
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カドモツ食堂

住所 :

Omiya, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0002 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/kadomotz/%3Fhl%3Dja
街 : Osaka

Omiya, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0002 Osaka,Japan
オンアミリタテイセイカラウン on Google

If you want to eat yakiniku, click here! !! Anything is okay (° ▽ °)! !! Master and wife are also funky! !!
Sho Nishida on Google

お食事はもちろん大変美味しいですが、接客がとても元気があってGoodです。 品切れの時も、代わりのオススメ品を提案してくれます!! また行きますー!
The food is of course very delicious, but the customer service is very energetic and good. Even when it is out of stock, it will suggest alternative recommended products! !! I will go again!
Yoshihiro Sono on Google

ホルモン焼き屋さんです。タレが美味いですね〜。 現金決済のみです。 カウンターあるので一人でも大丈夫だと思います。 ジョッキのウーロン茶110円でした。 良心的なお店です。
I'm a hormone baker. The sauce is delicious ~. It is only cash settlement. I think there is a counter, so it's okay for me alone. It was a mug of oolong tea 110 yen. It is a conscientious store.
徳吉功 on Google

I liked professional wrestling and I was introduced to Mr. Kadomotsu ? The master loved professional wrestling, and I was able to have a good time and delicious yakiniku with a very friendly person ❗️ I rushed from afar, but it is worth it ? The best wrestling ???
おまえ平田だろ on Google

How are you It is a yakiniku restaurant that will lead to vitality for tomorrow. 123.
hisayo nishida on Google

緊急事態宣言中のため、お店で食べたい気持ちを我慢して焼き肉弁当を購入。 1500円。 お肉は味も焼き加減もボリュームも⭕️添えのキムチ、ナムルのバランスも⭕️ 満足。満腹。 また、買いたい‼️
Since an emergency is being declared, I put up with the desire to eat at the restaurant and bought a yakiniku lunch box. 1,500 yen. The meat has a good taste, roasting and volume, and the balance of kimchi and namul with ⭕️ Satisfied. I'm full. Also, I want to buy it! ️
Yossy Teranyan on Google

国道一号線沿いの焼肉屋さん。 コスパ良くて美味しい。
A yakiniku restaurant along National Highway No. 1. Cospa is good and delicious.
nori Yasuwa on Google

千林大宮のモツと焼肉のお店。 肉の味はこだわりの美味しいお肉なんやけど 一品料理もどれも美味しい! マスターもトークが抜群に面白い? ちりとり鍋はまた食べたいな
Senbayashi Omiya's offal and yakiniku restaurant. The taste of the meat is delicious, but it ’s a delicious meat. Every single dish is delicious! Master also talks very interesting ? I want to eat the dust pot again

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