東ノ滝 - Yoshino District

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東ノ滝

住所 :

Omura, Higashiyoshino, Yoshino District, 〒633-2431 Nara,Japan

Postal code : 633-2431
街 : Nara

Omura, Higashiyoshino, Yoshino District, 〒633-2431 Nara,Japan
ニシマ on Google

For the first time, I saw a waterfall where two waterfalls crossed and flowed down.
pillow block on Google

There was no difference in elevation, but the amount of water was quite large.
南形浩 on Google

Autumn leaves are advancing around the Takami River, and this eastern waterfall is also in a wonderful location. I apologize for the inconvenience.
inc 9 on Google

Great ... just a cozy place.
ヒロリン on Google

とってもパワーがありました。空気が清々しくパワーチャージができました。 行ったかいがありました。
It was very powerful. The air was refreshing and the power was charged. I had a chance to go.
雲外蒼天123 on Google

I'm glad I came here ~~~. It seemed to be true. A beautiful view like a movie set. The highest transparency of both waterfalls and rivers. It seems to be refreshing in summer, but winter is good. Especially the evening is mysterious.
天之御中主別尊 on Google

神仏習合の名残りで不動明王(黒龍様)のお社がありますが、古くはその滝壺を御神体とする高龗神をお祀りする社がありました。 現在、高龗神は丹生川上神社の境内に摂末社丹生龍王大神社としてお祀りされています。 この度龍王神様を訪ねて丹生川上神社を御参拝させて頂いた後に訪問させて頂きましたが、タイミング良く美しい虹が滝壺に掛かる風景に出会す事が出来ました。虹は龍神様に歓迎を頂いている吉兆とされていますので、御感謝を申し上げて帰路につきました。
There is a company of Fudo Myo (Black Dragon) in the remnant of Shinto Buddhism, but in the old days there was a company that worships the Takatsuki god whose body is the waterfall. Currently, Takatsuki-jin is enshrined as Nisyu Ryuo Dai-jinja Shrine in the precincts of Nyukawakami Shrine. This time I visited Ryuo God and visited Nyukawakami Shrine, but I was able to meet the scenery of a beautiful rainbow hanging over the waterhole at the right time. The rainbow is considered as a good omen that Ryujin has welcomed, so I thanked you and returned home.
Ar Kn on Google

規模は小さく落差もないが水量があり独特の力強さを感じます。 願いを吹き込んだ龍玉を投げ入れる滝で、訪れた記念に一投してみるのも良いかと。 龍玉は丹生川上神社で300円と交換できます。 駐車は川上神社を利用します。 神社から滝の正面までは徒歩10分以内で行けます。
The scale is small and there is no head, but there is a lot of water and I feel the unique strength. At the waterfall where you throw in a dragon ball with a wish, it might be a good idea to throw it in commemoration of your visit. Ryutama can be exchanged for 300 yen at Niukawakami Shrine. Parking is done at Kawakami Shrine. You can walk from the shrine to the front of the waterfall within 10 minutes.

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