Oowada - Sendai

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oowada

住所 :

6 Chome-2-12, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 982-0011
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

6 Chome-2-12, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0011, Japan
akihito goto on Google

細麺のかけそばがちょっと伸びてました汗 以前はこんな事なかったんだけど... かきあげとかぼちゃは美味しかった ランチは冷たいお蕎麦の方が良いかもしれん
Kake soba of thin noodles grew a little sweat I didn't do this before ... The pumpkin and pumpkin were delicious Lunch may be better with cold soba
Genli Wu on Google

La butiko de la manfarita soba, kiu estas malfermita en domo apud la Sendai Minami-polica stacidomo. Oni elektas nudulojn kaj dikajn nudojn, kaj la kvanto ankaŭ estas fajna etapo. Estas tre bonvena por tagaj trinkantoj elekti similan bonan menuon dum tagmezo. Tempura estas ankaŭ zorgeme fritita, kaj la Sakosa kaj similaj ne sentas. La ĉielaj teroj ankaŭ povas esti prenitaj hejmen. La oficisto estas amika, sed la konscio estas malrapida, kaj ofte oni atendas la vizitanton kaj la ordo. Krome, estas bedaŭrinde, ke la konsidero nur de atento al la fremda korpo estas nesufiĉa dum servado. Ankaŭ estas tablo kaj malgranda leviĝo krom la vendotablo en la vendejo, kaj estas bone por la uzo ĉe la bankedo.
The mansion shop, which is open at home near the Sendai Minami police station. Naked and thick nudos are chosen, and the amount is also a fine stage. It is very welcome for daily drinks to choose a similar good menu at noon. Tempura is also carefully fried, and the Sakosa and the like do not feel. The heavenly lands can also be taken home. The employee is friendly, but consciousness is slow, and often the visitor and the order are expected. In addition, it is unfortunately that the consideration only of attention to the foreign body is insufficient during service. There is also a table and a small lift except the counter in the store, and it's good for use at the banquet.
hato T on Google

Lunch use. I think CP is good. It seems that there are famous places for local sake. The big pottery was delicious. However, the essential buckwheat is totally useless and tasteless and odorless. Also, customer service is terrible. Priority is given to their own meals, and tea that should be served after meals is served in the first half of the meal. I couldn't feel anything. I have no experience with delicious soba in Sendai.
荒河流星 on Google

美味しくない 太麺を頼みましたがそば粉を使っているであろううどん、きしめん、つけ麺がごちゃ混ぜになった“なにか”を出されました ブツブツ切れるので10割かなと期待しましたが蕎麦の風味は感じられずそばつゆも出汁を感じられず乾麺の方が美味しく食べられます 私は二度と行く事はありませんしオススメもしません
Not delicious I ordered thick noodles, but I was served "something" that was a mixture of udon, kishimen, and tsukemen that would use buckwheat flour. I expected it to be 100% because it would be cut off, but I couldn't feel the flavor of soba and soba soup, so I could eat dried noodles more deliciously. I will never go again and I will not recommend it
よしのり on Google

かけそば800円注文 細麺 太麺 それぞれ まず他の書き込みにもある通りそばの風味が感じられません。 太麺に関してはそこに歯ごたえが加わるので自分は何を食べてるのか…と疑問になる。 出汁も感じられなくかなりの薄味。 麺の細さもかなりまばら 細麺の中に太麺があったり、その逆も。 これでは湯で時間にも影響しますよ… 麺とスープのどちらもインパクト薄い為(ある意味インパクト大)、結果としてなんだかなぁ〜という感想。 百歩譲って麺の風味が感じられ、出汁薄味 反対の麺の風味が感じられず、出汁濃厚 これならまだ許せる。 立ち食いそばの400円、500円とどちらか…と言われたら立ち食いそばを選択します。 もしくは1200円とかのかけそば 雰囲気はいいですが、ここにまた来たいと思わせるものがなく残念です。
Kake soba 800 yen order, thin noodles, thick noodles, respectively First of all, I can't feel the flavor of soba as in other writings. As for thick noodles, the texture is added to it, so I wonder what I am eating. The soup stock was not felt and the taste was quite light. The thinness of the noodles is also quite sparse There are thick noodles in thin noodles, and vice versa. This will affect the time with hot water ... Both the noodles and the soup have a small impact (in a sense, they have a large impact), so I wonder what the result is. You can feel the flavor of noodles by giving 100 steps, and the soup stock is light. The flavor of the opposite noodles is not felt, and the soup stock is rich I can still forgive this. If you are asked to pay 400 yen or 500 yen for standing soba, choose standing soba. Or Kake soba for 1200 yen The atmosphere is nice, but I'm sorry that there is nothing that makes me want to come here again.
あーりー on Google

おいしいお蕎麦とサクサクの天ぷらが食べれました!おかわりしたくなる美味しさでした!! 夜に赤ちゃんと行きましたが、親切にしてもらえました。 日本酒も美味しそうなものがたくさんあったので、授乳期間が終わったらぜひ呑みにもいきたいです!
I was able to eat delicious soba and crispy tempura! It was delicious that I wanted to refill! !! I went with my baby at night and he was kind to me. There were a lot of Japanese sake that looked delicious, so I definitely want to go for a drink after the breastfeeding period!
石垣真理 on Google

長町南署隣の蕎麦と地酒のおおわ田さんです 蕎麦は素朴な田舎蕎麦で蕎麦の太さを選べますりんご?のコンポートや蕎麦せんべい付いてお得感ありありでした^_^
This is Oowada, a soba noodle and local sake next to Nagamachi Minami Station. Soba is a simple countryside soba and you can choose the thickness of the soba. It was a great deal with the apple ? compote and soba rice crackers ^ _ ^
Nishant Annu on Google

Izakaya which specializes in soba, but has a wide-variety of izakaya fare available. Affordable and delicious with a wide selection of sake as well.

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