Osaka Orthopedic Surgery Hospital - Osaka

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka Orthopedic Surgery Hospital

住所 :

4 Chome-3-61 Ohiraki, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0007, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 553-0007
Webサイト :

4 Chome-3-61 Ohiraki, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0007, Japan
lyon23 on Google

My mother took care of me. The hip surgery on both sides was completed in a blink of an eye, as it was well received on TV. I am happy that my legs are the same length and it has become easier to live. The rehabilitation is great, but the only drawback is that there is almost no location and parking lot. I think the medical level is high. Thank you very much.
今村多佳子 on Google

I had an operation in August last year and finally I can live normally from around December. It's still easy to get tired, but I'll do my best to rehabilitate and build muscle. Thank you to Dr. Iwaki and everyone at the hospital. The future is brightening
にいたかじい on Google

妻が令和3年7月に人工股関節置換術を受けました 手術時間の早さ正確さに感心しきりです❗️退院後直ぐに仕事にも行っています 長い間辛抱して損したと言っています。院長先生には感謝しています❗️
My wife underwent total hip arthroplasty in July 3rd year of Reiwa. I am impressed with the speed and accuracy of the operation. ❗️ I also go to work immediately after discharge. I am grateful to the director ❗️
Katsumi Raita on Google

長くなりますが、。 私が岩城先生にお世話になりましてから約20年になります。 私はトルコ旅行中突然人工骨頭を入れる手術を受ける羽目に合いました。 帰国後大きな整形外科病院の有名な院長先生に診て頂いていましたが、 「あなたはいずれ入れ替えないといけない、手術は難しくなるので今のうちに優秀な先生を紹介する」と言われて当時 大学病院の30代の岩城先生を紹介して頂きました。 後にその院長先生の、ご判断に感謝しております。 暫く経過観察の後、手術を受けました! 先生はトルコの執刀医とメールで情報を受け取り万全の準備をして下さいました。 わたしは不安よりも、日本の優秀な先生に最新の骨頭と入れ替えて頂ける喜びのほうがありました。 手術はスムーズに早く終わったようてした。 子供たちが来た時、わたしは病室に戻っていて、みんなで笑いました! 以来大学病院の岩城先生、中之島、そうして今、定期的にチェックして頂いております。 股関節痛に悩まされていた友人にも紹介して、傷も殆どなく、痛みが全く無いと喜んで私まで感謝されました。 人生100年時代、もう歳だから今更、はないと思います。 先生が不可能と仰らない限り諦めることなく善は急げ!がわたしの持論です。 わたしは今目眩で大学病院耳鼻科に通院しておりますが、なかなか完治いたしません。 目眩の権威医師、とても有名な先生が横浜におられます。 少し遠いですが優秀なドクターの診察を一度受けないと損じゃないですか? 岩城先生と同じように全国各地から患者が行かれます。 85歳のおばあさんですが、わたしは年明けに横浜へ行きます。 この病院は近くて、尚且全国的に有名な岩城先生がおられます。ラッキーです!! 座ったきり、寝たきりになりたくはありません。 これからも通いつづけます。 案ずるより産むがやすし!これは岩城先生がわたしに言って下さった言葉です。
It will be longer, but. It has been about 20 years since I was taken care of by Dr. Iwaki. During my trip to Turkey, I suddenly had an operation to insert an artificial head. After returning to Japan, I was consulted by a famous director of a large orthopedic hospital. At that time, he was told, "You will have to replace it someday, and surgery will be difficult, so I will introduce an excellent teacher now." I was introduced to Dr. Iwaki, who is in his 30s at a university hospital. I am grateful to the director for his judgment later. After a while of follow-up, I had surgery! The teacher received the information by e-mail with the Turkish surgeon and prepared for it. I was more than anxious about the joy of having an excellent Japanese teacher replace the latest bone head. The surgery seemed to finish smoothly and quickly. When the kids came, I was back in the hospital room and everyone laughed! Since then, Professor Iwaki of the university hospital, Nakanoshima, and now, I have you check it regularly. I introduced it to a friend who was suffering from hip pain, and I was glad to thank him for having almost no scars and no pain at all. I'm 100 years old, and I'm already old, so I don't think there's any more. Do not give up and hurry good unless the teacher says it is impossible! Is my theory. I am dizzy and am going to the otolaryngology department of a university hospital, but it is not completely cured. An authoritative doctor of dizziness, a very famous teacher, is in Yokohama. It's a little far, but isn't it a loss if you don't see a good doctor once? Patients come from all over the country like Dr. Iwaki. I'm an 85-year-old grandmother, but I'm going to Yokohama at the beginning of the year. This hospital is close by, and there is a nationally famous Dr. Iwaki. I'm lucky! !! I don't want to be bedridden or bedridden. I will continue to attend. It's easier to give birth than you think! This is the word that Professor Iwaki said to me.
nbk知事 on Google

Have you changed the name anew? I think that this is still a terrible hospital, just because the name Nakanoshima Iwaki Hospital has changed to that name with the move. There is no doctor who can communicate properly, so I will proceed with the treatment without listening to this story. If you want to get better, I don't recommend this.
ゆり on Google

中之島いわき病院の時に股関節手術をして、それまで歩くのが不自由だったのが、痛みなく歩けるようになりました。定期検診に大阪整形外科病院に来ましたが、西九条駅まで楽に歩けました。 入院中は看護師さんも療法士さんも食事も良かったですが、事務処理の若いスタッフさん達はいろんな方がおられるて、もう少し親切な案内をしてほしいと思うこともあります。 が、自由に歩けるようになって、日々感謝していることが全てです。
I had hip surgery at Nakanoshima Iwaki Hospital, and I had difficulty walking until then, but now I can walk without pain. I came to Osaka Orthopedic Hospital for regular examinations, but I could easily walk to Nishikujo Station. While I was in the hospital, the nurses, therapists, and food were good, but there are many young staff members who handle the paperwork, and I sometimes want them to give me a little more kind guidance. But it's all about being able to walk freely and being grateful every day.
野村秀明 on Google

あれだけ苦しんだ股関節の痛みが嘘のように痛みがなくなりました。 しかも両足の股関節置換術の術後、1ヶ月半で仕事に復帰できました。 最新の設備にスタッフも最高です。 先生の説明もわかりやすく、納得できる内容でした。とても良い病院です。 ぜひ、股関節の悪い方、行ってください。
The pain in my hip joint that I suffered has disappeared like a lie. Moreover, I was able to return to work one and a half months after the hip replacement surgery on both legs. The latest equipment and staff are great. The teacher's explanation was also easy to understand and was convincing. It's a very good hospital. If you have a bad hip joint, please go.
MI on Google

岩城先生に手術を担当いただきました。ぶっきらぼうな印象を持ちましたが、必要なことや質問にはきちんと答えてくれますし、手術時間も早く効率的な方なのだと思います。看護師さんはすごく優しい方もいればそうでない方もいるので相性の問題かもしれません。 受付の女性は毎回態度も良くないですし会計も非常に時間がかかります。ここだけ改善してほしいです。
Dr. Iwaki was in charge of the surgery. I had the impression that it was blunt, but he answered the necessary questions and questions properly, and I think he is an efficient person with quick surgery time. Some nurses are very kind and some are not, so it may be a compatibility issue. The lady at the reception does not have a good attitude every time, and the accounting takes a lot of time. I want you to improve only here.

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