Osuka Beach - Hachinohe

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osuka Beach

住所 :

Hikagezawa Samemachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0841, Japan

Postal code : 031-0841
Webサイト : https://hachinohe-kanko.com/kanko_data/osukakaigan
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

Hikagezawa Samemachi, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-0841, Japan
企画部長 on Google

ゴミがなければ最高です、ほんとうに綺麗なので一度行ってみてください その近くに展望台もありますので 駐車場は探さないとありませんが、展望台のある所には駐車場がありますので、夏はアイスクリーム片手に見に行っても良いんじゃないでしょうか? 天気が良いと癒されますよ
It's great if you don't have any trash, it's so beautiful, please try it once There is also an observatory near it, so I have to look for a parking lot, but there is a parking lot at the place where the observation deck is, so I think it's okay to go to see ice cream with one hand in summer. It will be healed when the weather is nice
けんさん on Google

鳴き砂の浜!眺めていると心落ち着く❗️ 近くに東山魁夷画伯の絵?「みち」のモデルになった 「みち」があります。
Beach of singing sand! Looking down calms down. Nearby became a model of Higashiyama Kaii's painting ? “Michi” There is "Michi".
Sasurai on Google

I walk early in the morning every time I return home in spring, summer, fall and winter. Never get tired of going every day.
吉田博史 on Google

鳴き砂の浜として名高いが、運が悪ければ鳴かないこともある。砂は石英と長石の多い珪長質の白っぽい砂にさらに貝殻の砕けた粒が白さを上乗せしている。なぜかこの辺りには普通である砂鉄をほとんど含まない。 たとえば階上岳を形成している花崗閃緑岩は比較的容易に分解してマサになるが鉄分も多いので、砂はこのように白いものにはならない。種差漁港付近の北須賀は普通に黒っぽいし、かつての白銀の砂浜は本当に黒かった。北沼から市川、三沢の淋代まで砂浜は続くがずっと黒い砂浜だ。 中須賀・大須賀・白浜だけがこの白い砂で覆われている。この砂は気候によりまた季節により増減するが、砂の質は変わらないので、目前の海底には同質の砂が大量にストックされているのだろう。 この砂浜に打ち上げられる、ナデシコガイ、アズマニシキなどのきれいな貝殻や花模様のハスノハカシパン等を探したり、砂丘の上で、ウンランやハマボウフウ等の花を探すのもおもしろい。 植物に関心をお持ちなら砂丘の後ろの湿地がらみの変化に富む植生に注目頂きたい。ただ単に季節の移り変わりや植物の種類の豊富さを実感できるだけでなく、湿地の拡大後退と共に移り変わる、草や樹木たちの消長にまで想いを馳せることもできるという、ここ大須賀ならではの体験を得ることができるかもしれない。実は、自然公園指導員として種差海岸を紹介する場合に一番に見て戴きたいのが、この砂丘後背の植生なのだが‥‥‥。
It is famous as a beach of singing sand, but if you are unlucky, it may not sing. The sand is felsic whitish sand with a lot of quartz and feldspar, and the crushed grains of shells add whiteness. For some reason, this area contains almost no iron sand, which is common. For example, the granodiorite that forms Mt. Hashikami decomposes relatively easily to become masa, but because it contains a large amount of iron, the sand does not become white like this. Kitasuka near the species difference fishing port was usually blackish, and the former white silver sandy beach was really black. The sandy beach continues from Kitanuma to Ichikawa and Misawa's Sabishiro, but it is a black sandy beach all the time. Only Nakasuka, Osuka and Shirahama are covered with this white sand. This sand increases and decreases depending on the climate and the season, but the quality of the sand does not change, so it seems that a large amount of homogeneous sand is stocked on the seabed in front of us. It is also interesting to look for beautiful shells such as dianthus and calico oranda and flower-patterned scaphechinus vulgaris that are washed up on this sandy beach, and to look for flowers such as unlan and glehnia on the sand dunes. If you are interested in plants, pay attention to the varied vegetation of the wetlands behind the dunes. Not only can you experience the changing seasons and the abundance of plant types, but you can also think about the fate of grass and trees that change with the expansion and retreat of wetlands. I may be able to do it. Actually, when I introduce Tanesashi Coast as a natural park instructor, the first thing I would like you to see is the vegetation behind the dunes.
Skaggs Skaggs on Google

Pretty clean beach!
Curtis Beaverford on Google

Great beach!
Branden Carroll on Google

Worth the stop if you’re coming through! This place is great for a date or surfing. The shore is a bit steep so watch your steep and keep an eye on your children if you have any. Definitely a great spot for photo opportunities as well, parking is a bit awkward bit I just found a spot on the side of the road and walked.
Igor Ovsiannikov on Google

Beautiful beach. No people. Swimming not allowed, because of the rip current, except small area closer to the village. Lots of sand! Pine trees not too far from the ocean line. One can enjoy bare foot walking observing the ocean and the horizon (if there is no fog) and breathe refreshing ocean breeze. Locals surf here from time to time.

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