珈琲 かのん - Nagoya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 珈琲 かのん

住所 :

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 460-0011
街 : Aichi

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan
Yoppi on Google

大須観音の目の前の立地です。 飲み物を頼んだらついてきたミニクッキーが可愛かったです!
It is a location in front of Osu Kannon. When I asked for a drink, the mini cookies I came with were cute!
カミロ on Google

I ordered iced coffee, but it tasted better than I expected, and it was easy to drink and very delicious. The take-out package was also simple, cute and fashionable. It's just a little difficult to understand, so it seems that familiar people know it, but I felt it was a waste. Kakigori is also on sale in the summer, which is perfect when you want to take a break. Today, I highly recommend this shop to those who want to drink delicious coffee.
petit145 on Google

かき氷食べたくて大須うろうろ かき氷の旗を発見したので注文してみました。 レモン練乳。注文してすぐにいただけました。 入れ物もスプーンもシンプルでお洒落♡ 個人差あるかもしれませんが、溶けちゃう前に食べれる量でした。他にも気になるドリンクたくさんありました。
I want to eat shaved ice I found a flag of shaved ice, so I ordered it. Lemon condensed milk. I ordered it immediately. The container and spoon are simple and stylish ♡ There may be individual differences, but it was enough to eat before it melted. There were many other drinks I was interested in.
Aya Brezh on Google

外に写真入りのメニューがあったので入りやすかったです。 手作りカレーとあって、業務用っぽくない優しい感じのカレーの味です。 デザートも手作りで美味しいです。 ゆっくりできます。 地元のおじさんも普通に入る店です(´・ω・`)
It was easy to enter because there was a menu with photos outside. There is handmade curry and it is a taste of curry that is not like commercial use and has a gentle feeling. Dessert is handmade and delicious. I can relax. A local uncle is also a regular shop (´ ・ ω ・ `)
K Natsuume on Google

ランチで利用しました。680円〜1000円程度のカレーメニューでミニサラダ付き、食後の飲み物は別途150円でオーダーする感じです。 私はカニクリームコロッケカレー大盛りに、ゆで卵をトッピングしました。 ご飯やトッピングの具材は、いたって普通の味に感じましたが、カレーソースは野菜がソースに溶けており、まろやかな野菜の旨味がたっぷり伝わってくる、やさしい味のカレーです。 立地からすると値段が良心的。 食後のコーヒーも美味しかったです。
I used it for lunch. The curry menu is about 680 yen to 1000 yen, with a mini salad, and after-meal drinks are ordered separately for 150 yen. I topped a large serving of crab cream croquette curry with a boiled egg. The ingredients for rice and toppings seemed to have a normal taste, but the curry sauce is a curry with a gentle taste that conveys the mellow taste of vegetables with the vegetables dissolved in the sauce. The price is reasonable from the location. The coffee after the meal was also delicious.
にったく on Google

ワンコインでココアが飲めます。 カップも可愛いです。
You can drink cocoa with one coin. The cup is also cute.
Matt Fran on Google

Great food, good atmosphere!
Alex Blatchford on Google

A great place to relax and enjoy some breakfast before starting the day! English menu is available and staff is nice.

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