菓子工房 桜

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菓子工房 桜

住所 :

Otorinishimachi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, 〒593-8326 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.sakura-coffee.jp/smarts/index/104/
街 : Osaka

Otorinishimachi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, 〒593-8326 Osaka,Japan
大輔 on Google

Saturday and Sunday limited apple pie is too delicious
sena_love_soh ! on Google

I often choose sweets here as souvenirs. The Baumkuchen rusks are my number one favorite.
COZY YOU on Google

桜珈琲で売っているお菓子の専門店で鳳本店から車ですぐの場所にあります。 駐車場も10台は停められます。 名物「桜ばうむ」のラスク (サクサクしていて美味しい!)や クッキー、チョコ などコーヒーに合いまた 見た目も可愛い、お菓子がたくさん並べてあります。 クリスマス用の詰め合わせなどもありました。 高級感と価格のバランスもちょうど良く、ちょっとした贈答品としてよく利用させてもらっています。 店員さんも親切でお願いすると直接宅配便で相手先に送ってくれます。
It is a sweets specialty store sold at Sakura Coffee, and is just a short drive from the Otori main store. 10 cars can be parked in the parking lot. There are many sweets such as the famous "Sakura Baum" rusks (crispy and delicious!), Cookies, chocolates, etc. that go well with coffee and look cute. There was also an assortment for Christmas. The balance between luxury and price is just right, and I often use it as a small gift. The clerk is also kind and will send it directly to the other party by courier if you ask.
シャムちゃん on Google

お菓子専門の店舗です。ラッピングも様々あり とても上品で素敵なお店です。
A store specializing in sweets. There are various wrappings It's a very elegant and nice shop.
yu nobu on Google

桜にちなんだ名前の息子の出産内祝いを買うためにこちらへ。桜珈琲は何度となく行ってますがこちらは初めてでした。店舗(桜珈琲)にも洋菓子はありますが種類も少なくお祝いを買うにはスペースにも店員さんのキャパにも大変そうで気を使いますが、こちらはギフト専門なのでのんびり選べて気を使わないので良かったです。種類も豊富で価格帯も幅広いです(ただし高くても6000円くらいまでなので高額なギフトをお探しな場合は注意)。 店員さんも丁寧に対応してくださり、気持ちよくお祝いを購入させて頂きました。贈った方にも喜んで頂けて良かったです。 ギフトだけでたなくちょっとした手みやげとかを買いにいくにも便利だも思います。 希望を言えばネットショップがもう少し充実してると助かります。遠いのであまり通えないため・・・
Go here to buy a baby gift for a son named after Sakura. I have been to Sakura Coffee many times, but this was my first time. There are Western sweets at the store (Sakura Coffee), but there are few types, so it seems that it is very difficult for the space and the capacity of the clerk to buy a celebration, but since this is a gift specialty, I do not care because I can choose leisurely. It was good. The variety is wide and the price range is wide (however, it is up to about 6000 yen, so be careful if you are looking for an expensive gift). The clerk also kindly responded and purchased the celebration comfortably. I am glad that the person who gave it was happy. I think that it is convenient not only for gifts but also for buying small souvenirs. Hopefully it helps if the online shop is a little more fulfilling. It's so far away that I can't go so much ...
Cherry Sakura on Google

お菓子沢山ありました。 店員さんとても親切に対応してもらいましたよ。
There were a lot of sweets. The clerk was very kind to me.
M T on Google

It is a large and very beautiful shop. Since I went there in the evening, I was running out of petit fools. It is better to go early.
南姫山本 on Google

大切な人への手土産は桜珈琲の菓子工房がオススメです 私も戴いて感動したので、それ以降は手土産はココと決めてます バームクーヘンとラスクとクッキーの3段詰め合わせに桜柄のピンクの風呂敷でラッピングして、もう最高に喜ばれますよ^ ^ クッキーはサクサクしてと濃厚な風味です おうち用で割れたクッキー400円で買って帰ります これがまた美味い! パン?は置いてません
For souvenirs for loved ones, we recommend Sakura Coffee's confectionery workshop. I was also impressed with it, so after that I decided to buy souvenirs here. Wrap it in a pink furoshiki with a cherry blossom pattern on a three-tiered assortment of Baumkuchen, rusks and cookies, and you will be delighted with it ^ ^ Cookies are crispy and have a rich flavor I will buy a broken cookie for my house for 400 yen and go home This is delicious again! I don't have bread ?

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