Painswick - Inagi

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Painswick

住所 :

1610 Higashinaganuma, Inagi, Tokyo 206-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877999
Postal code : 206-0802

1610 Higashinaganuma, Inagi, Tokyo 206-0802, Japan
Lisa on Google

苺タルトの苺が大きく、幸せでした。タルト生地がしっかりしており、味もとても美味しいです。 モンブランは、クリームがこっくりと濃厚であり、かなり美味しかったです。 もう一つはシュトーレンバタークリーム?という珍しいケーキを買いました。これから頂きます。
The strawberry tart strawberry was big and I was happy. The tart dough is solid and the taste is very delicious. Montblanc had a thick cream and was quite delicious. Another is Stollen butter cream? I bought a rare cake called. I will get it from now on.
アッチョンブリ家 on Google

モンブランとタルトケーキとバターケーキと他にも頂きましたが、全体的に言えるのは甘さがちょうど良いんです。 甘すぎるケーキはどんなに味が良くても一個食べ終わる頃には嫌になってしまうのですが、ここのケーキはちょうど良い甘さです。 むしろまずはそれが大事だと思いますね。 そして、タルトが美味しい!今までのケーキ屋の中でタルトが美味しいと思ったのはここくらいかな。 しかしながら、このお店でしか食べられない様な味が無いというか。。。 無難に美味しいんです。 皆さんが絶賛するほどの美味しいさではなくて、甘さがちょうど良い、無難に美味しいケーキだなという印象でした。
I got Mont Blanc, tart cake, butter cake and others, but overall, the sweetness is just right. No matter how good the cake is, you will not like it by the time you finish eating one, but the cake here is just right. Rather, I think that is important first. And the tart is delicious! This is the only cake shop I've ever thought that tart is delicious. However, it doesn't have a taste that can only be eaten at this restaurant. .. .. It's safe and delicious. It wasn't as delicious as everyone praised, but the sweetness was just right, and I had the impression that it was a safe and delicious cake.
セバスチャン勲 on Google

I've always been interested in this shop, but when I went around 15:00, all the namagashi was sold out, and when I asked the shop staff, it was sold out early in the afternoon. I went there this morning and it was almost there, but the chocolate was sold out. I bought four pieces: shortcake, Mont Blanc, chocolate orange, and brownie chocolate. I don't usually buy shortcake, but I think that if you eat shortcake at the first cake shop, you will understand the quality of the shop, just as you can understand the power of the shop when you eat fried rice at the first Chinese restaurant. After all, it was excellent. The sweetness of the cream was just right, and even though I got tired of the sweets on the way, I could eat it easily without getting tired until the end. It is natural that there are strawberries between the sponge cakes, but I think that the fact that there is something like strawberry jam and it has a sour taste is also the reason why you can eat it easily. Recommended for those who live nearby!
Mii on Google

コロナで店内一組しか入れません。 日曜の15時前に伺いましまが、もうほとんど残ってなく人気ぶりに期待。 ショコラオランジュといちごのタルトを頂きましたがどちらも甘すぎずぺろっと完食しました。特にショコラオランジュはムースとブラウニーとその間にサクサクな何かが入っており色んな味が楽しめ本当に美味しかったです。 少し小さめのちょうど良いサイズでお値段もお手頃でおススメです。 また店員さんもとても親切で赤ちゃんを抱っこしているとドアを開けてくれました。 ケーキ箱の中にナプキンが入ってるお気遣いもほっこりしました。
Only one set in the store can be put in the corona. I visited before 15:00 on Sunday, but I'm expecting it to be popular because there are almost no leftovers. I had chocolate orange and strawberry tart, but neither was too sweet and I ate it completely. Especially the chocolate orange had mousse and brownie and something crispy between them, so I could enjoy various tastes and it was really delicious. It's a little small and just right, and the price is reasonable and recommended. The clerk was also very kind and opened the door when he was holding the baby. The care that the napkin is in the cake box was also relaxed.
りこるぬ on Google

初めての来店で、もうほぼ売り切れの札が出されていたのですが、不便そうにウロウロしている自分を、シェフご夫妻が気遣って店外に出てきて下さって、色々説明して下さって、あるお菓子だけになってしまいましたが、買えて良かったです(^^)。でもレシート見て思いまいしたが、食べたガトーの味わい振り返ると、かなりお買い得ではないでしょうか?え?こんなに安くてイイの?でした(^^;)。 ダブルチーズケーキ、2つの食感、味わいが一緒に楽しめて、別々にも楽しめて、良かったです♪ 下のベイクドチーズケーキのクリーミーさが、自分には印象深かったです。 モンブランは栗がしっかり味わえてよかったです。最近、モンブランにはちょっと気がかりがあったので心配もあったのでですが、そんなのどこ吹く風…でした。栗の感じもしっかり、シャンティとのマッチングもぐーでした♪ ティラミス…自分は、コーヒー感による苦味は、あまり求めていないので、とてもバランスの良いティラミスに感じました。甘さが強いわけでもなかったので、其々の材料の味わいを感じやすくて、美味しく味わうことが出来ました。 残りはまた後日ですが、今度は時間を見計らって、しっかり買いに行きたいです、ごちそうさまでした!
When I first visited the store, the bills were almost sold out, but the chef and his wife came out of the store with care for me, who seemed to be inconvenient, and explained various things. , It's only a certain sweet, but I'm glad I could buy it (^^). But when I saw the receipt, I was surprised, but looking back on the taste of the gateau I ate, isn't it quite a bargain? picture? Is it so cheap and good? It was (^^;). It was good that I could enjoy the double cheesecake, the two textures and the taste together, and enjoy them separately ♪ The creaminess of the baked cheesecake below was impressive to me. I'm glad that Montblanc had a good taste of chestnuts. Recently, I was a little worried about Montblanc, so I was worried about it, but it was the wind that blew. The feeling of chestnuts was solid, and the matching with shanti was also good ♪ Tiramisu ... I didn't really want the bitterness of coffee, so I felt it was a very well-balanced tiramisu. The sweetness was not strong, so it was easy to feel the taste of each ingredient, and I was able to taste it deliciously. The rest will be at a later date, but this time I'd like to take the time to go buy it firmly, thank you for the feast!
m y on Google

大通りから少し外れたところにあるおしゃれなケーキ屋さんです。 駐車場は3台あります。 駐車場は砂利なのでオシャレですが、滑って横の車に当たらないか不安になります。 ケーキはお手頃な値段で美味しいです。
It's a fashionable cake shop just off the main street. There are 3 parking lots. The parking lot is gravel, so it's fashionable, but I'm worried that I won't slip and hit the car next to me. The cake is reasonably priced and delicious.
ayako sg on Google

何気なくGoogleマップを見ていて気づいたケーキ屋さん☆ 先ず、行ってみてびっくり。 外観ではケーキ屋さんとはわかりませんでした。小さい山小屋のようでした。 そして、店内入ってびっくり。 沢山のケーキと焼菓子があり、選ぶ楽しさが嬉しかったです。 食してびっくり。 とても繊細な味で、口の中が幸福感でいっぱいになりました。 特にダブルチーズケーキの、上のレアチーズと下のベイクドチーズのバランスが美味でした☆ また是非買いに行きたいと思います。
A cake shop that I noticed while casually looking at Google Maps ☆ First of all, I was surprised to go. I didn't know it was a cake shop from the outside. It was like a small mountain lodge. And I was surprised to enter the store. There were many cakes and baked sweets, and I was happy to choose them. I was surprised to eat. The taste was very delicate and the mouth was filled with happiness. Especially the balance of the rare cheese on the top and the baked cheese on the bottom of the double cheesecake was delicious ☆ I would definitely like to go buy it again.
Yuji Hinata on Google

The most delicious cake shop. You can eat a special cake made with delicacy, smoothness, and moderate sweetness. You can enjoy a fluffy new texture so that you do not know how to make chocolate cake. It is definitely one of the best restaurants in this area.

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