Otome Toge St. Mary's Chapel - Kanoashi District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Otome Toge St. Mary's Chapel

住所 :

Ushiroda, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5605, Japan

Postal code : 699-5605

Ushiroda, Tsuwano, Kanoashi District, Shimane 699-5605, Japan
Kei Nishi on Google

明治初期、浦上四番崩れと呼ばれる、隠れキリシタン弾圧での殉教者に捧げられた教会。 大きくはありませんが、手入れも行き届いていて、とても美しいです。殉教者の方々に対する、地元の方々の思いが忍ばれます。 駐車場からはほんの少し歩きます。 森の中の道をしばらく歩いて、突然白壁の教会が現れたときには、道端にふと水晶の塊を見い出したような心持ちがしました。 浦上四番崩れは、当時禁止されていたキリスト教を信じる隠れキリシタンたちが一斉に摘発・弾圧された事件です。 全国各地に配流、そして棄教・改宗のために信じられないくらい残酷な拷問が行われたそうです。 これは、遠藤周作『女の一生 一部・キクの場合』でモデルになっています。 そうした当時を忍ばせる彫刻などもありますね。
In the early Meiji era, a church dedicated to martyrs in the suppression of hidden Christians, called Urakami Yoban Kuzure. It's not big, but it's well maintained and very beautiful. The feelings of the locals towards the martyrs are endured. Walk a short distance from the parking lot. I walked along the road in the woods for a while, and when a white-walled church suddenly appeared, I felt like I suddenly found a lump of crystal on the side of the road. Urakami Yoban Kuzure is an incident in which hidden Christians who believed in Christianity, which were banned at that time, were all caught and suppressed. It was exiled all over the country, and incredibly cruel torture was carried out due to abandonment and conversion. This is modeled on Shusaku Endo's "Woman's Life Part, In the Case of Kiku". There are also sculptures that hide those days.
358 PMP on Google

Located in the mountains on the west side of Tsuwano Station (climbing a slope from the parking lot). A cathedral is built in this place, which was the stage for the suppression of hidden Christians. The square surrounded by trees is quiet and even conveys a sad history in the air.
やまぎわショートカット on Google

紅葉が素敵。 雨降ると参道が滑りやすいので 気をつけてください。
The autumn leaves are wonderful. Because the approach is slippery when it rains Please be careful.
ドーべル on Google

I went in the evening. When I asked the locals, I was told that the shrine is open so I could visit it, so I went to an unpopular place. I was able to tour the inside. Although it is a small shrine, it had a nice atmosphere.
池田敏之 on Google

静かな場所でした。 坂道を上がるんですが、落ち葉があって更に濡れてる時は滑るかもなんで、そこは注意されながら行っていただけると良いと思います。
It was a quiet place. I go up the slope, but if there are fallen leaves and it gets wet, it may slip, so I think it would be nice if you could go there with caution.
Atsuko Hisano on Google

I recommend that you visit not only the church, but also the memorial monument in the mountains. It takes about 20 minutes to get there.
Allison Saffel on Google

I hike to the chapel on a semi-regular basis. (About 15 minutes up and 10 minutes down). While it's quite steep (I don't recommend wearing heels/anything shoes that slip easily) the chapel itself and the monuments at the clearing are really beautiful and well-kept. There are explanations written in both English and Japanese about the Christian martyrs who died in Tsuwano/Japan during the Edo period. It's definitely worth a stop for those interested in Japan's religious history or for those who just want a pleasant excursion into the mountains. In the spring, the Chapel is surrounded by Sakura. In the fall, the entire trail is lined with Japanese maples, so it's beautiful.
Shizuka Mori on Google

A nice, peaceful place for meditation. The path is a little slippery but the handrails are convenient. If you are Catholic, a very awe-inspiring sight.

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