
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 酔香

住所 :

Oshiage, Sumida City, 〒131-0045 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.shuan-suiko.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 3–9PM
Sunday 3–9PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 5–9PM
Thursday 5–9PM
Friday 5–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Oshiage, Sumida City, 〒131-0045 Tokyo,Japan
あお on Google

素敵な店構えの日本酒専門店です。ワクワクするような品揃え✨ お通しひとつでかなーり楽しめます。
This is a store specializing in Japanese sake with a nice store. Exciting product lineup✨ You can enjoy it easily with one pass.
鈴木智 on Google

日本酒好きな人であれば、最高なお店だと思います。 日本酒ももちろんですが、食べ物がとても美味しかったです。
If you like sake, I think it's the best restaurant. Not to mention sake, the food was very good.
Masami A on Google

完全禁煙で、豊富な日本酒(冷酒、ひや・燗酒、古酒)をリーズナブルに楽しめる店。焼酎等はありません。 お通しの八寸(1000円)他、気の利いたつまみも楽しめます。 人気店なので、予約をする事をおすすめします。また、人数が揃ってから入店する事。(店内待ち合わせ不可) 日本酒の写真撮影はOKですが、SNSへの投稿は不可。 香水や煙草の匂いをまとった人も入店禁止。
A completely non-smoking restaurant where you can enjoy a wide range of Japanese sake (cold sake, Hiya / Sake, old sake) at a reasonable price. There is no shochu. In addition to the 8 inch (1000 yen) you can enjoy, you can also enjoy nifty knobs. Since it is a popular store, we recommend that you make a reservation. Also, enter the store after the number of people is complete. (In-store waiting is not possible) Sake photography is OK, but posting to SNS is not possible. Persons wearing smells of perfume and cigarettes are also prohibited.
HIDE on Google

日本酒、つまみのラインナップ共に酒呑みには良いお店だと思います。ただ下町の気さくな飲み屋さんと思うとチト違う。お酒の質問には的確に答えてくれるけど。 店とのコミュニケーションなんて酒の説明だけで十分。美味しいお酒とつまみがあれば勝手にやりますという方には良いお店。
I think that the sake and snacks lineup is a good place to drink sake. It's just a bit different when you think of a friendly bar in downtown. It will answer your liquor questions accurately. Communication with the store is enough to explain the sake. This is a good restaurant for people who want to have delicious sake and snacks.
kumaちゃん on Google

写真のアップは禁止ということなので 多種多様な日本酒をリーズナブルな価格で楽しめるお店、おつまみも美味しいです。 お酒と料理だけあれば楽しめる人向けです。 接客は期待してはいけません。最低限です。 お酒に関しての質問も、あまり答えてくれないのである程度知識のある人向けですね。
Since uploading photos is prohibited The restaurant where you can enjoy a wide variety of sake at a reasonable price, and the snacks are also delicious. It is for people who can enjoy only alcohol and food. Don't expect customer service. It is the minimum. It's for people who have some knowledge because they don't answer many questions about alcohol.
野村賢二 on Google

究極の日本酒?バー ですね。 また行きます❣️
The ultimate sake bar is not it. I will go again ❣️
Anko Super on Google

1080円で6品のお通しが日本酒にベストマッチ。 日本酒も初めてみるものが多数で日本酒好きにはおすすめです
Six dishes at 1080 yen are the best match for sake. There are many things to try for the first time, and it is recommended for sake lovers
k kojiji on Google

何度も利用させて頂いてます。 日本酒のラインナップも最高ですが料理がとても美味しいです。 お通しが6品で1000円と普通のお通しよりお高いですがそれだけで何杯もお酒が飲めてしまいます。もちろんその他の料理も美味しいです。 お店の雰囲気も古民家でありとても趣きがあります。
I have been using it many times. The lineup of sake is great, but the food is very delicious. The price of 6 dishes is 1000 yen, which is more expensive than regular sake, but you can drink many cups of sake. Of course, other dishes are also delicious. The atmosphere of the shop is also an old folk house and it is very tasteful.

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