
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北の家族

住所 :

Ominatoshincho, Mutsu, 〒035-0084 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Aomori

Ominatoshincho, Mutsu, 〒035-0084 Aomori,Japan
コメ on Google

セットメニューが豊富なのでたまに行きます。 店主とパートのおばちゃんの連携(コミュニケーション)が悪いと感じます。 そのおかげか店の雰囲気があまり良くないですね。 とんこつは出汁であって味じゃありません。 とんこつに関しては粉末か業務スープ確定ですね。
I go there once in a while because there are a lot of set menus. I feel that the cooperation (communication) between the shopkeeper and the part-time worker is poor. Thanks to that, the atmosphere of the store is not very good. Tonkotsu is soup stock, not taste. Regarding tonkotsu, powder or business soup is confirmed.
東のジャグリスト on Google

I often go with my family, but Miso char siu! Fried rice is exceptional. Children seem to like shrimp dumplings, and they enjoy them every time. These days, only high-quality ramen is sold, but the miso in this shop is not persistent and is assari. Of course, fried rice is parapara! Char siu is Toro Toro.
一応若い庶民 on Google

初めて行ってつけ麺食べました。 スープは、濃厚魚介豚骨風味美味しかったです。 ただつけ麺に乗ってたネギが若干硬さが あったのでもう少し柔らかめでもいいと思いました。 店主だと思うんですけど、気さくに声をかけてくれました。
I went there for the first time and ate tsukemen. The soup was delicious with rich seafood and pork bones. The green onions on the tsukemen are a little hard There was, so I thought it would be okay to make it a little softer. I think he is the owner, but he kindly called out to me.
kemeyir hymutey on Google

ほっこりと、家族連れで、賑わう地元の定食兼ラーメン屋さん。 バラ肉定食も、鉄板焼きのスタイルでの配膳で、これまた旨そうだ。 ビール飲みたくなるね。 店名「北の家族」から、北海道を連想しますが、関係内容ですね。 アジアンラーメン(卵とじ乗せの酸っぱいラーメンだそう)も、気になりますね❗ 店内広々、お座敷スペースが8組分くらいあるのではないでしょうか。 確かに店主さんの、声がいい感じです(*´・ω・`)大きく、遠くまで通る良い声色。
A local set meal and ramen shop that is crowded with families. The rose meat set is also served in a teppanyaki style, which seems to be delicious. I want to drink beer. The store name “Kita no Family” reminds me of Hokkaido, but it is related. Asian ramen (sour noodle soup) is also worrisome. There may be about 8 sets of spacious space in the store for parlor. Certainly, the owner's voice is good (* ´ ・ ω ・ `) Big and good voice that goes far.
コペン8888 on Google

The food and taste are just right ~ ☺️
Mino Koko on Google

JR大湊線の終点大湊駅前のホテルに宿泊。ホテル周りに飲食店はありましたが、飲み屋さん風で入りにくく、定食屋がないかと調べて行き当たったのがこのお店。ラーメンと定食メニューが多数あり、迷った挙句に青森郷土料理の味噌貝柱定食を頼みました。ご飯が進む系で、ご飯大盛でも、ご飯が足りなくなりそうでした。 大将が気さくな方で、地元ならではの面白いお話をたくさん聞けました。海自の方なんかで、普段は賑わっているようです。(短髪で、がっしりしているので海自の人と間違えられました) 駅からは10数分かかり、若干坂でしたのでお客さんは車の方が中心かと思います。
We stayed at the hotel in front of Ominato Station, the last stop on the JR Ominato Line. There were restaurants around the hotel, but it was difficult to enter due to the style of a drinking bar, so I searched for a set-up restaurant and found this restaurant. There are many ramen and set meal menus, and I was at a loss and asked for a miso scallop set meal of Aomori local cuisine. It was a system where the rice progressed, and even when the rice was large, it seemed that there was not enough rice. The general was friendly, and I heard a lot of interesting stories unique to the local area. It seems that people from the JMSDF are usually busy. (Because I was short-haired and strong, I was mistaken for a person from the JMSDF.) It took about 10 minutes from the station and it was a little slope, so I think that the customers are mainly cars.
大和凛 on Google

昔ながらの定食屋という感じでした。 店内は広くお相撲さんの写真がありました。 つけ麺をいただきましたが、魚介系スープでとても良い味をしており、麺も美味しかったです。麺を食べ切った後のスープがちょうど良い濃さになっており、ネギと一緒にいただくと、とても良い味になっておりました。
It was like an old-fashioned set meal shop. There was a large picture of sumo wrestlers in the store. I had tsukemen, but the seafood soup tasted very good, and the noodles were also delicious. The soup after eating the noodles had just the right thickness, and when served with green onions, it tasted very good.
Mykhailo Babichenko on Google

Best ramen shop in Hatchinohe

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