堺市の外壁塗装や防水工事なら 株式会社 泉

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 堺市の外壁塗装や防水工事なら 株式会社 泉

住所 :

Onoshibacho, Naka Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8233 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://kabushikigaisya-izumi.com/
街 : Osaka

Onoshibacho, Naka Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8233 Osaka,Japan
ピカりん on Google

外壁塗装の様な高額な作業を頼むのは、どこに依頼すれば良いのかとても悩ましい所。自分なりに情報を集めていくつかの業者に見積もりを依頼するつもりだったが、1社目の泉さんの丁寧な説明をお聞きして、この方ならと即決した。 職人さんも皆感じ良く、組織としてとてもまとまりを感じた。外壁塗装を検討している方には是非お勧めしたいと思います。
Asking for expensive work such as painting the outer wall is a very difficult place to ask where to ask. I was planning to collect information on my own and ask some vendors for quotations, but after hearing the polite explanation of Mr. Izumi, the first company, I decided immediately. All the craftsmen felt good and felt very cohesive as an organization. I would definitely recommend it to those who are considering painting the exterior walls.
森崇 on Google

築10年で外壁の塗装が痛み出したので、地元で信頼のおける外壁塗装の会社を探しました。 ホームページで安さを売りにしていないことに加え、泉社長の丁寧な説明と実直さに惹かれて依頼することにしました。 施工の面では、外壁がラップサイディングで段差が多く、美しく仕上げるのが難しかったと思います。 コーキングや塗装における美観上の手直しなど、当方の細かい注文にも嫌な顔せずご対応いただきありがとうございました。 次回もぜひお願いしたいと思います。
It was 10 years old and the painting of the exterior wall started to hurt, so I searched for a reliable exterior wall painting company in my area. In addition to not selling cheapness on the homepage, I was attracted to President Izumi's polite explanation and honesty and decided to ask. In terms of construction, the outer wall was lap siding and there were many steps, so I think it was difficult to finish it beautifully. Thank you for responding to our small orders, such as aesthetic adjustments in caulking and painting, without any discomfort. I would like to ask you again next time.
池側文生 on Google

屋根の塗装とベランダの防水工事を依頼しました。 仕事は非常に丁寧で、細部にわたり都度工事内容の説明があり分かりやすかったです。こちらからの問いかけに対してもスピーディで丁寧な回答がありポテンシャルの高さ信頼の高さが伺えます。 最終の始末が完璧で清掃,エラー確認など関心しました。
I requested painting of the roof and waterproofing of the balcony. The work was very polite, and it was easy to understand because there was an explanation of the construction contents in every detail. There are speedy and polite answers to the questions from here, and you can see the high potential and high reliability. The final cleanup was perfect and I was interested in cleaning and error confirmation.
福島敦 on Google

戸建て外壁塗装実施。特に2Fベランダ床面が綺麗になり気に入ってます。コーキングなど施工がとても丁寧でまさに新築の様にピカピカで、お城みたいです。 頼んで大正解でした。 泉社長も打ち合わせで分かり易く丁寧な説明で納得感のある信頼出来る会社であると感じました。 職人さん達もとても礼儀正しくいつも笑顔で対応してくれました。静かに作業を進めてくれご近所への心配もありませんでした。 色を決める際に外壁色のサンプルがもっと見れたら尚良かったと思います。
Painting the exterior walls of the detached house. I especially like the 2nd floor balcony because the floor is beautiful. The construction such as caulking is very polite, it is shiny like a new construction, and it looks like a castle. I asked for it and it was a great answer. President Izumi also felt that it was a reliable company with a sense of conviction with easy-to-understand and polite explanations at the meeting. The craftsmen were also very polite and always smiled. I worked quietly and didn't have to worry about my neighborhood. I wish I could see more samples of the exterior wall color when deciding the color.
奥野修造 on Google

Izumi-san is quick to respond. We have decided to make proposals based on our experience and knowledge, such as field surveys, construction method studies, and material selection. I think that the craftsmen demonstrated their professional awareness and self-confidence in their work. I was impressed with the in-house education and the personality of the craftsmen by carefully completing the morning and evening greetings, organizing the materials and tools, answering the questions, and cleaning the final day. We hope that you will continue to play an active role in the future. Thank you very much.
さっちゃん on Google

I made an estimate at another company, but Izumi-san was the earliest and polite, so I asked for it. At the time of the investigation, the roof was diagnosed using a drone, and a special camera was used to check the deterioration status in detail. Also, before the contract, he carefully talked about the work contents and materials used, so I was relieved to explain in an easy-to-understand manner. Thank you for your kind support.
等(ひーちゃん) on Google

以前から外壁塗装をやろうと思いながら、高額な為なかなか決断ができず、築約20年になっていました。近所のご縁で泉さんに出合って、何度も色々お話しをして、ご説明して下さり、納得のできる施工方法・金額で決めました。 作業前に職人さんとも打ち合わせが出来たので納得の仕上がりになりました。 雪がちらつく、寒い中での作業で職人さん達ちには感謝いたします。ありがとうございました。
I had been thinking about painting the exterior walls for some time, but I couldn't make a decision because it was expensive, and it was about 20 years old. I met Mr. Izumi at the edge of the neighborhood, talked about various things many times, explained to me, and decided on a construction method and amount that I could understand. I was able to meet with the craftsmen before the work, so I was satisfied with the result. I am grateful to the craftsmen for their work in the cold, flickering snow. Thank you very much.
津田篤 on Google

I asked for waterproofing of the roof of a 20-year-old house and painting of the outer wall. We received detailed explanations from the estimation stage and made various suggestions. We are very satisfied with the work done with the most suitable plan such as this budget. He was very flexible in responding to additional requests along the way, and the explanation was quite polite. Also, the personalities of the craftsmen are good, and above all, it is wonderful that they are very polite and tidy every day. It was really good to ask Mr. Izumi this time. I would like to ask you again next time.

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