Osumi Minamizuka Kofun. - Kyotanabe

3.8/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Osumi Minamizuka Kofun.

住所 :

Osumihachioji, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0343, Japan

Postal code : 610-0343

Osumihachioji, Kyotanabe, Kyoto 610-0343, Japan
ICHI YA on Google


全長71mの前方後方墳、築造時期は4世紀末頃と推定。 東側に並ぶ大住車塚古墳も同じ形・同じ大きさで、周濠をもつ前方後円墳が二基並ぶ全国的にも珍しい例。 被葬者は不明。 伝承として、このあたりの古墳群と継体天皇の関わりや、大隅隼人の移住と結びつける向きもあるが、確証があるわけではない。
The front and rear burial mounds with a total length of 71 m are estimated to have been built at the end of the 4th century. The Ozumi Kurazuka Tumulus lined up on the east side has the same shape and size, and is a rare example nationwide with two front and rear tumuli with a moat. The burial person is unknown. The tradition is that there is a relationship between the burial mounds around this area and Emperor Keitai, as well as a direction to link with the migration of Hayato Osumi, but this is not certain.
松浦幸弘 on Google

Because there is no indication, I want a signboard for the Ozumi Minamizuka Tumulus.
Ross-Barry Barcock on Google

An interesting site to explore. To the casual passer-by, this could easily be mistaken for a clump-of-trees in the middle of a rice field.

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