
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 大鳥居駅

住所 :

Ota City, Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Ota City, Tokyo,Japan
TT Kizman on Google

Underground station.
seagull 8 on Google

At the underground station, the wind coming up when entering the train is quite strong, probably because the exit to the downstairs is narrow.
佐藤壮 on Google

If you don't pay attention to your destination, you won't be able to reach Shinagawa
Hi Ha on Google

リラックマとコラボ中。 キイロイトリ目当てのみなさんがちらほらと出没してます。 みんな笑顔。リラックマの魅力ですね。
Collaborating with Rilakkuma. Everyone who is looking for a kid is appearing here and there. Everyone smiles. It is the charm of Rilakkuma.
Law Brian on Google

A short stay, which is the first stop after the journey begins from Haneda Airport
きじばる潜狸 on Google

羽田神社の最寄り駅です。 羽田の大鳥居というと、穴守稲荷の鳥居が有名ですが、大鳥居駅はその最寄り駅ではありません。 名前の由来は、穴守稲荷の鳥居が有名になる前の明治35年(1902年)6月の開業当時にさかのぼります。 当時、穴守稲荷神社から稲荷橋まで鳥居が連なっており、その最初の大きな鳥居が近くにあった事が駅名の由来になっているとの事でした。 旧穴守稲荷大鳥居の最寄り駅は、穴守稲荷駅そのものなのです。 が、穴守稲荷まで歩くのも15分程度しかかかりませんし、往時を偲びながら穴守稲荷の鳥居に込められた思いを想像して歩くのも乙なものです。また、空港絡みのパワースポットとして、羽田神社が最寄にあります。 下手に駅名を変えたりせずに、このまま続いてほしい物だと切に願います。
It is the closest station to Haneda Shrine. When it comes to Haneda's Otorii, Anamori-Inari's torii is famous, but Otorii Station is not the closest station. The origin of the name goes back to the time of opening in June 1902, before the torii gate of Anamori-Inari became famous. At that time, there were torii gates running from Anamori Inari Shrine to Inari Bridge, and the fact that the first large torii gate was nearby was the origin of the station name. The closest station to the former Anamori Inari Otorii is Anamori Inari Station itself. However, it only takes about 15 minutes to walk to Anamori Inari, and it is also a good idea to imagine the thoughts put into the torii gate of Anamori Inari while remembering the past. In addition, Haneda Shrine is nearby as a power spot related to the airport. I sincerely hope that you will continue as it is without changing the station name badly.
氷華 on Google

駅から出てきた人に舌打ちされた 歩道が狭いのに利用者はかなり多いです
I was struck by a person who came out of the station Although the sidewalk is narrow, there are quite a lot of users
ironcerica on Google

It's a beautiful and easy-to-use station.

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