アイプリモ 岡山天満屋店 ザ・コートヤード表町

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アイプリモ 岡山天満屋店 ザ・コートヤード表町

Omotecho, Kita Ward, 〒700-0822 Okayama,Japan
Black K on Google

結婚指輪を購入いたしました。 全ての方が良い方で、親身になって話を聞いてくださり、対応していただきました。 他ブランドも見ましたが、ここに決めました。 ブランド力も有りますが、スタッフの方の指輪に対する思いも感じられ、とても良かったです!
I bought a wedding ring. All of them were good people, and they kindly listened to me and responded. I saw other brands, but decided here. Although it has brand power, it was very good that the staff felt their feelings for the ring!
おかもとすずみ on Google

スタッフの対応がとても良く気持ちよく指輪を受け取ることが出来ました 親切に外し方とか教えていただけたので勉強になりました!
The staff was very friendly and I was able to receive the ring comfortably. I learned how to remove it kindly!
舛田有希 on Google

この度、結婚指輪を購入させて戴きました。 多くの店舗を目で見て検討しようと考えましたが、アイプリモ岡山店さんの対応、リングに対する思いが1番強く私たちもこれから共にしていくリングと考えると…ここしかないという決め手となりました。最後担当してもらった女性にもお会いできとても幸せな時間を過ごすことができました。
This time, I bought a wedding ring. I thought about looking at many stores, but considering the response of Ai Primo Okayama store and the strongest feelings for the ring, I think that we will be together with the ring ... It was the decisive factor that it was only here. It was. I was able to spend a very happy time meeting the woman who was in charge at the end.
TVひ on Google

The female staff in charge was very responsive and my husband was impressed. I didn't expect the ring to be decided so quickly. I think this is also because he taught me the characteristics of the ring in detail ☆ The finished product is very beautiful and I like it. Thank you for your consideration during the delivery! Thank you for visiting us again.
あきら on Google

From the meeting to the receipt, thanks to the staff, I was very relaxed! The ring is also very beautiful and I am very satisfied (* ^^ *) Thank you ♪
小林ゆきこ on Google

The female staff in charge was easy to talk to and I was able to choose the ring I wanted. Also, the staff who were not in charge were soft and easy to talk to.
山田歩 on Google

The correspondence of the female staff who responded was good! The ring is also beautiful and satisfying! thank you!
浦上みやこ on Google

I bought a new wedding ring. (It's been 36 years since I got married) The deformation and scratches were terrible. The person in charge was Mr. S. With a gentle tone and a smiling smile, it was easy to talk about anything, which was very good. I went to some ring specialty stores. I decided on a design that other stores do not have. Mr. S was very beautiful. I was always happy to think that she was a beautiful woman.

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