Osakaya Furumachi - Niigata

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osakaya Furumachi

住所 :

7 Bancho-1006-1 Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 951-8063
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

7 Bancho-1006-1 Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan
阿彦剛男 on Google

The flowing plums are seasonal, but I like them very deliciously.
Kyoko Ishiyama (fuekinori) on Google

古町の大阪屋? 以前は本店だったような気がします?
Furumachi Osakaya ? I feel like it used to be the main store ?
武田一義翁 on Google

新潟で最も有名な老舗菓子店の一つです。社名は創業者がお菓子作りの修行を大坂でして来たことに由来します。 看板の題字は昭和26年、新潟市古町出身の歌人、會津八一によって書かれた毛筆です。 お菓子を包装の間、お茶とお菓子を出してくれます。 「万代太鼓」と「葡萄紀行」が特にお勧めです。おやつにもお土産にも最適です。万代大鼓は子供から年配者まで多くの新潟県民に愛されています。 「万代太鼓」は新潟まつりに欠かせない太鼓から、その名前が付いています。 贈答には「喫茶去」もオススメです。甘過ぎず、柔らかくて美味しいです。 古町モールの角にあります。駐車場はありません。3,000円以上の買い物で提携駐車場の割引券がもらえます。 クレジットカードが使えます。
It is one of Niigata's most famous and well-established confectionery stores. The company name is derived from the founder's training in making sweets in Osaka. The title of the signboard is a brush written by Furuhito Yaichi, an poet from Furumachi, Niigata City, in 1955. Tea and sweets will be served while packing the sweets. "Manyo Taiko" and "Tokiyuki" are especially recommended. Ideal for snacks and souvenirs. Many generations are loved by many people in Niigata prefecture, from children to the elderly. The name "Maniyo Taiko" comes from the drums that are essential to the Niigata Festival. It is also recommended that you have a coffee shop. Not too sweet, it is soft and delicious. Located at the corner of the Furumachi Mall. There is no parking lot. You can get a discount ticket from a partner parking lot for purchases over 3,000 yen. You can use a credit card.
まーる on Google

It looks like cream puffs and something from this time of year, but he said it would be delicious if he bought it for a child like Anmitsu!
梢堤 on Google

During shopping, you can pick up tea cakes so you can choose slowly. Entered with raisin sand. I chose a souvenir for my trip. Cheese sable is simple but delicious. I should have bought more. I went by car, but some nearby parking lots are discounted so there is a good deal.
つしま銀 on Google

I use it as a gift. After all, I'm glad that the tea confectionery served while I was waiting. In the morning, the clerk swept not only in front of my store but also in the surrounding area, which I liked.
ささ小林 on Google

皆さん書かれている通り、接客がとても丁寧で何時行っても気分良く帰れるお店です。 あと商品にハズレが無い! どれを食べても美味しくお値段がお手頃なので有り難いです。 前は商品を用意している間にお茶とお菓子出してくれていましたが、コロナ禍でなくなったのが残念です。 百花園さんのようにお茶とお菓子の変わりに、ちょっとしたお菓子のおまけがあれば尚良いと思います。
As you can see, the customer service is very polite and you can go home anytime. Also, there is no loss in the product! No matter which one you eat, it's delicious and reasonably priced, so I'm grateful. Before, they served tea and sweets while preparing the products, but it's a pity that they are no longer a corona virus. I think it would be even better if there was a small extra of sweets instead of tea and sweets like Mr. Hyakukaen.
達典松本 on Google

A representative confection in Niigata. When you come to the store, they will serve you sweets ... You can shop comfortably. We also handle fresh Western confectionery. The parking lot has a partner parking lot, so check by phone.

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