ。 無ければこっちだって立ち上がりませんよ。 このおじさんのせいでとても気分悪かったです。
The 1-year-old daughter presented with a high fever and visited the pediatrician next door. After that I went here to get a prescription. The female staff did not particularly care about the response, and he kindly explained the medicine. However, as you say, I think there is a problem with middle-aged uncle. While I was waiting in the partition space, I found a shelf selling cold pita, so when I was choosing in front of the shelf to buy it, my middle-aged uncle said "Please sit and wait". Even if there is a partition space in this world, it would be meaningless to walk around? ? ? Also, my daughter was a hug string, so I didn't walk, so I'd have to think about it and see what my parent was thinking and standing there. If you want to say that, don't put up a shelf for sale. Without it, I won't stand up. I was very sick because of this uncle.
佐瀬悠 on Google

1歳の娘と薬をもらいにいきました。 他には誰も人はいなくて 娘が外に犬をみつけて あ!ワンワン!ワンワンいたー!と 言っただけなのに 女性の薬剤師の方なのか、受付なのかはわかりませんが 静かにしてください。と注意されました。 ほんの少し喋っただけです。マスクもしてました。1歳にうるさくするな、喋るななんて無理じゃ無いですか? こっちは娘が高熱で小児科を受診した後だったのですごく悲しい気持ちになりました。 そのあとの薬剤師の太った男の人も対応が非常に悪かった。 小児科に行くことが多いのに隣の薬局がこんななのはほんとに酷い。
I went to get medicine with my 1 year old daughter. No one else My daughter found a dog outside Ah! Bow-wow! There was one! When I just said I don't know if I'm a female pharmacist or a receptionist Please be quiet. I was cautioned. I just spoke a little. I also wore a mask. Isn't it impossible to talk or talk at the age of one? I was very sad because my daughter had a high fever and had a pediatric examination. The pharmacist's fat man after that was also very unresponsive. I often go to pediatrics, but it's really awful that the next pharmacy is like this.
m m on Google

2歳の子と1歳1ヶ月の子が隣の小児科を受診後こちらの薬局に皮膚の塗り薬をもらい行ったのですが、よく「静かにしてください」と言われるので泣かないように親が黙ってあやしていたら、受付の女の人に1歳の子の笑い声でも「静かにしてください」と注意されました。 薬局内で待たないように買い物をして時間をつぶし、薬ができる頃取りに行ったので、たかだか5分ぐらいでしたが、それでも1歳1ヶ月の笑い声で注意されました。 そんなに大声で笑ってたわけでもないし、1歳の子に笑わず、泣かずに静かにしろというのは無理ではないでしょうか。 どうすればよかったのかとそのあと来た薬剤師の女の人に「小児科の隣にあるのに赤ちゃんにずっと笑わず泣かず喋らず静かにしていろというのは難しいと思うのですが。」と言ったら、女の薬剤師も明らかに嫌な顔をしてそっけなく嫌な態度で薬を渡されました。 笑い声で注意されたのは初めてで嫌な気持ちになったうえ、薬剤師や受付の人の対応も嫌になりました。二度と利用しません。小さいお子様がいる方はちょっとでも声を出したり足音でもすぐ注意されてしまうので他のところのほうがいいと思います。
A 2-year-old child and a 1-year-old and 1-month-old child went to the next pharmacy after seeing a pediatrician, but they often asked me to be quiet, so my parents didn't cry. When I was silently cradling, the woman at the reception warned me, "Please be quiet," even with the laughter of a one-year-old child. I went shopping in the pharmacy so as not to wait, killed time, and went to pick up the medicine when it was ready, so it took about 5 minutes at most, but I was still warned by the laughter of 1 year and 1 month. I wasn't laughing so loudly, and I think it's impossible for a one-year-old child to be quiet without laughing and crying. When I asked the pharmacist woman who came after that what I should have done, "I think it's difficult to keep quiet without laughing, crying, or talking to the baby even though it's next to the pediatrics department." The female pharmacist also had an apparently disgusting face and was given the medicine in a disgusting manner. It was the first time for me to be warned by laughter, which made me feel uncomfortable, and I also disliked the response of pharmacists and receptionists. I will never use it again. If you have small children, you should be aware of them even if you make a little voice or footsteps, so I think it is better to go elsewhere.
藤田正子 on Google

月一でお世話になっています。 精神科で通院していて最近まで小児科のお子さんの声がとてもつらく少し配慮してほしいなぁと思っていましたが静かにと言う張り紙がされていて少しほっとしました。小児科のお子さん達には申しわけないのですが、精神科の患者さんもいる事配慮お願いいたします。
I am indebted to you once a month. I went to the hospital in the psychiatry department, and until recently I was hoping that the voice of the child in the pediatric department would be very painful and give some consideration, but I was a little relieved because there was a poster saying quietly. I'm sorry for pediatric children, but please consider that there are also psychiatric patients.

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