Ootoya - Takasaki

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ootoya

住所 :

1258-1 Kaizawamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 370-0042
Webサイト : https://www.ootoya.com/

1258-1 Kaizawamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0042, Japan
塚原俊英 on Google

It takes some time from ordering to coming out, but the taste was good and the quality was high.
HISAZI “N” SATO on Google

飛沫防止カーテンや消毒液などの感染対策はしっかりしていますが、料理が出てくるまでに30分ほどかかります。 話のネタをしっかり準備してから入店しましょう。
Although measures against infection such as splash-proof curtains and disinfectants are well established, it takes about 30 minutes for the food to come out. Let's enter the store after preparing the story material.
井上正明 on Google

かなりの店舗を展開するチェーン店です。私はこのロースカツ定食が定番。軽い油でカリッと揚がった粗挽きパン粉。カットレモンが添えられカラシに塩胡椒まで添付。何度食べても極細切りのキャベツは軟らかい。半分はソースで残りはドレッシングで頂く。出汁の効いた味噌汁も何時でも美味しく、ご飯は白米と雑穀米が選べ、分量も選べる。 オーダーが入ってから調理なので何時でも出来立て、お勧めのお店です。 炭火焼き鳥親子重と豚バラ肉とたっぷり野菜の豆鼓炒めを追加しました。 今日はデミグラスソースハンバーグ。粗挽き肉は肉汁たっぷりで、やや薄めのデミグラスソースとの相性も良し。厚目でしっかりとしたハンバーグは箸で切りながら食すのはいささかしんどい。 一年ぶりに訪問するとスタンプカードが期限切れ、あと三つなのに情けない❗ つくねは甘辛タレが味濃い目、添えられた卵黄を浸けて食べると納得の味。七味唐辛子を振っても相性良し、野菜の種類も豊富です。 久々の訪問、ミスジのレアステーキ丼税込1260円?をチョイス。大振りなお椀状の器で登場、箸と細長いスプーンが添えられていたが御飯の上にサラダやポテサラがトッピング。ことのほか食べにくい⁉️ソースが添えられるもドレッシングが無い⁉️オージー・ビーフかあっさりして物足りない味であった。
It is a chain store that has quite a few stores. This loin cutlet set meal is a staple for me. Coarsely ground bread crumbs fried crispy in light oil. Served with cut lemon and attached to mustard with salt and pepper. No matter how many times you eat, the finely chopped cabbage is soft. Half with sauce and the rest with dressing. Miso soup with soup stock is always delicious, and you can choose white rice or millet rice for rice, and you can also choose the amount. It's cooked after the order is placed, so it's always ready and recommended. Added charcoal-grilled chicken parent and child weight, pork ribs and plenty of stir-fried vegetables. Today is demiglace sauce hamburger. The minced meat is full of gravy and goes well with a slightly thin demiglace sauce. Thick and firm hamburger steak is a little difficult to eat while cutting with chopsticks. When I visited for the first time in a year, the stamp card expired, and I feel sorry for three more ❗ Tsukune has a strong sweet and spicy sauce, and it tastes good when you soak the egg yolk in it. It goes well with shichimi peppers and has a wide variety of vegetables. Visit after a long time, 1260 yen including tax for the rare steak bowl of Misuji? Choose. Appeared in a large bowl-shaped bowl, with chopsticks and an elongated spoon, but with salad and potato salad on top of the rice. Especially hard to eat ⁉️ Sauce was added but there was no dressing ⁉️ Aussie beef was a light and unsatisfactory taste.
抹茶てぃー on Google

Online take-out local card payment OK
星野英明 on Google

大戸屋さんは、3年振りくらい。 ここ高崎貝沢店は初来店。 高崎で足揉みマッサージを受けて、 次の用事迄の間、夕食を食べに立ち寄りました。 メニューに、牡蠣フライ定食を見つけ、 タッチパネルから注文。 店内はビニールシート、仕切り板があり、コロナ対策しています。 まず、揚げ立ての牡蠣フライにレモンを搾り頂きました。衣はサクサク。牡蠣の旨味がジワッと口いっぱいに広がります。 お手製のタルタルソースを口に入れてから、牡蠣フライを食べるのもうまい。 最後にソ-スを掛けて、頂きました。 牡蠣フライは4個か、6個が選べます。 色々な食べ方を愉しむなら、6個ですかね。 ごちそうさまでした。
Ootoya has been around for the first time in three years. This is my first visit to the Takasaki Kaizawa store. After receiving a foot massage in Takasaki I stopped by for dinner until my next errand. Find the oyster fried set meal on the menu, Order from the touch panel. There are vinyl sheets and dividers inside the store to prevent corona. First, I had the lemon squeezed into a freshly fried oyster fry. The batter is crispy. The umami of oysters spreads in your mouth. It's also good to eat homemade tartar sauce and then fried oysters. Finally, I hung the source and received it. You can choose 4 or 6 oyster fries. If you enjoy various ways of eating, maybe 6 pieces. Thank you for the meal.
渡辺奈美 on Google

I often use it when I want to eat Japanese food quickly! The inside of the store is beautiful and clean, and it is delicious, so I would like to continue to go there.
Zの精神 on Google

It's delicious no matter what you eat. There are also plenty of small bowls. I can handle what I want to eat a little more. Even a small mistake can be seen as a proper store with more recovery than expected. At this time of year, we recommend the hot and juicy fried oysters.
Yan Tana on Google

Good charcoal grilled fish. Orders are placed via a tablet PC.

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