
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact バイク社

住所 :

Ozu, Minami Ward, 〒732-0802 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Webサイト : https://bikesha.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Ozu, Minami Ward, 〒732-0802 Hiroshima,Japan
亨亨 on Google

Thank you very much! it's the best!
yasuhiro ichinose on Google

It is a store that supports memories of the time with a motorcycle (´∇ `)
三原諒真 on Google

初見、新規客、歴が若い客 を嫌う店だと感じました。 顔なじみでないと忙しい事を理由に門前払いを受けることがほとんど。 個人店なのでネット等で公表している営業時間に開いてないこともしばしば 電話も繋がりにくい。 2回しか行ってないですがもうあまり行きたくないです
First look, new customers, young customers I felt that it was a shop that hates. If you are not familiar with your face, you will almost always get paid in advance because you are busy. Since it is a private store, it is often not open during business hours announced on the net etc. It's hard to connect to the phone. I've only been there twice but I don't want to go too much anymore
ブリブリ仙人 on Google

I always commute to work in front of the store. The moped is sold at a fairly low price, but the clerk only chats in the shop, and it seems that they do not serve new customers very much.
寿司屋の梅さん on Google

丁寧な接客でした オイル交換が125ccまで約900円ととても良心的価格です 今まで換えていたお店は 平均1500〜1600円でしたから これからは此所で お世話になります。
It was a polite customer service. The oil change is about 900 yen up to 125cc, which is a very reasonable price. The average price of the shops I changed so far was 1500-1600 yen, so I will take care of you here.
Gayatri Mantra on Google

Oil change is cheap, but maintenance accuracy has been poor. But on the other hand, I think it's still better.
すんちゃん on Google

Kindness. While I was parked for 30 minutes for shopping, the address could not be started and I could not kick it, so I thought that the fuse was blown, but there was no hexagonal tool. When I pushed it for 15 minutes and brought it in, I was able to respond even during lunch. Since the spare fuse was originally installed, the labor cost was free. I had to take my mother to the vaccination, so I was saved because I was concerned about the time. I was grateful.
大保電業 on Google

この間、バイクのオイル交換を した時、オススメでオイル添加剤をいれました。 チョットお高いですが 効果は体感出来る位 スゴイです。エンジンが メチャ静かになるし いつも以上に、スムーズな エンジン回転! オススメです。
During this time, change the oil on your motorcycle At that time, I recommended adding an oil additive. It ’s a little expensive, The effect can be experienced It's amazing. The engine It will be quiet Smoother than usual Engine rotation! I recommend it.

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