Okuni Taxi - Mitaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okuni Taxi

住所 :

2 Chome-21-15 Jindaiji, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0016, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 181-0016
Webサイト : http://ookuni-kotsu.co.jp/

2 Chome-21-15 Jindaiji, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0016, Japan
川口哲生 on Google

Japan's largest transportation company in Tokyo.
佐藤弘 on Google

Kindly polite ? safe driving crew
法師人裕紀 on Google

A good company.
Mithril Ring on Google

子供を病院に連れて行くのにアプリで迎車依頼したのですが、最近はやりの大きな黒いタクシーで来られた運転手さんがわざわざ車外まで出てきてドアを開けてくださり、その後も非常に丁寧な物腰と口調で対応いただきました。 とても紳士的な方でタクシーに乗ってこんないい気分になったのは初めてです。 直接会社のホームページからお礼のメールでも送ろうと思ったらメールアドレスがなかったのでここでお礼を申し上げます。 ありがとうございました。
I asked the app to take the child to take him to the hospital but recently the driver who came with a big black taxi to go out brought out of the car and opened the door and very polite afterwards I received a correspondence in tone with the tender waist. It is the first time that I felt this kind of feeling by taking a taxi with a very gentleman. I would like to thank you here because I did not have an e-mail address when I was thinking of sending even a thank you email from the company's website directly. Thank you very much.
M SaIToU on Google

日本交通のグループ会社で、営業所に電話をしてもタクシーを注文する事は出来ません。日本交通の無線センターに電話するかスマートホンのアプリで注文する様に言われます。 ドライバーの対応は普通で、取り敢えずは安心して乗る事ができるタクシーだと思います。
It is a group company of Nippon Kotsu, and you cannot order a taxi by calling the sales office. You will be asked to call the Nippon Kotsu Radio Center or order using the smartphone app. The driver's response is normal, so I think that it is a taxi that you can ride with confidence.
K K on Google

In July, I made a TEL reservation for Nihon Kotsu before 6 am, but he was a polite person and a driver.
0710 H-K-T- on Google

ここで一年ほど仕事をさせていただいてた者ですが、この職場はいい意味でとても厳しく、毎日出庫前にお客様の乗車シミュレーションを徹底的に行っております、従業員の人たちも凄く紳士的でいい人たちでした もう大国を退職して4年になりますが、またみんなに会いたいな~本当に素晴らしい職場でした 今現在、介護タクシーやってまーす
I have been working for about a year here, but this workplace is very strict in a good sense, and every day we carry out a thorough simulation of the ride of the customer before leaving the store. Good and good people It's been 4 years since I retired from a great country, but I want to see everyone again-it was a really wonderful workplace I'm doing a nursing taxi right now
城ヶ崎まりあ on Google

I think that the size and cleanliness of the inside of the car, the customer service of the crew, and the safe and secure driving skills are all wonderful. When you use a taxi in the app, you always specify this taxi, but please be kind and polite to any crew member. Also, there are many young people, and it is good that they have a sense of cleanliness. And everyone is highly professional. Please continue to use it.

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