家族葬のファミーユ 奈良押熊ホール - Oshikumacho

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Contact 家族葬のファミーユ 奈良押熊ホール

住所 :

Oshikumacho, 〒631-0011 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 631-0011
Webサイト : https://www.famille-kazokusou.com/search_area/nara/narashi/post-415.html
街 : Nara

Oshikumacho, 〒631-0011 Nara,Japan
A Google User on Google

父の葬儀で利用させてもらいました。 急に亡くなったこともあり、紹介されたままにファミーユ奈良押熊さんに決める形になりましたが、説明に来てくださった泉さんの温かみのある雰囲気に『ここでお願いしよう』という気持ちになりました。祭壇のお花の色合い・飾り方を何気ない会話で聞いてくださった吉田さん、ぎゅっとなっていた父の手を「マッサージしますね」とまるで生きてるかのように扱ってくださった納棺師の方。通夜が始まる前なのに『ここに決めて良かったね』という言葉が家族で飛び交いました。父との最期の別れはあまりに突然で受け入れ難いこともあったはずなのに、ファミーユさんの気遣いと心遣いのおかげで『いってらっしゃい、また会おうね』こんな気持ちで見送ることができました。 通夜から告別式までの間も泊まってずっと一緒に居られる場所も用意されており、家族葬をされる方はここがおススメです。 本当にいろいろお世話になり、ありがとうございました。
I used it at my father's funeral. Since I died suddenly, I decided to go to Famille Nara Oshikuma as I was introduced, but the warm atmosphere of Mr. Izumi who came to explain made me feel like "let's ask here". I did. Mr. Yoshida, who listened to the colors and decorations of the flowers on the altar in a casual conversation, and the narrator who treated the hands of his father, who had been tight, as if he were alive. Even before the start of the night, the words "I'm glad I decided here" flew around with my family. The final farewell to my father must have been so sudden and unacceptable, but thanks to Mr. Famille's care and consideration, I was able to see him off with this feeling. There is also a place where you can stay together from the night to the farewell ceremony, and this is recommended for those who are going to have a family funeral. Thank you very much for your kindness.
A Google User on Google

夫の葬儀で利用しました。 まるで自宅にいる様な雰囲気で夫の最期を見送る事が出来ました。 施設の中は私たち家族の人数にピッタリの広さで ドリンクサービス、お風呂、ソファ、テーブル フル活用しました。 担当していただいた泉さんの故人や遺族に対する気づかいにもとても感謝しております。
I used it at my husband's funeral. I was able to see off my husband's end in an atmosphere that made me feel like I was at home. The size of the facility is perfect for the number of people in our family Drink service, bath, sofa, table I made full use of it. I am very grateful to Mr. Izumi for his awareness of the deceased and the bereaved family.
A Google User on Google

Thank you for your support at the funeral on December 30th. The staff, including Mr. Yoshida, responded very warmly, and I was able to do it with peace of mind as a family. I think my father is very pleased to have everyone create a homely atmosphere. I also felt the goodness of family funerals. I'm really thankful to you.
A Google User on Google

父の葬儀で使用させていただきました。 病院の引き取りからお骨あげまで、?田様、林様、西河様はじめ皆様に親切にしていただき、温かくご対応いただき、本当に感謝しております。 特に、父が誕生日に亡くなったため、告別式にわざわざお誕生日ケーキを用意していただき、また、ゴルフ・カラオケ好きだったのでプラスチックのゴルフ道具やマイクも飾っていただきました。 悲しい中にも柔らかな雰囲気で父を送り出すことができました。 本当にありがとうございます。
I used it at my father's funeral. I am truly grateful to Mr. ? da, Mr. Hayashi, Mr. Nishikawa and everyone for their kindness and warm support, from taking over the hospital to raising the bones. In particular, since my father died on his birthday, he took the trouble to prepare a birthday cake for the farewell ceremony, and since he liked golf and karaoke, he also displayed plastic golf equipment and a microphone. Even though I was sad, I was able to send my father out in a soft atmosphere. thank you very much.
A Google User on Google

12月31日に葬儀でお世話になりました。 どの様に葬儀を進めればいいのかも解らない中、親族の意見などを聞きつつ、速水さんがまとめて下さいました。それからは、寺尾さん始めスタッフの方々が励ましの言葉や温かく親切な対応、きめ細やかなお心遣いで親族一同が満足のいく葬儀を無事行う事が出来ました。特に寺尾さんには、母とのお別れの時間を十分に取れる様お気遣い下さったり、葬儀を進める上で親族の事にまでお気遣い下さった事本当に感謝しています。
Thank you for your help at the funeral on December 31st. While I didn't know how to proceed with the funeral, Mr. Hayami summarized it while listening to the opinions of relatives. After that, Mr. Terao and other staff members were able to safely hold a satisfying funeral with words of encouragement, warm and kind support, and careful consideration. In particular, I am really grateful to Mr. Terao for taking care of me so that I can have enough time to say goodbye to my mother, and for taking care of my relatives as I proceed with the funeral.
A Google User on Google

1月6日に祖母が亡くなり、お通夜とお葬式でお世話になりました。担当していただいた冨鶴さんには、お通夜当日の私達の様子や話していた事から飾り付けのご提案をいただいたり、入棺の際に祖母の好きな文藝春秋や和裁の布等も買ってきていただき、家族葬でしたが祖母を思ってくださる方が他にもおられる、という暖かな気持ちをいただきました。 また、湯かんご担当の方に親身にご説明いただいたこと、祭壇のお花飾りが本当に素晴らしかったこと、スムーズに進行していただいたその他スタッフの方々にも感謝しております。自分の時にもここがいい、と、参列した皆が言っておりました。 良いお葬式をありがとうございました。
My grandmother passed away on January 6th, and I was taken care of by the night and the funeral. Mr. Tomitsuru, who was in charge, gave me suggestions for decoration based on what we were doing on the day of the night and what we were talking about, and when I entered the casket, I bought my grandmother's favorite Bungeishunju and wasai cloth. It was a family funeral, but I got a warm feeling that there are other people who think of my grandmother. We are also grateful to the person in charge of the hot springs for their kind explanation, the wonderful flower decoration on the altar, and the other staff members who made the process go smoothly. Everyone who attended said that this is a good place for me. Thank you for a good funeral.
A Google User on Google

Due to my father's sudden death, I suddenly needed a funeral, so I consulted with him without knowing anything and feeling uneasy. Not only the price, but also the detailed consideration, everything is incredible. I am also grateful to the staff who responded. I stayed at the hotel with showers and equipment, and I was surrounded by beautiful flowers, and I was able to have a truly wonderful end. I can feel that my father's life has no regrets, and I am just grateful.
A Google User on Google

父の葬儀で利用しました〜 施設の中は、こじんまりとしてましたが 雰囲気も良く、 まるでモデルルームのように綺麗で、 お通夜の後、みんなで泊まり故人を偲ぶことができました。 家族葬をする方には、かなりオススメです。 職員の方の対応や雰囲気もよく 打ち合わせに来てくれた吉田さんに祭壇の花の飾り方のイメージを伝えた所、 抜群のセンスで色合いもよく家族全員一致で 納得のいくものでした‼︎ありがとうございます。 お見送りの担当の泉さん‼︎話もよく聞いてくれて 配慮や、気遣いが素晴らしく、お坊さんも、 人と人との縁と話をされてましたが、ホントにその通りだと思いました。 気持ちよくみんな穏やかに父を送ることができました。ありがとうございました。
I used it at my father's funeral ~ The inside of the facility was small, The atmosphere is good, It ’s as beautiful as a model room, After going to night, we all stayed and were able to remember the deceased. It is highly recommended for those who have a family funeral. The correspondence and atmosphere of the staff are also good I told Mr. Yoshida who came to the meeting the image of how to decorate the flowers on the altar. Excellent sense and good color, unanimous with the whole family It was convincing! ︎ Thank you. Mr. Izumi in charge of seeing off! ︎ Listen to the story Consideration and care are wonderful, and even the monks I was talking about the relationship between people, but I really thought that was the case. Everyone was able to send my father comfortably and calmly. Thank you very much.

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