Ono Flowers - Akita

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ono Flowers

住所 :

2 Chome-1-22 Nakadori, Akita, 010-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 010-0001
Webサイト : https://www.flower-ono.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 8AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 8AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 8AM–6:30PM
Thursday 8AM–6:30PM
Friday 8AM–6:30PM

2 Chome-1-22 Nakadori, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
棟方武司 on Google

It's open from 8am, so it's helpful when you're in a hurry.
風鈴 on Google

お花をゆっくり選んでいれます。店主の方たちは感じ良く、話しをしてくれます。 お店の脇に駐車場もあります。
You can choose flowers slowly. The shopkeepers are nice and talk to me. There is also a parking lot beside the shop.
326 s on Google

I always ask for it, but I am very satisfied with its good taste. In addition, my wife gives me advice on messages that I can not usually say, and I am helping to make my family happy. I am always grateful for your help.
daisuke takahashi on Google

仕事上のお祝い事やお悔やみ等々、だらしない僕はいつも忘れてギリギリにお願いしますがきっちり間に合わせてくれます!本当いつもありがとうございます。最近では相手先との関係性や他の人とのバランス、TPOにあわせて考えてくれるので電話で予算だけお伝えして丸投げになってます? そのうちプライベートのお花もお願いしよう。誰に送ろうかな( ´∀` )
For business celebrations, condolences, etc., I'm always lazy, so I always forget to ask for it, but it's just in time! Thank you for always. Recently, I think about the relationship with the other party, the balance with other people, and the TPO, so I will tell you only the budget on the phone and throw it in a circle ? Please give me a private flower. Who should I send it to (´∀ `)?
Hidamari 0308 on Google

フラワーアレンジメントをお願いしました。 店内は工房みたいで、ん?って感じがするのですが、お値段以上な感じのする素敵なアレンジメントでした。
I asked for a flower arrangement. The inside of the store is like a workshop, isn't it? It feels like, but it was a wonderful arrangement that felt more than the price.
糸山由布子 on Google

昨年、久しぶりに施設で面会出来た時、母にアレンジメントを送りました。 とても華やかなお話で、母の顔が輝いていたと施設の職員の方が言っていました。 地元秋田のお花屋さんでお任せ出来る店があって、これからもお願いしたいとおもいます。
Last year, when I was able to meet at the facility for the first time in a long time, I sent an arrangement to my mother. It was a very gorgeous story, and a facility staff member said that her mother's face was shining. There is a shop that you can leave to the local flower shop in Akita, and I would like to continue to ask for it.
ねここねこ on Google

お正月の玄関に飾る フラワーアレンジをお願いしました 花は おまかせで 予算は5000円プラス税です 先程 届けていただいて お正月を迎える感が 一気に アップしました 初めて お願いしましたが もう 次回も 決定な 感じです ありがとうございました お店の方にも 伺って 季節の花を 楽しみたいです
I asked for a flower arrangement to decorate the entrance of the New Year Leave the flowers to us and the budget is 5000 yen plus tax The feeling of celebrating the New Year has improved at once when you delivered it earlier. I asked for the first time, but already It ’s a decisive feeling next time. thank you I would like to visit the shop and enjoy the seasonal flowers.
まるまる on Google

エリアなかいちに行ったついでに、そういえばこの辺にお花屋さんあったな…と行ってみました。 入り口にあったスイートピー、たくさん飾ってありキラキラしてとても素敵でした。 玄関に飾るお花を探して行ったのですが、種類も多く、素敵なお花に出会えました。 白いラナンキュラスだと思ったら、白のラナンキュラスだけでも3種類ありました。(ぱっと見同じなのに真っ白と、真ん中がうっすらピンクと真ん中が緑ががったもの) 迷いながら見ていましたが居心地も良かったです✨
While I went to Area Nakaichi, I thought there was a flower shop around here ... The sweet pea at the entrance was very nice with lots of decorations and glitter. I went looking for flowers to decorate the entrance, but there were many kinds and I came across wonderful flowers. When I thought it was a white ranunculus, there were three types of white ranunculus alone. (Even though it looks the same at first glance, it is pure white, the center is slightly pink, and the center is greenish) I was looking at it while hesitating, but it was comfortable ✨

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