Oyashirazu Exchange Center - Marutanbo - Itoigawa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oyashirazu Exchange Center - Marutanbo

住所 :

106 Tonami, Itoigawa, Niigata 949-0308, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 949-0308
Webサイト : https://www.o-marutanbo.jp/
Description : No-nonsense quarters in a simple hotel offering a bathhouse, a restaurant & free parking.

106 Tonami, Itoigawa, Niigata 949-0308, Japan
HOKUTEN photograph on Google

入浴だけの利用でしたが、雰囲気がよかったのと、宿泊の食事がよさそうなので宿泊の機会を作りたいと思う。 入浴は写真にあるように300円とかなり手頃。 温泉ではありませんが、潮風を落としてスッキリできました。 外来食事はありません。(外来入浴も営業確認を)
Although it was the use only for bathing, and the atmosphere was good, the meal of accommodation seems good, so I would like to make an opportunity for accommodation. Bathing is quite reasonable with 300 yen as it is in the photograph. It wasn't a hot spring, but I was able to clear the sea breeze. There are no outpatient meals. (For outpatient bathing, check the business)
ミッキー on Google

道の駅 親不知で紹介していただきました。お風呂は小さめですが、ジェットバス付で疲れた体に心地よいです。入浴料はなんと300円、休憩室もありました!
We had you introduce in Road Station pro ignorance. Bath is small, but it is comfortable for tired body with jet bath. The bathing fee was 300 yen and there was also a rest room!
吉田和代 on Google

新潟に行ったときはお世話になっています。 私は入浴のみですが宿泊施設です。 沸かし湯ですが、私好みの熱湯でホッとします。 ここいらでは一番やすいと思います。 増税前で大人300円でした。 お得な回数券もあります。 12枚綴りで3000円でした。 あがっちゃったかな。
I am indebted when I went to Niigata. I only take a bath but it is an accommodation. Although it is boiling water, I am relieved with my favorite hot water. I think it's easiest here. It was 300 yen for adults before the tax increase. There are also discount coupons. It was 3000 yen for 12 sheets. Was it up?
山鉄けんちゃん on Google

Take a bath on the way back from Kakai Shindo. It's cheap. National highway No. 8 is the modern version of Oyashirazu Clown. There is no sidewalk and it is a truck. Few people walk this far.
pugno9 on Google

素晴らしいー( ´∀`) ピアパークの真向かいでやや小高い場所になります‼ ここからの夕暮れの海の眺めは絶景でしょうねぇ? 日帰りお風呂としても大人300円(*^^*)で利用出来ました。安い? その風呂からも海が望めます。 風呂上がりには和室で汗がひくまで休憩出来ました。 食事は漁師料理が楽しめるそうで次は使いたい❗ そんな気分にさせてくれます。 海水浴帰りには入口にシャワーが完備されていました。 駐車場は30台程度かな
Wonderful (´∀`) It will be a slightly elevated place directly opposite the peer park‼ The view of the sea at dusk from here will be superb ? It was also available as a day trip bath for 300 yen (* ^^ *) for adults. Cheap ? You can see the sea from the bath. After taking a bath, I was able to take a break in the Japanese-style room until I sweated. It seems that you can enjoy fishermen's meals, so I want to use it next time ❗ It makes me feel like that. There was a shower at the entrance on the way back from the beach. I think there are about 30 parking lots
Mountain Reyco on Google

車で行くのに道がわかりにくく、ちょっと苦労しましたが、 地元の方の「銭湯」って感じでしょうか、とても親近感がありました。 決して大きい湯船ではありませんが、2~3人ならゆっくり浸かれます。 大きい窓から見える日本海は最高でした。
It was a little difficult to find the way to go by car, but I felt that it was a "sento" for the locals, and I felt very close to it. It's not a big bath, but if you have a couple of people, you can soak it slowly. The Sea of ​​Japan seen from the big window was the best.
aki on Google

親不知の海に来ると、帰りに必ず寄る場所です。お風呂に入ってスッキリしてから帰ります。 コロナ禍なので、畳の休憩場所は現在使用不可でした。 お風呂がいつ来ても熱い!のはたまたまが重なっているのでしょうか。以前お風呂場に忘れ物をして、気付いてすぐに戻ったのに、すでに係の人に捨てられていたのは衝撃の思い出です。。
When you come to the sea of ​​Oyashirazu, it is a place you will definitely stop by on your way home. I will take a bath and feel refreshed before returning. Due to the corona wreck, the tatami rest area was currently unavailable. The bath is always hot! Does it happen to overlap? It is a shocking memory that I had forgotten something in the bathroom before and returned immediately after noticing it, but it was already abandoned by the person in charge. ..
Theodore Brown on Google

Run by a local fishing family. Marutanbo is a great place to enjoy a bath after a visit to the Oyashirazu Beach. I've never had a chance to spend the night in the log cabin here, but it looks like it would be a lot of fun with a group of friends. The food here is really good, but served by reservation only. If you get a chance, you really should try it!

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