
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ゆら

住所 :

Ota, Kamisu, 〒314-0254 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Ibaraki

Ota, Kamisu, 〒314-0254 Ibaraki,Japan
りり on Google

安くて健康食で美味しい♡♡ とーっても大好きなお店です! 週1でメニューが変わり、 私は湯葉と生麩が大好きです♪ おじちゃん.はノリが良くて 子供の面倒見がよくて優しいです! おばちゃん.も話してみると 優しくて丁寧に色々と教えてくれます☆ 毎週行きたいお店です♪♪
Cheap and delicious food with healthy food It is a shop I love too! The menu changes in week 1, I love yuba and ginger ♪ Uncle. Child care is good and kind! Aunt. You will be kind and polite. It is a shop I want to go every week ♪ ♪
agro on Google

His wife's food, the atmosphere of the restaurant, the garden, and the uncle's talk are the best! Every time I go, my heart is washed.
sarry , on Google

前から気になっていたけど中々入れなかったお店。今日初めて足を踏み入れてみたけど、中の雰囲気はすっごく穏やかで、日当たりもよく、和風な感じがとてもGood? メニューがないので、気になっていたがどうやら日替わりランチ一択らしい。 というわけで食前に美味しいコーヒーを頂きながらランチを待つことに。 そして登場したのはなんと和風の食事。 玄米か白米か選べるとのことなのでここはヘルシーに玄米を選択。 老夫婦で経営してるみたいで、店主さんはすごいお話上手。冗談が多いので笑ってしまいました。 ランチが登場しましたが、がんもの煮物、ピーマンのおひたし?、冷奴、とろろ芋の和え物。サラダ、店主曰く中身のわからないコロッケ(ちなみに、中はシャキシャキのれんこんが入ったとっても美味しいコロッケでした)、そして抹茶のデザートです。 美味しいコーヒー付きでこの量で1000円は本当に安いし、かなりお腹に溜まるしヘルシーだと思います!是非立ち寄ってみてください!とってもオススメです(๑'ڡ'๑)୨♡
A shop that I've been interested in for a long time, but I couldn't enter. I set foot for the first time today, but the atmosphere inside is very calm, sunny, and the Japanese feeling is very good ? Since there is no menu, I was curious, but it seems that I have a daily lunch option. That's why I decided to wait for lunch while having a delicious coffee before meals. And what appeared was a Japanese-style meal. It is said that you can choose brown rice or white rice, so choose brown rice healthy here. It seems that the shop is run by an elderly couple, and the owner is very good at talking. I laughed because I had a lot of jokes. Lunch has arrived, but is it a simmered cancer dish, a green pepper? , Cold tofu, tororo potato sauce. Salad, croquette that the owner says you don't know what's inside (by the way, it was a very delicious croquette with crispy lotus root inside), and matcha dessert. With delicious coffee, 1000 yen is really cheap with this amount, and I think it's quite hungry and healthy! Please drop in! I highly recommend it (๑'ڡ'๑) ୨♡
ayanokouji marie on Google

野菜中心のマクロビランチがいただけます。 野菜だけなんですが、味に工夫もありどれも美味しくいただいています。 ランチメニューは週替わりということです。 サラダは、1度のみ好きなだけ盛れます サバサバとしたママさんと気さくなマスターで店の雰囲気はとってもアットホームな感じです。
You can have a macrobiotic lunch centered on vegetables. It's only vegetables, but the taste is also devised and they are all delicious. The lunch menu changes weekly. Salad can be served only once as much as you like The atmosphere of the store is very cozy with a cheerful mom and a friendly master.
れおん on Google

とにかく最高です! こんなに素敵なお店があったなんて! Googleマップでランチ出来る所を探してたら、魅力的なお料理の写真を発見、ゆらさんでした! 母と2週連続で伺いました、色々な種類のおかずと玄米or白米も選べ、デザート、コーヒーor紅茶も付いて1100円! マスターも面白くて、ママのお料理も美味しくて、すっかりゆらさんにハマりました! 常連さんも多い様で、マスターと常連さんのやり取りを聞いてても楽しかったです笑 また伺わせて貰います。
Anyway, it ’s the best! There was such a nice shop! When I was looking for a place to have lunch on Google Maps, I found a picture of a fascinating dish, Yura-san! I visited my mother for 2 weeks in a row, and I can choose various kinds of side dishes and brown rice or white rice, dessert, coffee or tea for 1100 yen! The master was also interesting, and mom's food was delicious, so I was completely addicted to Yura-san! It seems that there are many regulars, and it was fun to hear the exchanges between the master and the regulars lol I will ask you again.
かおり on Google

The atmosphere inside the restaurant was warm and the lunch menu menu was healthy and delicious. If you eat it every day, you will be healthy.
松岡ドリー on Google

Zasso Nouka on Google

Absolutely fantastic vegetarian and vegan choices every day of the week.

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