Pais Vasco - Chuo City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Pais Vasco

住所 :

7 Chome-3-16 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30PM–3AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30PM–3AM
Tuesday 5:30PM–3AM
Wednesday 5:30PM–3AM
Thursday 5:30PM–3AM
Friday 5:30PM–3AM

7 Chome-3-16 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
澤島則之 on Google

お店のスタッフさんが素敵すぎる! もてなし方は色々あるかと思いますが、 楽しい、面白い雰囲気のお店も大好きです。 ここパイスバスコさんは、 料理が本格的で、そのギャップにまたまた驚かされるのです。 パフォーマンスに走るお店って、 チェーン居酒屋でもありますが、味はさておき、という所が多いかと。 チャコリを飲めるということで初来店でしたが、 豊富な知識としっかりとした料理技術がミックスされ、 いつの間にか結構な量の飲み食いをしてしまいました。 その割にお安く、得した気分で帰ることが出来ました。 また来ます!
The shop staff is too nice! I think there are various ways to entertain, I also love shops that have a fun and interesting atmosphere. Here, Pais Basco, The food is authentic and I am amazed by the gap again. A store that runs for performance It's also a chain izakaya, but I think there are many places where the taste is aside. It was my first visit because I could drink chacori, Rich knowledge and solid cooking techniques are mixed, Before I knew it, I ate and drank quite a lot. It was cheaper than that, and I was able to go home with a good feeling. I will come again!
Junko Fukuyama on Google

接客サービスが最低で不愉快でした。 これで、バスク地方料理を気取らないでほしい。 サンセバスチャンに3回、バスク地方含めたスペイン旅行は8回訪れた経験があります。 「食はバスクにあり」という通り、バスク地方料理の素晴らしさは十分に分かっているつもりです。 また、バスク地方人の人懐っこさ、サービス精神のおおらかさ、素晴らしさもよく知っています。 接客が最低だった理由は下記4点。 ①2階に通されましたが、タバコ臭い ②コートのお預かりや、メニューの説明など一切なく、スタッフはずっとiPadを操作して客を無視(我々以外他に客は誰一人いないのに) ③飲み物は何にしますか?といった最初の会話も一切なく、「この店は初めてなのでおすすめを教えてほしい」と伝えると「(鼻で笑いながら)はじめまして。メニューのおすすめマークがついているものをよく見てください」と、よく聞き取れない早口で抑揚なくただ言うだけ。 ④豚バラ冷製ハムの唐辛子がけを頼みましたが、生の豚肉を食べさせられているのかというくらい生臭く油っこい。気持ち悪くなりました。 量も少なく値段も高い。 第一、サービスが最低なので二度と行くことはないです。 たまたま担当したスタッフの方で、店全体のイメージダウンは残念です。
The customer service was the worst and unpleasant. Now, don't pretend to be Basque regional cuisine. I have visited San Sebastian three times and traveled to Spain including the Basque Country eight times. As you can see, "Food is in Basque", I think I fully understand the greatness of Basque regional cuisine. I am also familiar with the friendliness of the Basque country people, the generosity of the service spirit, and the splendor. The following four points are the reasons why the customer service was the lowest. ① I was passed to the 2nd floor, but it smelled like cigarettes (2) The staff always operated the iPad and ignored the customers (even though there was no other customer other than us) without keeping the court or explaining the menu. ③ What would you like to drink? There was no such first conversation, and when I said, "This is my first time at this restaurant, please tell me your recommendations." "Nice to meet you (laughing with your nose). Just say it with no tongue and no intonation. ④ I ordered cold pork ham with chili peppers, but it was so oily that I was fed raw pork. I feel sick. The quantity is small and the price is high. First, the service is the worst, so I will never go there again. It's a pity that the staff who happened to be in charge of the store had a down image of the entire store.
You on Google

遅い時間の会食だったため、2時まで営業という事で選んだお店。 このご時世で深夜営業しているのはありがたい。けど、それ以上の価値は残念ながら感じられず。 口コミが良かったので期待していましたが、お料理は普通、ワインは温度管理ができていない、接客は不親切、で自分には合わなかったのでリピートはしないと思います。
The restaurant was chosen because it was open until 2 o'clock because it was a late dinner. I am grateful that it is open late at night in this age. But unfortunately I don't feel any more value. I was expecting it because the word of mouth was good, but I don't think I will repeat the food because the food is usually not temperature controlled, the customer service is unfriendly, and it didn't suit me.
港区OL食日記 on Google

銀座七丁目の路地裏にある赤レンガ造りの一軒家バル。異国感が溢れています。 スペインのバスク料理を味わえるのは日本で3店のみだそう! どんな珍しい料理が楽しめるのかワクワクです! 今回頼んだのはこちら。 ・ピンチョス オリーブ唐辛子の酢漬け ・本日のタパス盛り合わせ ふっくら柔らかい鴨肉など、おすすめのタパスを少しずつ。 ・フォアグラ・穴子・果物のミルフィーユ 海と山の幸を組み合わせたモダンバスク料理な1品。 上はバーナーでカラメルのようになっていて、香ばしい香りが。 店員さんが華麗にカットしてくださります。 味は濃厚!一気にフォアグラが口中に広がり、穴子のさっくり感と燻ったような燻製感が跡を引きます。 これ、赤ワインと一緒に食べたい… バケットとの相性も最高かと。 ・キノコのトルティーヤ とろーり卵のトルティーヤ。 キノコがたっぷりで大満足! ・牛ミスジ肉の赤ワイン煮込み 山羊のチーズと西洋かりんのジャムをのせた牛ミスジの煮込み ・海のアロス アロス!!って神様の名前みたい笑 と思っていたらお米料理とのこと! バスク地方だったらお魚でしょ! ということで海のアロスをいただきました。 ムール貝や海老など様々な魚介類の出汁がたっぷりと染み込んだスープ。 奥深くてとっても美味しいです。 料理に合わせて、バスク地方の名物ワイン「チャコリ」がおすすめ。 チャコリは、バスク地方の伝統的なワインで、ワインには珍しく口径の広い一見普通のグラスに、高い位置から注いで、泡立たせて飲みます。 店員さんの注ぐ姿がめちゃイケメンでした! 味は辛口で酸味があり、思ったより炭酸感はなかったです。アルコール度数も強くなく、ついつい飲みすぎてしまいそうなお味でした。 とっても素敵な雰囲気で、まだまだ食べたい料理もいっぱい! またお邪魔したいです、ご馳走様です!
A red brick house bar in the back alley of Ginza 7-chome. It is full of exoticism. Only 3 restaurants in Japan can taste Spanish Basque dishes! It's exciting to see what kind of unusual dishes you can enjoy! This is the one I ordered this time. ·Pintxos Pickled olive pepper ・ Today's tapas platter Recommended tapas such as plump and tender duck meat little by little. ・ Foagra, Anako, Fruit Milfille A modern Basque dish that combines seafood and mountain products. The top is a burner that looks like caramel and has a fragrant scent. The clerk will cut it brilliantly. The taste is rich! The foregra spreads in your mouth at once, and the crispness of the hole and the smoky sensation of smoldering leave a mark. I want to eat this with red wine ... Is it the best match with the bucket? ・ Mushroom tortilla Melty egg tortilla. Very satisfied with plenty of mushrooms! ・ Stewed beef misuji meat in red wine Stewed beef misuji with goat cheese and western karin jam ・ Aros of the sea Aros! !! It looks like God's name lol If you think it's rice, it's rice! If it's the Basque region, it's a fish! That's why I received Aros from the sea. A soup that is fully soaked with the juice of various seafood such as mussels and shrimp. It's deep and very delicious. We recommend the Basque region's specialty wine, Chacoli, to match the dishes. Chacoli is a traditional Basque wine that is rarely found in wine and is poured into a seemingly ordinary glass with a wide caliber from a high position and then whipped to drink. The appearance of the clerk pouring was really handsome! The taste was dry and sour, and it wasn't as carbonated as I expected. The alcohol content was not strong, and it was a taste that I could just drink too much. It has a very nice atmosphere and there are many dishes you want to eat! I want to bother you again, it's a treat!
Francis McInerney on Google

Great food. Great service. A super place to go in Tokyo.
Yu Matsuzaki on Google

I think they're not so many Vasco restaurants in Japan. This restaurant serve good quality ingredients, great performance at reasonable price. Would be my daily place to go if I live close by.
Carl Zhang on Google

Boss on Google

Came here for dinner with friends on a Thursday night and the place was quite full. Was impressed with the foods and the wines (performance as well) service was great and the atmosphere of the restaurant has a real Cosy feel. Prices were reason (wine slightly high) Definitely worth going

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