
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 富士川

住所 :

Omorikita, Ota City, 〒143-0016 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Opening hours :
Saturday 2–9PM
Sunday 2–9PM
Monday 2–9PM
Tuesday 2–9PM
Wednesday 2–9PM
Thursday 2–9PM
Friday 2–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Omorikita, Ota City, 〒143-0016 Tokyo,Japan
加藤肇子 on Google

I am glad to come out as soon as I ask for anything. There are also three types of this tuna and the level of sashimi is also high. Homemade salted fish, okara and oarashi are recommended.
Shinobu Yoshida on Google

大森の中でもひときわ入りづらいお店(笑) 14:00~17:30くらいまでサワーが150円! けっこう混んでいるので頑張って扉をくぐればディープな世界へようこそ!って感じです。 でも、おじさんが多いけど年齢低めもいます。 ただ、注意したいのは2階以上のお座敷席にいくと200円くらい別にとられるらしいので1階のカウンターに座ることがおすすめ!ってことは2名くらいでさくっとのむのがいいのかも!
Shops that are hard to enter even in Omori (lol) From 14: 00 ~ 17: 30 Sour is 150 yen! Since it is pretty crowded, if you do your best and pass through the door, welcome to the deep world! I feel it. But, there are many uncle, but my age is lower. However, I would like to pay attention if you go to the Osami seats above the 2nd floor, it will be taken about 200 yen separately so we recommend sitting on the counter on the 1st floor! It may be good to drink a couple of people in about 2 things!
1126 4126 on Google

Mom is a very nice and friendly person. Serving food very early. The bluefin tuna and salted fish are very delicious. Sake including selected sake and other dishes are also delicious at very reasonable prices and are good cospa.
ロイパパ on Google

酒場放浪記で類さんも訪れた大森では老舗の居酒屋さん。 上海から28年前に来日したママさんが話し好きで楽しい(笑) マグロ盛り合わせと煮込みは絶対に頼むべき一品です。煮込みは月島の岸田屋にも匹敵する美味しさですね。 はんぺんチーズやハムカツもボリュームがあります。しかも安い? 大森で呑むならまずここかな(笑)
A long-established izakaya in Omori where the class also visited in the Sakaba wandering record. A mom who came to Japan 28 years ago from Shanghai loves to talk and is fun (lol) Tuna platter and stew are definitely something to order. The stew is as delicious as Kishidaya in Tsukishima. Ham cheese and ham cutlet also have volume. And cheap If you live in Omori, it is probably here (laughs)
逢坂正人 on Google

店内はザ・大衆酒場といった感じで、1Fのカウンターはおじさん達で賑わっています。 大衆酒場のこういった雰囲気が良いですね! 料理は全体的に300円~500円くらいでリーズナブル。 1Fのカウンターは一人でも入りやすそうですし、普段のチョイ飲み利用などに良さそうなお店です。
The inside of the store is like the popular bar, and the counter on the 1st floor is crowded with uncles. I like the atmosphere of a popular bar! The food is reasonably priced at around 300-500 yen. The counter on the 1st floor seems to be easy for one person to enter, and it seems to be a good place to use for ordinary choy drinking.
kon gyoten on Google

平日の4時頃にお邪魔しました カウンターはほぼ埋まっていましたが、パーテーションのおかげで隣席と適度な距離が保たれていて、かえって落ち着きます コロナ対策も厄介な面ばかりじゃないなと実感しました 思えば私もふくめた一人呑みの諸兄は、酒場のカウンターに目に見えない壁をしつらえていたのかもしれません それがこの際に物理的な壁となって現出しただけなのかも そんなことを気づかせてくれた久しぶりの酒場での妄想タイムではありました もちろん、煮込み、ワラサ刺身ともおいしかった! 岸田屋を引き合いに出されていたレビュアーの方もおられましたが、こちらの煮込みは、ガツ、ハツ、フワ?、等さまざまな部位と大根、ごぼうなど野菜のごった煮系 そこに甘めの味噌がよくからみ、ごってりしながらもあっさり、要は酒によく合う最高のアテとなっておりました わが地元、墨田玉の井の名店、十一屋の煮込みにも引けをとらないおいしさです
I visited around 4 o'clock on weekdays The counter was almost full, but thanks to the partition, a reasonable distance from the next seat was kept, and it was rather calm. I realized that corona countermeasures are not all troublesome. If you think about it, the single-drinking brothers, including myself, may have had an invisible wall on the bar counter. Maybe it just appeared as a physical wall at this time It was a delusional time at the bar after a long time that made me realize that. Of course, the stewed and yellowtail sashimi were delicious! There was a reviewer who was referred to Kishidaya, but is this stewed gatsu, hatsu, fluffy? Various parts and vegetables such as radish and burdock are simmered in it. Sweet miso is often entwined there, and it is light while being thick, in short, it was the best appetizer that goes well with sake. It is as delicious as the stewed 11 shops in my hometown, Sumida Tamai's famous store.
大森周辺 on Google

個人店にしてはメニューが豊富です。 赤身やクジラ刺しは安いのに美味い。 今回の串カツはかなり固い⤵︎ 稀にハズレもあるが魚系を中心に満足度は高い。 60分で食べて呑んで4,000円。 会計は自らも計算しましょう! お薦めの居酒屋です。
The menu is abundant for a private store. Red meat and whale sashimi are cheap but delicious. This kushikatsu is pretty hard ⤵︎ Although there are rare cases of loss, the satisfaction level is high, especially for fish. Eat and drink in 60 minutes for 4,000 yen. Let's calculate the accounting yourself! This is a recommended izakaya.
19141007 takataka on Google

メニュー沢山です! 海鮮が有名のようですが、串物や炭水化物系などいろいろ楽しめます。 焼うどんは頼んでから作ってくれるので、 やや時間がかかりますがアツアツです。 ハッピーアワーのサワー系が大変お得。 電子マネーは使えません。
There are many menus! It seems that seafood is famous, but you can enjoy various things such as skewers and carbohydrates. Yaki udon is made after asking, so It takes some time, but it's hot. Happy hour sour is a great deal. Electronic money cannot be used.

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