osakana dining youjin(ゆうじん) みよし店 - Miyoshi

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact osakana dining youjin(ゆうじん) みよし店

住所 :

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 470-0224
Webサイト :
街 : Aichi

Miyoshicho, Miyoshi, 〒470-0224 Aichi,Japan
青井善樹 on Google

家族の忘年会で利用しました。 お忙しい中、喫煙のお部屋から遠いお部屋に移動させて頂いたり、お気遣い有難う御座いました。 お刺身やお料理も美味しく頂きました。えびマヨがお気に入りです! 年末年始お忙しいと思いますが来年は飲食店の皆様にも良い年になりますように!
I used it at my family's year-end party. Thank you for your concern and moving to a room far from the smoking room while you are busy. The sashimi and dishes were also delicious. Shrimp mayo is my favorite! I think you will be busy during the year-end and New Year holidays, but I hope that next year will be a good year for all the restaurants!
あいすずきにすも on Google

すごく例えにくいのですが、値段相応の量の料理が出てくるのでメニューを見てちょっと高いな…って思ってると思った以上の量出てくるのでプラスマイナスで納得するお店です 質は立地が内部なので鮮度のいい海鮮が食べれるのは嬉しいのとメニューに無いものでも仕入れがあれば相談すればやってくれます(要相談です、事前に電話で確認しているとなお良いです) 個人的にはちょろ食いよりもお魚食べたい!って時に利用したいです
It is very difficult to compare, but since the dishes of the amount corresponding to the price come out, the menu is a little expensive ... The quality is inside the location so it is nice to be able to eat fresh seafood, and even if there is something not on the menu, we will do so if you consult if there is a purchase (need consultation, it is better to check in advance by telephone) Personally, I want to eat fish rather than just eating! I want to use it sometimes
junjun I on Google

先日、初めて夕食を食べに行きました。食事と一緒にノンアルコールを2本飲んだのですが支払いを終えて帰ってきたら領収書には3本分の請求が。 お店にそのことを電話すると、「すみませーん。他のスタッフにも間違えないように伝えておきまーす。」と悪びれた感じもなく、明るく笑いながら流されてしまいました。 普通、返金とかするものではないですか? とても気分が悪くなりました。 もう二度とこのお店には行きません。
The other day, I went to eat dinner for the first time. I drank 2 non-alcoholic drinks with my meal, but when I came back after paying, I was charged for 3 bottles on the receipt. When I called the shop about it, I said, "I'm sorry. I'll tell the other staff not to make a mistake." Isn't it usually a refund? I feel very sick. I will never go to this shop again.
H Hange on Google

周期的にくる魚食べたい欲求w 今日はみよし市のお魚ダイニング「ゆうじん みよし店」に行きましたよ。 店舗外観は倉庫みたいですねぇ。駐車場は南側に一列とぐるっと回って裏側に第2駐車場があるみたいですよ。 凄いですねGWとはいえ平日11時10分過ぎで駐車場は奥の方になっちゃいましたよ、流行ってますねぇ。 店舗入り口ノブにプレートが掛けてあるんですが、折からの強風で「Closed」になっちゃってますよw 左手に台が在って手指の消毒や体温計が置いてあります。 カウンターにどうぞとの事で中央に向かうんですが、2脚毎に離してあるもののアクリル板などはなさそうですね。しかも段差があってちと怖いww 限定1日10食の「大海老フライ御膳」はもう出ちゃったそーですわ。ランチメニューから「煮魚御膳@1380」を選びます。今日はタイとメバルから選べるそーですので「メバル」にしますよ。この黒板を写真撮らせてもらったんですが後々見返すとノドグロ煮御膳とかあるじゃん(´・ω・`) しっかり見せて貰えば良かったww それにしても吹き抜けで開放的と言えばそーなんですが、照明が暗くて写真撮りづらそうです。しかもカウンターから謎の照明出てるしw 窓際のテーブル席のが良かったなー 南側の窓際がテーブル席、北側は個室ボックス席が並んでます。2階もあるみたいですね。大箱だなぁでも開店10分で8割が埋まってます。 トイレにも行ったんですが、扉前に段差があって、こりゃ車イスの方は難儀だろうなと。別に多目的トイレがあるのかな? 提供は早く4分で膳が運ばれて来ましたよ。結構豪勢ですね、しまったなぁご飯が少な過ぎるわ(´△`) 煮魚が遅れること1分。 さて揚げたての唐揚げから頂きましょうか、1個だけとはいえ大きいですな。皮がカリッとしていて肉汁ジューシーで旨いな。隣の客が若鶏の唐揚げ御膳頼んでいて、(お魚ダイニングでお肉を選ぶなんて・・・)とか思っていたけど、ごめんなさい( •᷄ὤ•᷅) 旨いわw 巻貝の煮付けはバイ貝かな?大きいの1つに可愛いの2つ、海鮮料理屋らしくていいね。酒呑みてぇ(´Д`) 刺身も頂きましょうか5種盛りかな蛸と鮪以外はスゲー脂乗ってる、醤油をはじいちゃうww こりゃ刺身御膳も美味しいんだろうな。冷や奴もあるぞ。こりゃ白飯足らんわ。お代り下さいww メインのメバルちゃんは小振りながらしっかり味染々、( ゚д゚)ンマッ! でも上の白ネギと照明の暗さはなんとかならんか、骨が見えやしねぇww 器が深い上に照明は横からだかんね。しょうがないんで一旦ご飯の上に置いて光を透かしながら骨取ってたよ(笑) 味噌汁も少ないんだけどブリかハマチかな?切り身が入ってて旨かった。 ご馳走様でした。美味しいし品数あるしお洒落だしメニューは多いし流行ってるのが良く分かります。ご飯のお代りが無料なのも嬉しい、でもお代りしても足らないなーあの御仏供さんぐらいの量ではなー最初から3倍は欲しいww ただホール係のお姉さんは多いのに来客に気付かれないのが多いな。多分待機する場所と入り口が遠いせいもあると思う。また、伝票が無いので会計の時まごまごするな。メニュー下げられちゃうので自分の金額をレジに行って知る方も多いのでは。 カウンターの下に物入れが在るのは嬉しいけど、そのおかげか椅子がテーブルから遠いんだよね、膝がテーブルの下に入る様になると食べ易いと思う。 あとディナーメニューはランチの時は下げておくのがいいかなーそこかしこで「ランチタイムはこちらのメニューではなくて、ランチメニューからお選びください」って聞こえてくるもの(・ω・;)
Desire to eat fish that comes periodically w Today I went to the fish dining "Yujin Miyoshi store" in Miyoshi city. The appearance of the store looks like a warehouse. It seems that the parking lot goes around in a row on the south side and there is a second parking lot on the back side. It's amazing, even though it's GW, the parking lot has become in the back after 11:10 on weekdays, it's popular. There is a plate on the store entrance knob, but it has become "Closed" due to the strong wind from the moment w There is a stand on the left hand, and there is a disinfection of fingers and a thermometer. I'm heading to the center because I'm asking you to go to the counter, but it seems that there are no acrylic boards, etc., although they are separated by two legs. Moreover, there is a step and it is scary ww The limited 10 meals of "fried shrimp set" has already been released. Select "Boiled fish set @ 1380" from the lunch menu. Today you can choose between Thai and rockfish, so I'll call it "rockfish". I took a picture of this blackboard, but when I look back at it later, there is a simmered seaperch set (´ ・ ω ・ `) It would have been nice if you could show it firmly ww Even so, it is said that it is open and open, but the lighting is dark and it seems difficult to take pictures. Moreover, the mysterious lighting is coming out from the counter w. The table seats by the window were good-the table seats are lined up by the window on the south side, and the private room box seats are lined up on the north side. It seems that there is also a second floor. Even though it's a big box, 80% is filled in 10 minutes after opening. I went to the bathroom, but there was a step in front of the door, so it would be difficult for the wheelchair. Is there another multipurpose toilet? The set was delivered in 4 minutes as soon as possible. It's quite a lot of people, I'm sorry, there is too little rice ('△ `) Boiled fish is delayed for 1 minute. Well, let's start with freshly fried chicken, it's big even if it's only one. The skin is crispy and the gravy is juicy and delicious. The customer next door was asking for a fried chicken set, and I was thinking (choosing meat at the fish dining ...), but I'm sorry (• ᷄ὤ • ᷅). Wonder? One big one and two cute ones, it's nice to be like a seafood restaurant. Sake drink ('Д`) Shall I have sashimi? 5 kinds of octopus and tuna are on board, soy sauce is repelled ww This sashimi set is also delicious. There is also a cold guy. This is white rice. Please replace ww The main rockfish is small but tastes good, (゚ д ゚) Nma! But the white onion above and the darkness of the lighting can not be managed, the bones can not be seen ww The vessel is deep and the lighting Is from the side. I couldn't help it, so I put it on the rice and took the bones while seeing through the light (laughs). It was delicious with the fillet. It was a treat. It's delicious, there are many items, and there are many fashionable menus, so you can see that it's popular. I'm glad that the rice is free of charge, but it's not enough to replace it-it's not as much as that Buddha's servant-I want three times as much from the beginning ww However, there are many older sisters in the hall, but the visitors do not notice There are many. Maybe it's because the waiting place and the entrance are far away. Also, since there are no slips, don't be fooled at the time of accounting. Since the menu will be lowered, many people may go to the cash register to know their own amount. It's nice to have a storage compartment under the counter, but maybe because of that, the chairs are far from the table, and I think it's easier to eat when the knees go under the table. Also, I think it's a good idea to lower the dinner menu at lunch time-somewhere you hear, "Please choose lunch time from the lunch menu, not this menu" (・ ω ・;)
雫石そば子 on Google

No matter what I eat, it's delicious ❗️ I went to lunch with an introduction from my mother. Grilled fish such as salmon and chestnuts are delicious even to the skin. For lunch, the sashimi is an appetizer (* ´ ▽ ` *). Even if you eat full, it feels like you can't lean on your stomach in your 40s. This time I went on my birthday, but it was very delicious. The timing when tempura and food come out on Furofuki radish is also very good. I was able to eat delicious food slowly. I definitely want to go there again. The price was also reasonable. Thank you for the treat (* ^^ *)
nagoya spa on Google

緑区徳重の人気店ゆうじんがみよし市に あったのでランチで行ってきました。 店内は広々とした明るく開放感のある空間。 本店では開店20分前からすごい並んでいて 一回転目に入るのは大変な印象でしたが… 此方は大箱なので余裕で入れました。 名古屋柳橋市場から仕入れた新鮮な食材を 使ったリーズナブルな魚料理が魅力ですが その中から1日限定10食となってる… 大海老フライ御膳(1,380円)を注文。 大海老フライは本当に大きくて2本もあり 身はぷりっぷりですごく美味しいです!! 本店と違い頭付きじゃないのが残念ですが さつまいもとかぼちゃのフライも付いてて ご飯がおかわりできるのが嬉しいですね。 刺身も新鮮で茶碗蒸しまで満足の内容。 スタッフの接客も丁寧で良かったです。 ごちそうさまでした。
In Miyoshi City, a popular store in Tokushige, Midori Ward I went there for lunch. The inside of the store is spacious, bright and open. At the main store, they have been lined up 20 minutes before the store opens. It was a big impression to enter the first rotation, but ... This is a big box, so I put it in with plenty of room. Fresh ingredients procured from Nagoya Yanagibashi Market The reasonably priced fish dishes I used are attractive Only 10 meals a day from among them ... I ordered a fried shrimp set (1,380 yen). The fried shrimp is really big and there are two The body is plump and very delicious! !! It's a pity that it doesn't have a head unlike the main store With sweet potato and pumpkin fried I'm glad that the rice can be refilled. The sashimi is also fresh and the content is satisfying even with chawanmushi. The customer service of the staff was also polite and good. Thank you for the meal.
CHAI on Google

ランチタイムに予約しました 当日は個室を用意していただき、安心して楽しい時間を過ごせました 牡蠣フライ定食を注文 ボリューム満点で食べ切るのが大変でした 食後に杏仁豆腐もサービスで出していただき、大満足のランチでした 2021/8追記 夕食時間に訪問。 19時迄の限定で夜定食がありました。なくなり次第終了。 夜時間帯はお席料必要です。
I made a reservation at lunch time We had you prepare a private room on the day, and we had a good time with peace of mind. Order fried oyster set meal It was hard to eat up with full volume After the meal, almond tofu was served as a service, and it was a very satisfying lunch. 2021/8 postscript Visit at dinner time. There was a set meal at night only until 19:00. It will end as soon as it runs out. A seating fee is required during the night hours.
B Ta on Google

お店には、何度か行かせて頂いてます。 かなりのボリュームで毎回大満足です。 従業員の方も気が利いていて本当に好きなお店です。
I have been to the store several times. I am very satisfied with the volume every time. The employees are also attentive and I really like this shop.

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