クルマ王 - Anjo

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クルマ王

住所 :

Ozakicho, Anjo, 〒446-0004 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897888
Postal code : 446-0004
Webサイト : https://www.carsensor.net/shop/aichi/305394001/%3Fvos%3Dalcsrglgmzz10000141
街 : Aichi

Ozakicho, Anjo, 〒446-0004 Aichi,Japan
武田弘光 on Google

買って見たことろクモの巣だらけ、ヤニとヘドロ半年でオイル食い、エンジン交換に30万、最悪です、わかってて売ってるようなもん、水没車 メーター改ざんあると思います、安物買いの何とかです
I bought it and saw it full of spider webs, eating oil in half a year with tar and hedro, 300,000 for engine replacement, the worst, it seems that I understand and sell it, I think that the submerged car meter has been tampered with
坂本春美 on Google

とてもリーズナブルな価格で大好きな車に会う事が出来ました。 接客して下さった店長さんの対応は とても 分かりやすくCDまでサービスして下さいました。 知人にも自信を持って紹介したいお店となりました。 ワゴンR コラム購入
I was able to meet my favorite car at a very reasonable price. The store manager who served the customer responded very easily to the CD. It became a shop that I would like to introduce to my acquaintances with confidence. Wagon R column purchase
やっちk on Google

先日購入した車のエアコンの調子がほんの少し悪く、車王さんに問い合わせたところ、ちゃんと点検しますので持ってきてくださいと言われ、しっかりとメンテナンスをしてくださいました。 購入して間もないということもありますが、アフターフォローもしっかり対応してくださるお店だと思います。 今日はメンテナンスして頂いた車を取りに行ったついでに、知人もお店の方の対応の良さに車を購入していました。(笑)
The air conditioner of the car I bought the other day was a little sick, so when I contacted Mr. Caro, he told me to bring it with me so that I could check it properly, and he did a good maintenance. It may be that you have just purchased it, but I think it is a store that also supports after-sales follow-up. Today, I went to pick up the car that had been maintained, and my acquaintance also bought the car because of the good response of the shop staff. (Lol)
はまさきです on Google

合宿で免許を取るので入校前にタントを契約しました!! 火曜日が定休日ということを確認しておらず、お店に向かったらシャッターが閉じてて定休日だということが分かり、やってしまった〜!と思いながら外に並べてある車をちょっと見ていたら事務所から社長さんの弟さんが出てきて、定休日なのにも関わらず親切に対応して下さいました!! 初の車購入なので分からないことだらけでしたが細かく分かりやすく教えて下さり、私の合宿が終わる頃にはもう車を渡せるようにと急ぎで準備してくれるみたいなのでとても助かりますし嬉しい限りです。 私の祖母もここのクルマ王で2台購入しているらしく、とても信頼できるお店です。 最高です!!
I got a license at the training camp, so I signed a Tanto contract before entering school! !! I didn't confirm that Tuesday was a regular holiday, and when I went to the store, I found out that the shutter was closed and it was a regular holiday, so I did it! When I was looking at the cars lined up outside, the president's younger brother came out from the office and kindly responded even though it was a regular holiday! !! It was my first time to buy a car, so there were many things I didn't understand, but he taught me in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner, and by the end of my training camp, he seems to be in a hurry to prepare for the car, so I am very grateful. .. It seems that my grandmother also bought two cars at the car king here, so it is a very reliable shop. it's the best! !!
東海オンエアテツヤ on Google

前に車買おうと行ってみたら店長らしき人が無愛想な顔で近づいてきて不愉快 本当に無愛想 ビビった 車も見た感じ整備はほとんどされてなくてオークションで仕入れてきた車をそのまま販売してる感じ! 自分である程度直せる人はいい買い物できるかも!
When I went to buy a car before, a person who seemed to be a store manager approached me with an unfriendly face and it was unpleasant Really unfriendly I was scared It feels like I've seen a car. It's almost like I'm selling the car I bought at the auction as it is, with almost no maintenance! People who can fix it to some extent may be able to make good purchases!
たゆき on Google

対応が最悪でした。 気になっている車があり、売れてしまったら連絡してもらうようにお願いしていました。 しかし売れたという連絡がなかったため購入しようと思い店に向かったらもう売れたといわれ買えなかった。 その車は諦めましたが、また同じような車がはいったらネットに掲載する前に1番に連絡しますと言っていもらったのでまっていました。 ですがなんの連絡もないまま2ヶ月ほどが経ち、ネットを見ると似たようなスペックの車が載っていました。 車を売る気があるのかと疑問に思うほどの対応の悪さでした。
The correspondence was the worst. I had a car that I was interested in, and I asked him to contact me if it sold. However, I didn't hear that it was sold, so when I went to the store to buy it, it was said that it was already sold and I couldn't buy it. I gave up on that car, but I was told that if a similar car came in, I would contact No. 1 before posting it on the net. However, about two months have passed without any contact, and when I looked at the internet, I found a car with similar specifications. The response was so bad that I wondered if I was willing to sell the car.
m on Google

欲しい車種があり、店頭まではるばる行ったら売り切れていたので、同じ車種が近々入るなら買いたいと伝えると人気だから当分入らないと言われ仕方なく違う車を買った。 が次の週にはほしい車が店頭に並んでいてかなり不信感。 その後購入したクルマもタイヤ11年前のもの、買ってすぐ15万の修理箇所あり、タイミングベルトトも別料金払ったのに変えていない。車内虫だらけ。一年半で廃車にしました。
I had a car I wanted, and when I went all the way to the store, it was sold out, so when I told him I wanted to buy the same car soon, I was told that it wouldn't be available for the time being, so I bought a different car. But next week, the cars I wanted were lined up in the store and I was quite distrustful. The car I bought after that was 11 years old, and there were 150,000 repairs right after I bought it, and I paid an extra fee for the timing belt, but I haven't changed it. Full of insects in the car. It was scrapped in a year and a half.
Basti Duran on Google

very accomodating and kind staff.their price is very negotiable and very cheap.

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