eric-life - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact eric-life

住所 :

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 460-0011
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Osu, Naka Ward, Nagoya, 〒460-0011 Aichi,Japan
M M on Google

The food is delicious, but the desserts are also delicious. There are various sofas and the sitting comfort is different, so I enjoy it every time. There are 1st floor and 2nd floor, and even if the bottom is full, the top may be empty.
Mr Jun on Google

考え事の仕事をするとき、よく資料持ち込みでヘッドホンをして作業させてもらいます。 ソファが座り心地よく、センスのいいお店。 店員さんも雰囲気いいし、メニューもオシャレで、接客もスマート。 かんたんにドリンクで済ませるときもあれば、流れでランチを頼むときもありますご、ランチもどれも美味しいです。 女の子受けもいいお店ですから、待ち合わせにも最適ですよ。 混んできたときは出来るだけ長居しないように40分くらいでは引き上げるようにしています。
When I do thoughtful work, I often bring in materials and use headphones. A store with a comfortable sofa and a good taste. The clerk has a nice atmosphere, the menu is fashionable, and the customer service is smart. Sometimes it's easy to finish with a drink, sometimes you ask for lunch in the flow, and each lunch is delicious. It's a great place for girls, so it's perfect for meetings. When it gets crowded, I try to raise it in about 40 minutes so that I will not stay as long as possible.
なつ on Google

店内のインテリアがとてもおしゃれで、雑誌もあるのでとても長居のしやすいカフェ。 メニューも沢山あったので迷いましたが、どれも美味しそうでした。 伝票が動物の置物だったのが可愛かったです。
The interior of the store is very fashionable, and there are magazines, so it's a cafe that makes it very easy to stay longer. I was at a loss because there were many menus, but they all looked delicious. It was cute that the slip was an animal figurine.
〇 ぷりん 〇PuRin on Google

店内はオシャレでソファー席が多く、ゆったりと寛げますし、スタッフさんの接客も丁寧で気持ち良いカフェです(^^) リンゴのミルフィーユは程良い甘さで、アイスクリームとカスタードがとても良くマッチして美味しかったです♪ お会計時は、テーブルに置かれた動物フィギュア(小)を忘れずに☆ また大須にきた時は、お邪魔したいと思います(o^^o)
The shop is fashionable and has a lot of sofa seats, so you can relax and it is a polite and pleasant cafe for the staff to serve you well (^ ^) Apple's Millefeuille is a good sweetness, and the ice cream and custard matched very well and it was delicious ♪ At the time of checkout, don't forget the animal figure (small) placed on the table ☆ In addition, when I came to Osu, I would like to disturb you (o ^ ^ o)
SAYAKA on Google

It was a cute cafe ☕️ I was very healed by the interior and miscellaneous goods ^ _ ^ It feels comfortable to spend without being crowded ^ _ ^ I chose the peach of the two seasonal tarts ? It looks cute with volume I didn't like the taste ? The tart dough was too hard to eat, I would like to try other meal menus
Gülin Vardar on Google

Very cute place.
Eric Irrgang on Google

Very friendly. High quality. Relaxed and comfortable. Very positive experience.
Matt Smith on Google

Super comfortable place to relax. Friendly service and English menu. A place to take your time. Lasagna pretty good.

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