Oyamado Oiwake - Setagaya City

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Contact Oyamado Oiwake

住所 :

3 Chome-14-8 Yoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0097, Japan

Postal code : 158-0097

3 Chome-14-8 Yoga, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0097, Japan
Okuzono Yuki on Google

岡田昌樹 on Google

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mKm Morikuma on Google

大山街道用賀追分 おおやまかいどうようがおいわけ 現在の神奈川県の大山(おおやま; 1,252m)にある大山阿夫利神社(おおやまあふりじんじゃ)への参詣者が通った大山道(おおやまみち)の1つで、赤坂〜青山〜三軒茶屋〜用賀(ようが)〜溝口(みぞのくち)〜厚木を通り大山に達する街道上にある追分(分岐点)の1つです。 この大山道のルートの一部は、現在国道246号線(青山通り・厚木街道など)となっています。旧道が残っている地域では道沿いに古くから営業を続ける商店もあります。 江戸(赤坂)に始まる街道は、三軒茶屋(さんげんぢゃや)で世田谷(せたがや)を経由する旧道と駒沢(こまざわ)を経由するより新しい道に別れ、この地点でまた1つになります。 追分(分岐点)という意味では、「大山から赤坂に向かう時の追分」と考えた方がすっきりするでしょうか。 追分の標柱は近年設置されたものです。 住宅と商店が混在する地域にひっそりと立っています。 (❖ updated: 2019-08-03 upload: 2017-10-04)
Oyama Highway Yoga Oita Oyama Way How Aokasaka-Aoyama-Sankenjaya-Yoga in Oyama Michi, where the staff members of Oyama Aotoshi Shrine in Oyama (Ohyama; 1,252 m) in present Kanagawa Prefecture attended. (Yogaga) ~ Mizoguchi (Mizonouchi) ~ It is one of the Oji split (branch point) on the highway that passes through Atsugi to Oyama. A part of this Oyama-do route is currently Route 246 (such as Aoyama-Dori, Atsugi-Dai). In the area where the old way remains, there are shops that continue to operate from the old along the way. The highway starting in Edo (Akasaka) will be part of Sangenjaya, the old road via Setagaya and the more new one via Komazawa, and will be one more at this point . In the sense of Oikari (branch point), would it be better to think of it as "Okiri to go to Akasaka from Oyama"? An additional post was installed in recent years. We stand quietly in the area where houses and shops are mixed. (❖ updated: 2019-08-03 upload: 2017-10-04)
Shige Shima on Google

名前が示すように、大山詣での道すがら分かれ道に有ったであろう石碑は今はないようです。 新しく世田谷区が設置したものは、史跡を案内するものではなく、示すだけの物のようです。 又、付近の方からすればゴミの集積場でしかなく、何の関心も無いように感じられます。 この事から★はゼロが妥当かと。 2018.5 参考に成りましたら、他の方へ参考に成ればと、いいね↓をポチッとな?でお願い致します。 2018.7現在 いいねを一つ頂きました。 閲覧回数約100回 ありがとうございます。励みに成ります。
As the name suggests, there seems to be no stone monument that would have been on the forked road along the way to Oyama. What was newly set up by Setagaya Ward seems to be just a show, not a guide to historic sites. Also, from the perspective of the people in the vicinity, it is just a garbage collection site, and it seems that there is no interest in it. From this, I wonder if zero is appropriate for ★. 2018.5 If it becomes a reference, I hope it will be helpful to other people, please click ↓? Thank you. As of July 2018 I got one like. Viewed about 100 times Thank you very much. It will be encouraging.
Masa Tana on Google

大山道(青山通り大山道)は古来矢倉沢往還とも言われ江戸赤坂から相模国矢倉沢(足柄峠)を経て駿河国沼津に至る街道で、現在の国道246号線は概ねこの道に沿っています。東海道のような五街道は幕府が整備し道幅も広く宿場の旅籠の数や質も充実しており、参勤交代の大名が泊まれる本陣を設ける宿場もありましたが、その他の街道は脇街道と言われ道幅も狭く宿場も貧弱なもので主に一般庶民が利用した道でした。大山街道は江戸時代中期以降に盛んになった大山詣で(神奈川県伊勢原市にある大山阿夫利神社への参詣。ご祭神は大山祗大神 (おおやまつみのおおかみ)で山神・水神の総元締とされ雨乞いの神さまとして有名、さらに産業・海運・酒造の神様でもあり船乗りや酒造業者からの信仰も集めました。また神仏習合されて大山石尊大権現として崇められていました。江戸の庶民は主に博打や商売繁盛の神さまとして信仰していたようです。)のための道で青山通り大山道の他に八王子や府中方面からの大山街道や西側の小田原方面から来る大山街道もありました。また江戸から行くにしても東海道を利用して横浜市戸塚区の柏尾や藤沢市四谷から大山に向かう経路もありました。しかし東海道を使うと神社にたどり着く前に品川、川崎、神奈川、保土ヶ谷、戸塚など歓楽街が揃っている宿場が多く強引な客引きにつかまって路銀を使い果たしそのまま帰って来てしまう様な事が多かったのです。そこで宵越しの銭は持たない江戸っ子気質では誘惑の多い道は危ないと言うことになり、大山詣ではお金を使う場所など無い青山通り大山道を多く利用するようになったとのことです。江戸の人々にとって現代の観光旅行に当るのが神仏詣でで伊勢詣でが代表ですが、大山は箱根の関所の手前なので関所手形が不要で日数も二泊か三泊で行けるので手軽に行けると喜ばれました。(大山権現は男神なので縁起をかついで帰りに女神の江ノ島弁財天をお詣りし藤沢宿で派手に精進落としをすると言う豪華なオプショナルツアーを付ける人達も多かったようです。)大山は毎年旧暦の六月二十七日から七月十七日までの二十日間に限って一般の人の入山が許されました。この期間はふもとから山頂まで参詣人が数珠つなぎになったと言います。さてこの石碑のある場所は用賀追分と呼ばれたそうです。この場所の説明は国土交通省 関東地方整備局 川崎国道事務所のホームページの「大山街道の歴史」と言うコーナーに詳しく載っていました。詳細はそちらを参照頂きたいと思いますが、簡単に言うと「三軒茶屋から用賀に向かう大山街道は二本あって右に向かう道が古く、上町の世田谷代官屋敷前を通り、弦巻の追分では左の道へ。弦巻追分には「左大山道、右登戸道」の道標があった。そこから真っ直ぐな道が用賀に通じている。三軒茶屋から左の道を行くと、環状七号線を越えて西に。駒沢の先から右に蛇行して桜新町を過ぎ、用賀の坂を下った所で上町から来た旧道と合流する。」となります。またここにあった道標は「右、江戸道、左、世田谷、四谷道」と刻まれていたそうです。さらにこの道標についての説明もあり「文政10年(1827)相模から江戸へ物資の輸送、人の往来も盛んとなって、この三叉路に道標を兼ねた庚申塔が建てられた。(現物は世田谷区の郷土資料館中庭に移設)」とあります。なお、庚申塔が移設された跡地には現在の石碑が「玉川地域活動団体連絡協議会」によって建てられました。石碑に「大山道追分」の文字とともに「世田谷区玉川地団協」の文字が刻まれています。この団体は1980年代から90年代にかけて近隣の史跡に100本以上の石碑を建立したそうですが、現在は解散してしまったそうです。ところで庚申塔とは中国より伝来した道教による庚申信仰に基づいて建てられた石塔です。塔は庚申講の設立や実施を記念して建てられました。庚申講(庚申待ち)とは、人間の体内にいる三尸虫(さんしちゅう)という虫が、庚申の日(60日に一度回って来る庚申(かのえさる)の日。)の夜寝ている間に天帝にその人間の悪事を報告しに行くとされ、その報告により寿命が縮んだり、死後地獄に落ちたりすることを避けるため、庚申の日の夜は夜通し眠らないで天帝や猿田彦や青面金剛を祀り、勤行をしたり宴会をしたりする風習です。明治時代になると、政府は庚申信仰を迷信として庚申塔の撤去を進め、さらに昭和に入り高度経済成長期以降に行われた道路の拡張工事によって、その多くが撤去されてしまいました。現在まで残っている庚申塔は、私たちに先祖の習俗、文化を伝えてくれる貴重な文化財と言えます。なお、庚申塔や道祖神、馬頭観音等の民間信仰の諸像は多く路傍に祀られました。そこで旅人を助ける道標としての役割も兼ねたのだと思います。それから追分(おいわけ、おひわけ)とは街道の分岐点を指しますがとても美しい響きを持つ日本語ですね。民謡の「追分」は中山道と北國街道の分岐点の長野県追分宿(信濃追分)で唄われていた馬子唄がその走りとされています。
Oyamado (Aoyama-dori Oyamado) has been used for a long time since it was said to have been repatriated to Yakurazawa, and it is a highway from Edo Akasaka to Sagami-Kuni Yakurazawa (Ashigara Pass) to Suruga-Kuni Numazu. .. The five highways such as the Tokaido are maintained by the shogunate, the road width is wide, and the number and quality of the lodgings' Hatago are enriched, and there were also lodgings where the main team for the daimyo of the shift of work is set up. The width of the road was narrow and the post was poor, and it was the road used by ordinary people. The Oyama Kaido is a pilgrimage to Oyama, which became popular after the middle of the Edo period (a visit to Oyama Auri Shrine in Isehara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. Famous as a god of rain and beggars, he was also a god of industry, shipping and brewing, and worshiped by the sailors and brewers. It seems that he believed in God as a god of gambling and prosperous business.) In addition to Aoyama Dori Oyama Road, there were Oyama Kaido from Hachioji and Fuchu, and Oyama Kaido from the west. There was also a route from Edo to Toyama using the Tokaido route from Kashio in Totsuka-ku, Yokohama and Yotsuya in Fujisawa to Oyama. However, when using the Tokaido, there were many post offices where Shinagawa, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Hodogaya, Totsuka, etc. were all lined up before reaching the shrine. Is. Therefore, it is said that Edokko's temperament, which doesn't have the money to pass the evening, is dangerous for the roads with many temptations, and Oyama-jou has started to use the Aoyama-dori Oyamado, which has no place to spend money. For the people of Edo, modern Buddhist pilgrimages are representative of Shinto Buddhism and Ise buddha is the representative, but since Oyama is in front of Sekisho in Hakone, there is no need for a bill of sekisho, and you can go there for 2 or 3 nights, so it would be great if you could go there easily. It was. (As Oyama Gongen is a male god, it seems that there were many people who gave a luxurious optional tour saying that they would go to the goddess and visit the goddess Enoshima Benzaiten on the way home and go to Fujisawa in order to show off.) Only 20 people from June 27th to July 17th were allowed to enter the mountain. During this period, it is said that the prayers were linked together from the foot of the mountain to the summit. By the way, the place with this stone monument was called Yoga Oiwake. This place was explained in detail in the section called "History of Daisen Kaido" on the homepage of the Kawasaki National Road Office, Kanto Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. I would like to refer to that for details, but in a nutshell, ``Oyama Kaido, which runs from Sangenjaya to Yoga, has two old roads that go to the right. There was a sign of "Left Daisen Road, Right Noboribetsu Road" in Oiwake. From there, a straight road leads to Yoga. From Sangenjaya, take the road on the left and you will come west across Route 7. From the end of Komazawa, meander to the right past Sakurashinmachi, and join the old road from Kamimachi, down the slope of Yoga. It will be. In addition, it seems that the signposts here were engraved as "Right, Edo, left, Setagaya, Yotsuya". There was also an explanation of this signpost, "The transportation of goods from Sagami to Edo in 1827 (1827) and the passing of people became popular, and the Koshin tower, which also served as a signpost, was built on this three-forked road. It is relocated to the courtyard of the local museum of the ward)." In addition, the present stone monument was built by the "Tamagawa Regional Action Organization Liaison Council" on the site where the Koshin Tower was relocated. The word "Oyamamichi Oiwake" is engraved on the stone monument along with the words "Tamagawa Jidaikyo, Setagaya-ku". It seems that this group erected more than 100 stone monuments in nearby historic sites in the 1980s and 1990s, but it seems that they have now disbanded. By the way, the Koshin tower is a stone tower built based on the Koshin belief by Taoism that came from China. The tower was built to commemorate the establishment and implementation of Koshinko. Koshin (waiting for Kouri) is the night of the day when the insect called Sanshichu in the human body is on the day of Kosen (the day of Kanoesaru, which comes once every 60 days). It is said that he will go to the Emperor to report his human evil while sleeping, and to avoid shortening his life or falling into hell after death, he will not sleep at night on the day of the complaint and he will not sleep. It is a custom to worship Sarutahiko and Kongo Aomen to attend work or to have a banquet. In the Meiji era, the government proceeded with the removal of the Koshin tower as a superstition for the Koshin faith, and most of it was removed due to the road expansion work carried out after the period of high economic growth in the Showa era. The Koshinto that remains to date is a valuable cultural property that tells us the customs and culture of our ancestors. Many statues of folk beliefs such as the Koshinto, Dosojin, and Maoto Kannon were enshrined along the roadside. So I think it also served as a guide for helping travelers. Oiwake is the turning point of the highway, but it has a very beautiful sound in Japanese. The folk song "Oiwake" is based on the horse-song that was sung at Oiwake-shuku in Nagano Prefecture (Shinano Oiwake), which is the junction of Nakasendo and Kitakokukaido.

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